Year 1
- Insight into specialty area (discuss Careers in Medicine MSPI and PVIPS results and how to determine if field is a good fit)
- Possible shadowing opps/research experience
- What to get involved with for exposure and competitiveness (e.g. research, volunteering, SIG, leadership positions, etc.)
- Suggested experiences to get involved in during summer between 1st and 2nd year
- Updating CV to include experiences that will give you exposure and help you stand out for that specialty area
Year 2
- Insight into specialty area (discuss Careers in Medicine MSPI and PVIPS results and how to determine if field is a good fit)
- Possible shadowing opps/research experience
- What to get involved with for exposure and competitiveness (e.g. research, volunteering, SIG, leadership positions, etc.)
- 3rd year preferences: Ideal hospitals to complete specialties and sub-specialties for exposure
- Suggestions for 3rd year vacation month
- Updating CV to include experiences that will give you exposure and help you stand out for that specialty area
Year 3
- Insight into specialty area to help you determine if it might be a good fit (discuss Careers in Medicine MSPI and PVIPS results and how to determine if field is a good fit; think about what you enjoy in your clerkships and what is especially important to you in your career)
- Possible ways to gain additional exposure (shadowing opps/research experience/etc.)
- What to get involved with for exposure and competitiveness (e.g. research, volunteering, SIG, leadership positions, etc.)
- Suggestions for 3rd year vacation month Scheduling for 4th year
○ Suggested electives, including away electives and whether or not they are necessary/important
○ Timing of electives and Core clerkships; when to take Sub-I
○ Interview timeline: Think about taking a vacation month or lighter elective during this time - Suggested timing of Step 2 CK & CS, may depend on competitiveness of specialty and Step 1 result
- Who to obtain letters of recommendation from (may vary by specialty area)
- Advice on updating your CV to include experiences that will give you exposure and help you stand out for that specialty area
- Advice on drafting your personal statement
Year 4
- Suggested electives to gain letters of recommendation and to prepare for residency
- Suggested timing of Step 2 CK & CS, may depend on competitiveness of specialty and Step 1 result
- Who to obtain letters of recommendation from
- Timing of electives and Core clerkships; when to take Sub-I
- Interview timeline: Think about taking a vacation month or lighter elective during this time
- Review of CV, personal statement and other application items
- How to prepare for residency applications/interviews
- Determine the number and type of programs to apply to
- Rank List