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Archived Publications 


  • Leroy-Melamed M, Oberoi A, Kazmerski T, Pham A, Clarke A, Jacob S. Provider perspectives on gender-affirming hormonal treatment in sickle cell disease. Journal of Adolescent Health. 2024;74(3). doi:10.1016/j.jadohealth.2023.11.234 





  • Wiehe SE, Nelson TL, Aalsma MC, Rosenman MB, Gharbi S, Fortenberry JD. HIV care continuum among people living with HIV and history of arrest and mental health diagnosis. JAIDS Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes. 2023;94(5):403-411. doi:10.1097/qai.0000000000003296

  • Magee LA, Ortiz D, Adams ZW, Marriott B, Beverly A, Aalsma MC, Wiehe SE, et al. Engagement with mental health services among survivors of Firearm Injury. JAMA Network Open. 2023;6(10). doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2023.40246

  • Pederson CA, Dir AL, Schwartz K, Ouyang F, Monahan P, Tu W, Wiehe SE, Aalsma MC. Associations between outpatient treatment and the use of intensive psychiatric healthcare services. Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry. Published online 2023:135910452311541. doi:10.1177/13591045231154106

  • Crum KI, Aloi J, Zimet GD, Aalsma MC, Smoker MP, Korin TE, Murray OK, Marimirofa CE, Hulvershorn LA. Profiles of HIV-related knowledge and self-regulation factors in at-risk pre-adolescents. Children’s Health Care. Published online 2023:1-22. doi:10.1080/02739615.2023.2231339

  • Ahrens K, Blackburn N, Aalsma M, et al. Prevention of opioid use and disorder among youth involved in the legal system: Innovation and implementation of Four studies funded by the nida heal initiative. Prevention Science. 2023;24(S1):99-110. doi:10.1007/s11121-023-01566-6

  • Ray B, Christian K, Bailey T, Alton M, Proctor A, Haggerty J, Lowder E, Aalsma M. Antecedents of fatal overdose in an adult cohort identified through administrative record linkage in Indiana, 2015-2022. Drug Alcohol Depend. 2023;247:109891. doi:10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2023.109891

  • Dir AL, Pederson C, Khazvand S, Schwartz K, Wiehe SE, Aalsma MC. Caregiver and juvenile justice personnel perspectives on challenges and importance of caregiver engagement and the Potential Utility of a peer navigator program in the Juvenile Justice System. Health & Justice. 2023;11(1). doi:10.1186/s40352-023-00231-y

  • Dir AL, Pederson CA, Ouyang F, Monahan P, Schwartz K, Wiehe SE, Aalsma MC. Examining patterns of psychotherapy service utilization among Medicaid-enrolled adolescents. Psychiatric Services. 2023;74(4):374-380. doi:10.1176/

  • Bennett WE. Building better growth curves. American Scientist. 2023;111(4):216. doi:10.1511/2023.111.4.216

  • Srivastava S, Sahin M, Buxbaum JD, Berry-Kravis E, Soorya LV, Thurm A, Bernstein JA, Asante-Otoo A, Bennett WE, et al. Updated consensus guidelines on the management of Phelan-McDermid syndrome [published online ahead of print, 2023 Jul 1]. Am J Med Genet A. 2023;10.1002/ajmg.a.63312. doi:10.1002/ajmg.a.63312

  • Moffitt BA, Sarasua SM, Ivankovic D, Ward LD, Valentine K, Bennett WE, et al. Stratification of a phelan–mcdermid syndrome population based on their response to human growth hormone and insulin-like growth factor. Genes. 2023;14(2):490. doi:10.3390/genes14020490

  • Wood JB, Hawryluk B, Lynch D, Claxton G, Russell K, Bennett WE, et al. Identifying patient-centered outcomes for caregivers and children with musculoskeletal infections. Open Forum Infectious Diseases. 2022;10(1). doi:10.1093/ofid/ofac671

  • Humphrey J, Wanjama E, Carlucci JG, et al. Preferences of pregnant and postpartum women for differentiated service delivery in Kenya. JAIDS Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes. 2023;94(5):429-436. doi:10.1097/qai.0000000000003303

  • Alali M, Tat K, Hamilton S, Streicher DA, Carlucci JG. Human parechovirus encephalitis in infants: A retrospective single-center study (2017–2022). European Journal of Pediatrics. Published online 2023. doi:10.1007/s00431-023-05117-7

