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Cultural Humility Resources

There are many opportunities to learn about cultural difference that impacts patient care and the clinical learning environment. The resources and trainings below can help along the learning journey.


The IU Office of the Vice President for Diversity, Equity, and Multicultural Affairs (OVPDEMA) offers various educational opportunities that build competencies and understanding among IU community members, celebrating the beauty of cultural and intellectual diversity throughout our institution. 

IU School of Medicine offers cultural competency programs and educational activities.

IU HR has partnered with LinkedIn Learning to provide current IU staff, faculty and students with access to an online library of expert-led video tutorials and courses.

To ensure free access to these resources, search for and access LinkedIn Learning via One.IU.

The Bias Resources and Training provide information and strategies to help create a psychologically safe workplace for everyone.

Additionally, Faculty Affairs and Professional Development (FAPD) created a training module for Mitigating Unconscious Bias in Decision-Making. This module provides a deeper understanding of unconscious biases, how they influence behavior and decision-making and how they impact us all. Dean Jay Hess expresses the value of completing this training on our community and beyond.

Cultural humility is arguably the most important attribute needed in our work with patients. The Cultural Humility Training will explain how it is different from cultural competence as well as provide practical strategies for cultivating cultural humility.

The Inclusive Language Guidelines from the American Psychological Association aim to raise awareness, guide learning and support the use of culturally sensitive terms and phrases that center the voices and perspectives of those who are often marginalized or stereotyped. They also explain the origins for problematic terms and phrases and offer suitable alternatives or more contemporary replacements.

The Department of Pediatrics featured a Grand Rounds presentation by Drs. Dennis Fortenberry and Julia LaMotte titled: "Pronouns and Patient Safety in Health Care: Clinical & Institutional Competencies for Organizational Change."

The Ruth Lilly Medical Library resource guide on Anti-Racism, Inequity and Implicit Bias in Health Care includes links to books, articles, podcast, webinars and other teaching and learning resources related to issues of race, inequality and implicit bias in medicine, medical education and health care.

Teaching Physician is a comprehensive online resource specifically designed for community preceptors. It provides instructional strategies for preceptors in the form of videos, tips, answers to frequently asked questions and links to in-depth information on clinical teaching. The Teaching Physician offers resources about inequities in clinical and health education, unconscious bias, implicit bias in learners, eliciting the needs of diverse learners, celebrating learner diversity and more.

IU School of Medicine program directors can find the school's subscription username and password for the Teaching Physician website on the External Resources for Faculty Development page within the Faculty Development Toolkit housed on the GME Resource Library SharePoint site.

ACGME Equity Matters

In support of its commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion, the ACGME launched ACGME Equity Matters, an initiative that supplies a framework for continuous learning and process improvement in the areas of diversity, equity and inclusion and anti-racism practices.


The ACGME has enacted several Common Program Requirements addressing issues of diversity, equity and inclusion through accreditation

  • Section I.C. Addresses recruitment and retention of a diverse and inclusive workforce.
  • Requirement II.A.4.a).10. specifies the need for program directors to cultivate an environment in which residents and fellows can raise concerns and provide feedback without fear of intimidation or retaliation.
  • Section V begins to address evaluation and asks programs to collect data on ultimate board certification rates of its graduates, with the intent of decreasing reliance on first time pass rates as a measure of excellence.
  • Requirement VI.B.6. states that programs and Sponsoring Institutions must provide a professional and respectful environment free from discrimination, harassment, mistreatment, abuse or coercion.

Scholarship and Health Care Disparities

Education, training and research in health inequities, health disparities and social determinants of health promote the wellbeing of our patients. 

Data and Outcomes

Metrics and outcomes measures should be implemented and tracked. Qualitative and quantitative data will support evidence-based decision making and allow programs to assess progress.

Getting Started with Cultural Humility


Cultural Humility

Cultural humility is arguably the most important attribute needed in our work with people from minoritized backgrounds. This workshop will explain how it is different from cultural competence as well as provide practical strategies for cultivating cultural humility.

Panelist: Joel Wong, PhD