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Center for Pediatric Obesity and Diabetes Prevention

Empowering youth to prevent disease

The presence of type 2 diabetes in children is conclusively linked to the obesity epidemic. Current estimates suggest that if the risk factors for type 2 diabetes are left unaddressed, one out of three people born in the year 2000 will develop diabetes over the course of his or her lifetime; one in two if Latino. Yet, the function of type 2 diabetes in children remains under-studied and poorly understood.

It is clear that adolescents do not behave as adults when it comes to type 2 diabetes, and early research of the condition has led to the realization that disease control among adolescents with type 2 diabetes often deteriorates substantially within just a few years of diagnosis and is associated with early complications of the disease. Likewise, preventative, diagnostic, and treatment methods are relatively untested in pediatric and adolescent populations as compared to older adult populations.

The Center for Pediatric Obesity and Diabetes Prevention seeks to advance the health of vulnerable populations through internationally recognized research focusing on mechanisms of progression from obesity to type 2 diabetes, defining best practices for obesity/diabetes prevention among youth, and cost-effective translation of the research to the community.

Meet the center's faculty and staff

Research and Clinical Care

A physician with long blond hair speaks with a pediatric patient in the clinic. The doctor is wearing a white coat and green shirt. The patient has long light-brown hair and is wearing a blue shirt. The Youth Diabetes Prevention Clinic is designed to clinically treat children and adolescents (aged 10–21) who have evidence of prediabetes or prevalent risk factors for the development of diabetes. The clinical treatment program uses the Diabetes Prevention Program modified for use in families and goal-setting strategies to implement therapeutic lifestyle change in children and their families. The clinic also medically manages complications of being overweight, including hypertension, hyperlipidemia, prediabetes and polycystic ovary syndrome in youth.

The treatment model consists of medical care provided by IU School of Medicine physician and nurse practitioners, nutritional consultation and planning with a registered dietitian, and physical activity goal setting and behavior modification activities with a health coach. Through continual contact with providers, the clinic will be a local, state, and national model for the prevention of adolescent type 2 diabetes.

Youth Diabetes Prevention Program at Riley Hospital

Health Education

The Center for Pediatric Obesity and Diabetes Prevention Research focuses on obesity, diabetes prevention and diabetes health education. The center faculty and staff consists of one master certified health education specialist, two certified health education specialists, and one dietitian and certified diabetes care and education specialist.

Explore the Pursuit of Healthiness blog


Dr. Hannon talks about the importance of good nutrition and physical activity for youth.

Contact the Center for Pediatric Obesity and Diabetes Prevention

For inquiries about the Center for Pediatric Obesity and Diabetes Prevention, please contact Katie Haberlin-Pittz.