  • Humphrey J, Nagel E, Carlucci JG, et al. Integration of HIV care into maternal and child health services in the Global IEDEA Consortium. Frontiers in Global Women’s Health. 2023;4. doi:10.3389/fgwh.2023.1066297

  • Cheng ER, Cengiz AY, Miled ZB. Predicting body mass index in early childhood using data from the first 1000 Days. Scientific Reports. 2023;13(1). doi:10.1038/s41598-023-35935-6

  • Fiechtner L, Woo Baidal J, Cheng ER. The healthy, hunger-free kids act and children’s body mass index outcomes. JAMA Pediatrics. 2023;177(4):335. doi:10.1001/jamapediatrics.2022.5834

  • Cheng ER, Luo M, Perkins M, et al. Household food insecurity is associated with obesogenic health behaviours among a low-income cohort of pregnant women in Boston, MA. Public Health Nutrition. 2022;26(5):943-951. doi:10.1017/s1368980022000714

  • Cheng ER, Moore C, Parks L, Taveras EM, Wiehe SE, Carroll AE. Human-centered designed communication tools for Obesity Prevention in early life. Preventive Medicine Reports. Published online 2023:102333. doi:10.1016/j.pmedr.2023.102333

  • Persaud A, Evans EW, Perkins M, Simione M, Cheng ER, et al. The association of food insecurity on body mass index change in a pediatric weight management intervention. Pediatric Obesity. Published online 2023. doi:10.1111/ijpo.13075

  • Umberfield EE, Staes CJ, Morgan TP, Grout RW, Mamlin BW, Dixon BE. Syntactic interoperability and the role of syntactic standards in health information exchange. Health Information Exchange. Published online 2023:217-236. doi:10.1016/b978-0-323-90802-3.00004-6

  • Ben Miled Z, Dexter PR, Grout RW, Boustani M. Feature Engineering from medical notes: A case study of dementia detection. Heliyon. 2023;9(3). doi:10.1016/j.heliyon.2023.e14636

  • Hitt TA, Hannon TS, Magge SN. Approach to the patient with youth-onset type 2 diabetes. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism. Published online 2023. doi:10.1210/clinem/dgad482

  • Hannon TS, Arslanian SA. Obesity in adolescents. New England Journal of Medicine. 2023;389(3):251-261. doi:10.1056/nejmcp2102062

  • Ismail HM, Perera D, Mandal RK, Cregeen SJ, Dimeglio L, Hannon TS, Evans-Molina C, Schmidt N. 1131-P: Gut microbial differences in youth with obesity and type 1 diabetes (T1D). Diabetes. 2023;72(Supplement_1). doi:10.2337/db23-1131-p

  • Temple KA, Tjadem AH, Manchanda S, Ehrmann D, Nadeau KJ, Edelstein S, Hannon TS, Mokhlesi B, Consortium R. 1098-P: Association of sleep with ß-cell response and insulin sensitivity in youth. Diabetes. 2023;72(Supplement_1). doi:10.2337/db23-1098-p

  • Ebekozien O, Noor N, Dimeglio L, Yau M, Rapaport R, Weissberg-Benchell J, Hannon TS, Mcnamara K, Miller K, Maahs DM. 1456-P: 2022 state of type 1 diabetes in the u.s.—real world T1D exchange multicenter data from over 60,000 people. Diabetes. 2023;72(Supplement_1). doi:10.2337/db23-1456-p

  • Temple KA, Tjaden AH, Ehrmann D, Manchanda S, Edelstein S, Hannon TS, Craft S, Mokhlesi B, Consortium R. 1693-P: Association of sleep and Osa severity with neurocognitive function in the rise study. Diabetes. 2023;72(Supplement_1). doi:10.2337/db23-1693-p

  • Neyman A, Hannon TS, Corkins MR, et al. Low-carbohydrate diets in children and adolescents with or at risk for diabetes. Pediatrics. 2023;152(4). doi:10.1542/peds.2023-063755

  • Miller ME, Rahim MQ, Coven SL, Jacob SA, Zimet GD, Meagher CG, Ott MA. Pediatric hematology and oncology physician and nurse practitioner views of the HPV vaccine and barriers to administration. Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics. 2023;19(2). doi:10.1080/21645515.2023.2224089 

  • Jacob SA, Bouck J, Daas R, Jackson MD, LaMotte JE, Carroll AE. Understanding caregiver burden with accessing sickle cell care in the Midwest and their perspective on telemedicine. BMC Health Services Research. 2023;23(1). doi:10.1186/s12913-023-09383-x

