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Service Cores

The Indiana Alzheimer's Disease Research Center (IADRC) has eight cores. Each works simultaneously to support research initiatives on the Indiana University School of Medicine—Indianapolis campus.

Administrative Core

Under the direction of Andrew Saykin, PsyD and Sarah Van Heiden, PhD, MPH, the Administrative Core provides the infrastructure needed for planning and implementing all activities aimed at fulfilling the overall mission of the center. This core incorporates both scientific and administrative activities, while setting the overall direction for the IADRC.

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Behavioral Neurology and Neuropsychiatry Fellowship

Clinical Core

Under the leadership of Liana Apostolova, MD and Fred Unverzagt, PhD, the Clinical Core performs comprehensive clinical evaluations and provides researchers with high quality clinical, imaging, biomarker and neuropathological data in Alzheimer’s disease and hereditary dementias to improve early detection of neurodegenerative diseases

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Data Core

Headed by Su Gao, PhD and Yi Zhao, PhD the Data Core provide crucial data management support for all research activities conducted by the center’s multidisciplinary investigator team, including data storage, statistical analysis, training and mentoring. The Data Core collaborates closely with other cores to ensure achievement of overall center goals.

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Genetics, Biomarker and Biospecimen Core

Led by Tatiana Foroud, PhD, Jeff Dage, PhD and Kelly Nudelman, PhD, the Genetics, Biomarker and Biospecimen Core builds on the IADRC's strong history of innovative research in the genetics of hereditary dementia as well as imaging genomics.

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Neuroimaging Core

The Neuroimaging Core, led by Shannon Risacher, PhDYu-Chien Wu, MD, PhD and Andrew Saykin, PsyD, provides access to and collaborative support for the application of advanced neuroimaging in clinical and translational research. The Neuroimaging Core serves as a regional and national resource for the aging and neurodegeneration research community—spanning academia, health care and pharmaceutical industry.

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Neuropathology Core

Directed by Bernadino Ghetti, MD and Kathy Newell, MD, the Neuropathology Core integrates molecular technology to assist in the neuropathologic diagnosis. The Neuropathology Core provides information about pathologic data to referring physicians and families, as well as well-characterized tissue to basic researchers.

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Outreach, Recruitment and Engagement Core

Under the leadership of Sophia Wang, MD, the Outreach, Recruitment and Engagement Core administers community outreach and recruitment programs to advance awareness of the critically important role of participating in research at the Indiana Alzheimer's Disease Research Center.

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Research Education Component

Led by Debomoy Lahiri, PhD and Bruce Lamb, PhD, the Research Education Component develops new researchers specifically trained to discover innovative approaches to improve understanding, diagnosis and treatment of Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias. This work is achieved by stimulating education, information and training; coordinating across laboratories; and evaluating success in research education.

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