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Emotional Wellness

being able to cope effectively with life and create satisfying relationships

Mindfulness has been shown to decrease stress, anxiety, and depression and improve mood, self-efficacy, and empathy in health profession students.1

Information and Resources


Fill out the ABCDE worksheet about a current stressor in your life and try to recognize patterns in your thought processes. Are these thought processes helpful or harmful? What are alternative ways of thinking about the problem?

  • Practice mindfulness when taking a break from studying, commuting, making dinner, exercising, etc.
  • Take daily/weekly/monthly personal inventories where you check in with yourself. How have you been doing? What have been successes in your life? What issues are you currently dealing with? What resources/actions do you need in order to resolve those issues?
  • What are some unhealthy coping mechanisms that you use? In what situations do you use them? What are alternative healthy coping mechanisms that you could try?
  • Join support groups/clubs to share profound or impactful experiences in your life. This could be informal as well, such as a family member or friend. Having someone to talk to about significant events in your daily life can help you express your feelings and emotions healthily.
  • Counseling/mental health services aren’t just for mental health issues. Utilize these resources even if you just need to talk after a difficult day at the hospital, family troubles, etc. Your mental health is as important as your physical health, and it’s important to stay on top of it.