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Immunization/TB Surveillance Requirements

A variety of immunizations are required for medical students. If you have any questions, please contact IU Indianapolis Campus Health.

Campus Health
Lockefield Village, first floor
980 Indiana Ave.
Indianapolis, IN 46202

Requirements for incoming students (1st year)

  • Physical Examination
  • Hepatitis B vaccine
  • MMR vaccine
  • Tdap vaccine
  • Varicella vaccine
  • IGRA blood test for TB Testing (IU School of Medicine or IU Campus Health no longer accepts the 2-step TST test for TB testing)
  • Flu vaccine (required annually in the fall)
  • COVID vaccine (one current vaccine dated 9/01/2023 or later is required)

Requirements for returning students (2nd year)

  • Annual Flu vaccine
  • COVID vaccine
  • TB surveillance depending on clinical rotation site/hospital system requirements

Requirements for returning students (3rd and 4th year)

  • FIT testing will be offered on your campus during the academic year.
  • Annual Flu vaccine
  • COVID vaccine
  • TB surveillance depending on clinical rotation site/hospital system requirements

Medical Exemption and Personal, Non-Medical Waiver Requests

Indiana University School of Medicine recognizes there may be medical or personal, non-medical reasons that lead an individual to request exemption from the immunization requirement process.

Below is the process to request a medical exemption:

  1. Email IU School of Medicine compliance ( requesting the Medical Waiver Request for Immunization form.
  2. Complete the form, include appropriate medical documentation from your provider(s), and email to, cc:
  3. Campus Health reviews and determines if a medical exemption is granted and will communicate that decision to the student and IU School of Medicine Compliance.
  4. A note will be added to the student’s MedHub record stating a medical exemption has been granted for the appropriate vaccination(s).

Non-Medical Requests to Waive a vaccination requirement procedure:

  1. Students requesting to be waived from vaccination requirements due to should email and identify which vaccination(s) they are requesting to be waived.
  2. School leadership will schedule a meeting with the student to discuss the waiver request. The purpose of this meeting is to review the waiver request, provide additional information as may be needed.
  3. After the meeting, a note will be added to the student’s MedHub Immunization record regarding the status of the waiver request.
  4. Students may be required to submit and meet with school leadership annually to renew the waiver request.

Disclaimer: While the IU School of Medicine recognizes students may choose not to receive a particular vaccine, students are reminded that they complete their required clinical training experiences outside the university in affiliated area clinical facilities, and that students are required to follow the rules of those facilities, including immunization requirements.

Failure to comply with the rules of the clinical affiliate may jeopardize the student’s ability to complete graduation requirements . IU School of Medicine will make reasonable efforts to minimize disruption but cannot guarantee students will not be affected or that they will earn a degree