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Submit a Resource Request

One of the functions of the Indiana Alzheimer's Disease Research Center is to make center resources available to investigators engaged in aging research. The center recognizes the importance of sharing its data and specimen resources with other investigators while also recognizing the preciousness of this material. 

Resources include well-characterized individuals for use in research studies, biological specimens (DNA, RNA, plasma, serum, CSF, PBMC) acquired from these individuals, brain tissue and other post-mortem specimens from center subjects who have undergone an autopsy and have been well-characterized neuropathologically, radiologic images and data extracted from processing of these images, and data acquired from center subjects, including demographic, psychosocial, psychiatric, neurological, neuropsychological, neuroradiological, biochemical, genetic and neuropathological data.

Resource Request Form

Investigators must submit the Resource Request Form. If you have technical questions you can email

Resource Request Process

Review the resource request process.

Prepare Resource Request

Review required materials for the resource request.

Checklist for Shared Resources

Review expectations after receiving research resources.