  • Robb SL, Russ KA, Holochwost SJ, Stegenga K, Perkins S, Jacob SA, et al. Protocol and Biomarker Strategy for a multi-site randomized controlled trial examining biological mechanisms and dosing of active music engagement in children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia and lymphoma and parents. BMC Complementary Medicine and Therapies. 2023;23(1). doi:10.1186/s12906-023-03909-w

  • Okolo AI, Jacob SA, Dixon BE, Valvi NR, Janson IA, Hardesty BM. Increasing visibility of sickle cell disease in Indiana: Establishing baseline prevalence using integrated data from multiple sources. Public Health Reports. Published online 2023. doi:10.1177/00333549231170229

  • Auger KA, Hall M, Arnold SD, Bhumbra S, Bryan M, Ivancie R, Kazmier K, Jacob SA, et al. Identifying and validating pediatric hospitalizations for mis-C through Administrative Data. Pediatrics. 2023;151(5). doi:10.1542/peds.2022-059872

  • Arand A, Overholt K, Jacob SA, Belsky JA. Epstein–Barr virus‐positive hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis following Covid‐19 vaccination in a pediatric patient. Pediatric Blood & Cancer. 2023;70(5). doi:10.1002/pbc.30189

  • Belsky JA, Carroll WR, Xu G, Jacob SA. Side effects with a focus on lymphadenopathy following COVID-19 vaccination in pediatric and aya oncology patients. Journal of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology. 2023;45(2):88-90. doi:10.1097/mph.0000000000002621

  • Jacob SA, Yui JC. Moving the needle: Using quality improvement to address gaps in sickle cell care. BMJ Quality & Safety. Published online 2023. doi:10.1136/bmjqs-2023-016385

  • Jacob SA, Talati R, Kanter J. The evolving treatment landscape for children with sickle cell disease. The Lancet Child & Adolescent Health. 2023;7(11):797-808. doi:10.1016/s2352-4642(23)00201-8

  • Molloy MJ, Auger KA, Hall M, Shah S, Schondelmeyer A, Parikh K, Kazmier K, Katragadda H, Jacob SA, et al. Epidemiology and severity of illness of mis-C and Kawasaki disease during the COVID-19 pandemic. Pediatrics. Published online 2023. doi:10.1542/peds.2023-062101

  • Martin OY, Hamby DK, Graham BH, Jacob SA. Pancytopenia, hepatomegaly, and neurologic abnormalities in two pediatric patients. Pediatrics in Review. 2023;44(S1). doi:10.1542/pir.2020-001016

  • Lanzkron S, Manwani D, Kanter J, Sinha AA, Miller RE, Cronin R, Jacob SA, et al. GRNDAD and disease modifying therapy (DMT): Shifts in DMT are seen at the adolescent/young adult transition in sickle cell disease in a multi-site prospective registry. Blood. 2023;142(Supplement 1):798-798. doi:10.1182/blood-2023-174930

  • Bhasin N, Rush G, Strouse JJ, Moffatt-Bazile K, Mohamed RE, Jacob SA, et al. Role of menstrual bleeding assessments in sickle cell clinics in improving quality of care for women- A multicenter approach. Blood. 2023;142(Supplement 1):665-665. doi:10.1182/blood-2023-174763

  • Rahim MQ, Goubeaux DL, Jacob SA, et al. Going going gonad: Assessing iron staining impact on fertility for patients with sickle cell disease. Blood. 2023;142(Supplement 1):5343-5343. doi:10.1182/blood-2023-181787

  • Keehn B, Kadlaskar G, McNally Keehn R. Elevated and accelerated: Locus coeruleus activity and visual search abilities in autistic children. Cortex. Published online 2023. doi:10.1016/j.cortex.2023.08.016

  • Keehn RM, Swigonski N, Enneking B, Ryan T, Monahan P, Martin AM, Hamrick L, Kadlaskar G, Paxton A, Ciccarelli M, Keehn B. Diagnostic accuracy of primary care clinicians across a statewide system of autism evaluation. Pediatrics. Published online 2023: 7-23.

