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Expertise in Traumatic Brain Injury

Leading Concussion Research, Diagnosis and Treatment

Indiana University School of Medicine is recognized as a national leader in the research, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of traumatic brain injuries (TBI) and mild traumatic brain injuries, also known as concussions.

An estimated 1.7 million people sustain a traumatic brain injury each year, resulting in approximately 52,000 deaths and 275,000 hospitalizations. Through a multidisciplinary approach, faculty investigators at IU School of Medicine and partnering organizations utilize innovative approaches to better understand the causes of concussions, in addition to interventions, to improve the overall treatment and recovery of individuals with TBI.

Enroll in Clinical Trials

Faculty investigators and researchers are looking for individuals of all ages and health levels to participate in TBI-related clinical trials on the IU School of Medicine – Indianapolis campus.


Find out what IU School of Medicine is doing to remain a national leader in traumatic brain injury research.


IU School of Medicine offers exceptional educational opportunities for individuals with an interest in TBI and who have completed their doctorate degree, including training in clinical neurophysiology, residency training in physical medicine and rehabilitation, and fellowship training in behavioral neurology and neuropsychiatry.


A national leader in traumatic brain injury research, IU School of Medicine faculty investigators facilitate innovative projects and research aimed at better understanding causes of concussion, recovery and intervention to improve treatment and recovery.

Clinical Trials

In order to better understand the underlying mechanisms behind traumatic brain injury, active participation by the general population are key for the development of new approaches for the diagnosis, treatment and recovery of TBI.

a person reviews brain imaging results in the lab

TBI Model Systems Center

Indiana University School of Medicine is home to one of 16 NIH-funded Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Model Systems Centers in the United States, providing the highest level of comprehensive and multidisciplinary rehabilitation care that encompasses emergency medical, acute medical, and post-acute services for individuals who have suffered a TBI.

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Meet the Experts

23627-Lamb, Bruce

Bruce T. Lamb, PhD

Executive Director, Paul and Carole Stark Neurosciences Research Institute

The Lamb Laboratory works on the basic science of Alzheimer’s disease with a focus on traumatic brain injury as an environmental modifier for the development of Alzheimer’s pathologies.

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22290-McAllister, Thomas

Thomas W. McAllister, MD

Chair, Department of Psychiatry

Tom McAllister, MD, has been working in the field of traumatic brain injury (TBI) for more than 25 years and has been the principal investigator on numerous TBI research grants.

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20302-Hammond, Flora

Flora Hammond, MD

Chair, Department of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation

Flora Hammond, MD, serves as the project director of the Indiana Traumatic Brain Injury Model System, and her research and advocacy focuses on the long-term issues confronting individuals with disability and treatment effectiveness.

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NCAA CARE Consortium concussion Thomas McAllister Department of Defense

Care Consortium

The National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) and the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) established the NCAA-DoD grand Alliance: Concussion Assessment, Research and Education (CARE) Consortium to enable the large-scale, multi-site study to shed light on the neurobiological mechanisms of concussion symptoms and trajectory of recovery. IU School of Medicine is one of 30 universities and military service academies across the country to participate in this $30 million study.

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2 million people sustain a TBI each year
41% of TBIs result from a fall
30% of all injury deaths in the U.S. are associated with TBI
75% of TBIs each year are diagnosed as concussions