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Supporting your musculoskeletal (MSK) health research

The mission of the Clinical Research Center is to promote and advance clinical research in musculoskeletal (MSK) disorders by mitigating data collection barriers to better understand prevention, diagnosis, treatment and cure for all individuals. The overall goal is to provide the infrastructure and training needed to enhance clinical and translational research in MSK disorders. Through the use of state-of-the-art technologies, we can help you connect phenotypes to comprehensively evaluated factors that contribute to poor MSK health. Our team can help navigate funding opportunities, protocol design, pilot data and more so that more attention can be turned to the science!

The Clinical Research Center serves as the cornerstone for human subjects research conducted in the Indiana Center for Musculoskeletal Health (ICMH) and receives funding through a P30 grant from NIH NIAMS. This team consists of a resource core (FIT Core), data core (MIM Core), and administrative core, providing feasible opportunities to examine longitudinal or cross-sectional data. 

Explore the Cores

How can the cores "fit" your research needs?

Function, Imaging and Testing Resource (FIT) Core

  • Incorporate FIT Core outcome measures in your protocol
  • Access to a reference database (n = 4200) with age and sex matched Z-scores
  • High resolution body composition imaging complete with skeletal-muscle quantity and quality measures
  • Validation cohorts
  • Navigation through IRB and regulatory criteria

FIT Core

medical illustration of the human spine and integrated muscles

Musculoskeletal, Informatics and Methodological (MIM) Core

  • Guidance with:
    • Big, clinical data sets
    • computable phenotyping (browse our cohorts)
    • clinical trial design
    • statistical support
  • Quick feasibility counts using big data
  • Access to the MSK Data Mart
    • Gathering real world, clinical data
  • Grant support and protocol design
  • Submit a data query request 

Musculoskeletal, Informatics and Methodological Core

Administrative Core

  • ICMH CRC Pilot Funding Award
  • Letters of support
  • Community outreach
  • REGENERON Whole Exome Sequencing
  • Access to IN Biobank MSK catalog

Administrative Core

three members of the administrative core team wearing lab coats