  • Martin AM, Ciccarelli MR, Swigonski N, McNally Keehn R. Evaluation of race and ethnicity across a statewide system of early autism evaluation. The Journal of Pediatrics. 2023;254. doi:10.1016/j.jpeds.2022.10.023

  • Enneking B, Ryan T, Tang Q, James C, Rouse M, Curtin M, McNally Keehn R. Acceptability and access metrics for telehealth consultation of pediatric neurodevelopmental disabilities during COVID-19. Journal of Pediatric Health Care. 2023;37(2):200-207. doi:10.1016/j.pedhc.2022.08.008

  • Thomas E, Klomhaus AM, Laster ML, et al. Associations between anemia and FGF23 in the CKID study. Pediatric Nephrology. Published online 2023. doi:10.1007/s00467-023-06160-0

  • Laster M, Pereira RC, Noche K, Gales B, Salusky IB, Albrecht LV. Sclerostin, osteocytes, and Wnt signaling in pediatric renal osteodystrophy. Nutrients. 2023;15(19):4127. doi:10.3390/nu15194127

  • Laster M, Kozman D, Norris KC. Addressing structural racism in pediatric clinical practice. Pediatric Clinics of North America. 2023;70(4):725-743. doi:10.1016/j.pcl.2023.03.010

  • Prather CS, Wood JB, Mueller EL, Christenson JC, Alali M. The yield, safety, and cost-effectiveness of decreasing repeat blood cultures beyond 48 hours in a pediatric hematology-oncology unit. Journal of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology. Published online 2023. doi:10.1097/mph.0000000000002711

  • Mueller EL, Cochrane AR, Carroll AE. Perceptions of chemotherapy calendar creation among us pediatric oncologists. Pediatric Blood & Cancer. 2023;70(12). doi:10.1002/pbc.30688

  • Mueller E, Cochrane A, Carroll A. Pediatric oncology chemotherapy calendar creation: A nationwide survey. Published online 2023. doi:10.22541/au.167523846.65777748/v1

  • Slagle C, Askenazi D, Starr M. Recent advances in kidney replacement therapy in infants. American Journal of Kidney Diseases. Published online 2023. doi:10.1053/j.ajkd.2023.10.012

  • Slagle C, Menon S, Selewski DT, Starr MC, et al. Moving the neonatal nephrology field forward: Results from the Pediatric Academic Society Neonatal Nephrology Focus Group. Journal of Perinatology. Published online 2023. doi:10.1038/s41372-023-01791-5

  • Wong Vega M, Starr MC, Brophy PD, et al. Advances in pediatric acute kidney injury pharmacology and nutrition: A report from the 26th acute disease quality initiative (ADQI) consensus conference. Pediatric Nephrology. Published online 2023. doi:10.1007/s00467-023-06178-4

  • Starr MC, Gilley SP, See EJ, Slagle C, Soranno DE. Adults are just big kids: Pediatric considerations for adult critical care nephrology. Current Opinion in Critical Care. Published online 2023. doi:10.1097/mcc.0000000000001100

  • Jasuja I, Vanderkolk J, Weston E, Arrowood HI, Vore A, Starr MC. Gender differences in question-asking at the 2022 American Society of Nephrology Annual Kidney Week meeting. Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology. Published online 2023. doi:10.2215/cjn.0000000000000345

  • Starr MC, Barreto E, Charlton J, et al. Advances in pediatric acute kidney injury pathobiology: A report from the 26th acute disease quality initiative (ADQI) conference. Pediatric Nephrology. Published online 2023. doi:10.1007/s00467-023-06154-y

  • Xiao N, Starr M, Stolfi A, et al. Blood pressure outcomes in nicu-admitted infants with neonatal hypertension: A pediatric nephrology research consortium study. The Journal of Pediatrics. Published online 2023:113765. doi:10.1016/j.jpeds.2023.113765

  • Starr MC, Voivodas M, Hains DS. Using aquapheresis with continuous hematocrit monitoring to guide ultrafiltration. Pediatric Nephrology. Published online 2023. doi:10.1007/s00467-023-06143-1

  • Starr MC, Griffin RL, Harer MW, et al. Acute kidney injury defined by fluid-corrected creatinine in premature neonates. JAMA Network Open. 2023;6(8). doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2023.28182

  • Gordon L, Grossmann KR, Guillet R, Steflik H, Harer MW, Askenazi SM, Selewski DT, Starr MC. Approaches to evaluation of fluid balance and management of fluid overload in neonates among neonatologists: A neonatal kidney collaborative survey. Journal of Perinatology. Published online 2023. doi:10.1038/s41372-023-01738-w

  • Starr MC, Wallace S, Moore C, et al. Development of a family-centered communication tool for kidney health in premature infants: Qualitative focus group study using human-centered design methodology. Journal of Participatory Medicine. 2023;15. doi:10.2196/45316

  • Starr MC, Altemose K, Parsley J, Cater DT, Hains DS, Soranno DE. Safety and timeliness of telemedicine initiation of continuous kidney replacement therapy. Pediatric Nephrology. Published online 2023. doi:10.1007/s00467-023-06036-3

  • Starr MC, Schmicker RH, Halloran BA, et al. Premature infants born <28 weeks with acute kidney injury have increased bronchopulmonary dysplasia rates. Pediatric Research. 2023;94(2):676-682. doi:10.1038/s41390-023-02514-4

  • Harer MW, Gadek L, Rothwell AC, Richard L, Starr MC, Adegboro CO. Correlation of renal tissue oxygenation to venous, arterial, and capillary blood gas oxygen saturation in preterm neonates. American Journal of Perinatology. Published online 2023. doi:10.1055/s-0043-1761296

  • Bolakale-Rufai IK, Knapp SM, Johnson AE, Brewer L, Addison D, Mazimba S, Tucker-Edmonds B, et al. Association between race, Cardiology Care, and the receipt of guideline-directed medical therapy in peripartum cardiomyopathy. Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities. Published online 2023. doi:10.1007/s40615-023-01838-5

  • Seo B, Turman Jr, JE, Nan H. Health insurance coverage and poverty status of postpartum women in the United States in 2019: An ACS-PUMS population-based cross-sectional study. BMC Public Health. 2023; doi:10.1186/s12889-023-17087-4

  • Nibaruta JC, Kamana B, Chahboune M, Chebabe M, Elmadani S, Turman Jr, JE, et al. Heterogeneous effects of socio-economic and cultural factors on fertility differentials in Burundi and Morocco during their fertility transition periods: A retrospective, cross-sectional and comparative study. Pan African Medical Journal. 2023;45. doi:10.11604/pamj.2023.45.161.36150

  • Wynns W, Swigonski N, Turman JE. A framework for faith-based maternal and child health promotion in the USA. Journal of Public Health. Published online 2023. doi:10.1007/s10389-023-02135-5

  • Usigbe J, Macey E, Klemme P, Williams M, Turman JE. Applying a maternal standards of care audit tool and quality improvement process to improve healthcare for pregnant women in prison. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology. Published online 2023. doi:10.1177/0306624x231206518

  • Moujahid C, Turman JE, Amahdar L. Common traditions, practices, and beliefs related to safe motherhood and newborn health in Morocco. Healthcare. 2023;11(5):769. doi:10.3390/healthcare11050769

  • DiPietro Mager NA, Zollinger TW, Turman JE, Zhang J, Dixon BE. Preconception health status and associated disparities among rural, Midwestern women in the United States. Birth. 2023;50(1):127-137. doi:10.1111/birt.12706

  • Irby A, Macey E, Levine N, Durham JR, Turman JE. Grounding the work of grassroots MCH leaders in storytelling. Health Promotion Practice. Published online 2023:152483992211511. doi:10.1177/15248399221151175

  • Moujahid C, Turman JE, Houradi H, Amahdar L. Scoping review to identify social determinants of maternal health in Morocco. International Journal of Social Determinants of Health and Health Services. Published online 2023. doi:10.1177/27551938231217589

  • Wiehe SE, Nelson TL, Aalsma MC, Rosenman MB, Gharbi S, Fortenberry JD. HIV care continuum among people living with HIV and history of arrest and mental health diagnosis. JAIDS Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes. 2023;94(5):403-411. doi:10.1097/qai.0000000000003296

  • Dir AL, Pederson C, Khazvand S, Schwartz K, Wiehe SE, Aalsma MC. Caregiver and juvenile justice personnel perspectives on challenges and importance of caregiver engagement and the Potential Utility of a peer navigator program in the Juvenile Justice System. Health & Justice. 2023;11(1). doi:10.1186/s40352-023-00231-y

  • Magee LA, Ortiz D, Adams ZW, Marriott B, Beverly A, Aalsma MC, Wiehe SE, et al. Engagement with mental health services among survivors of Firearm Injury. JAMA Network Open. 2023;6(10). doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2023.40246

  • Cheng ER, Moore C, Parks L, Taveras EM, Wiehe SE, Carroll AE. Human-centered designed communication tools for Obesity Prevention in early life. Preventive Medicine Reports. Published online 2023:102333. doi:10.1016/j.pmedr.2023.102333

  • Goodwin B, Kearney A, Wilson ES, Sorrentino C, Dir AL, Reed D, Hollabaugh A, Kestian HH, Hendley H, Stigdon TJ, Wiehe SE. Proving promise and support: Preliminary evaluation of the Indiana Family Preservation Services. Child Abuse & Neglect. 2023;140:106136. doi:10.1016/j.chiabu.2023.106136

  • Szymanski KM, Carroll AE, Misseri R, Moore CM, Hawryluk BA, Wiehe SE. A patient- and parent-centered approach to urinary and fecal incontinence in children and adolescents with spina bifida: Understanding experiences in the context of other competing care issues. Journal of Pediatric Urology. 2023;19(2):181-189. doi:10.1016/j.jpurol.2022.10.027

  • Dir AL, Pederson CA, Ouyang F, Monahan P, Schwartz K, Wiehe SE, Aalsma MC. Examining patterns of psychotherapy service utilization among Medicaid-enrolled adolescents. Psychiatric Services. 2023;74(4):374-380. doi:10.1176/

  • Pederson CA, Dir AL, Schwartz K, Ouyang F, Monahan P, Tu W, Wiehe SE, Aalsma MC. Associations between outpatient treatment and the use of intensive psychiatric healthcare services. Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry. Published online 2023:135910452311541. doi:10.1177/13591045231154106

  • Szymanski KM, Carroll AE, Misseri R, Moore CM, Hawryluk BA, Wiehe SE. Building a prototype of a continence goal-selection tool for children with spina bifida: Patient, parental and urology provider recommendations. Journal of Pediatric Urology. 2023;19(4). doi:10.1016/j.jpurol.2023.03.014

  • Campbell AG, Zhang P, Rosenman MB, Scott E, Wiehe SE. Trends in neonatal opioid withdrawal syndrome and opioid exposure diagnoses among infants with private health insurance, 2016-2021: Introduction of the P04.14 ICD-10-CM code. Public Health Reports. Published online 2023:003335492311623. doi:10.1177/00333549231162375

  • Marsden M, Barratt J, Donald-Simpson H, Wilkinson T, Manning J, Rees P. Selective Aortic Arch Perfusion: A first-in-human observational cadaveric study. Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine. 2023;31(1). doi:10.1186/s13049-023-01148-z

  • Wilkinson TA, Bernard C. Abortion restrictions and the impact on families. JAMA Pediatrics. Published online 2023. doi:10.1001/jamapediatrics.2023.4735

  • Moseson H, Wollum A, Goode B, McKenna C, Wilkinson T. Recruiting pregnant people considering abortion: An analysis of differences in participant characteristics by recruitment site across online, Abortion Fund, and clinic-based sources. Contraception. Published online 2023:110139. doi:10.1016/j.contraception.2023.110139

  • Wilkinson TA, Meredith AH, Katz AJ, Meagher CG, Ott MA. Assessment of adolescent decision-making capacity for pharmacy access to hormonal contraception. Contraception. 2023;123:110002. doi:10.1016/j.contraception.2023.110002

  • Moseson H, Smith MH, Chakraborty P, Gyuras H, Foster A, Bessett D, Wilkinson TA, et al. Abortion-related laws and concurrent patterns in abortion incidence in Indiana, 2010–2019. American Journal of Public Health. 2023;113(4):429-437. doi:10.2105/ajph.2022.307196

  • Rosenbaum LE, Katz AJ, Wilkinson TA, Jackman C, Meredith AH, Ott MA. 186. the ability to self-screen for migraines with aura in adolescents with headache. Journal of Adolescent Health. 2023;72(3). doi:10.1016/j.jadohealth.2022.11.208

  • Garcia H, Duvall L, Tyte J, Kussin M, Wood JB. Outcomes of children with osteoarticular infections treated with trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole versus clindamycin. Journal of the Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society. 2023;12(Supplement_1). doi:10.1093/jpids/piad070.020

  • Prather CS, Wood JB, Mueller EL, Christenson JC, Alali M. The yield, safety, and cost-effectiveness of decreasing repeat blood cultures beyond 48 hours in a pediatric hematology-oncology unit. Journal of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology. Published online 2023. doi:10.1097/mph.0000000000002711

  • Wood JB, Creech CB. Musculoskeletal symptom complexes. Principles and Practice of Pediatric Infectious Diseases. Published online 2023. doi:10.1016/b978-0-323-75608-2.00024-0

  • Wood JB, Hawryluk B, Lynch D, et al. Identifying patient-centered outcomes for caregivers and children with musculoskeletal infections. Open Forum Infectious Diseases. 2022;10(1). doi:10.1093/ofid/ofac671