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Event Funding

Timeline to Requesting Funding

Three weeks ➡
  • Events in which the student submitting the request agrees to reimbursement. 
Four weeks ➡
  • Amazon orders that MSE is purchasing on your behalf (items can become unavailable or shipping delays).
  • Food Purchases that MSE is purchasing on your behalf.
  • The activity requires a waiver
  • The event does not require a PO, UERC, or Contract
  • A business that is not an IU supplier (onboarding can take two weeks).  
Minimum of ten weeks ➡
  • If the event has 50+ attendees (The request can take up to 10 days to receive approval.) Medical Student Education will process the UERC request.
  • Food purchases over $5K.
  • Any activity involving the rental or use of canoes, boats, kayaks, or anything perceived as a high risk by the university and requires a Liability Waiver.
  • Any supplier who is paid via purchase order. (Purchasing requires 3-4 weeks for approval)
  • The event involves a contract/agreement from a supplier. (Contracts can take 3-4 weeks to process)
  • Group tickets

Event funding policies and best practices

  • Student reimbursement is allowed and preferred for approved funding requests under $500.

  • Plan with ALL guidelines and IU policies in mind.

  • Per IU policy, we cannot purchase gift cards or vouchers.

  • We cannot host raffles or other “gambling”-like events. Learn more about contests, drawings, games, and prizes.

  • SIGs are capped at $500 of MSC funding and ISF per academic year (July 1-June 30).

  • SIGs use this Funding List to determine where to request funds.

  • Food suppliers that change their menus should be avoided.

  • Suppliers can and will change prices at any time.

  • High-risk activities will require the business to be an IU Supplier.

  • Medical Student Education will submit the Liability Waiver request if needed.

  • Supplies — Request early, especially around high-demand times such as holidays (especially for holiday-themed items).

  • If you have a safe and secure delivery location, we can ship directly to you, otherwise your delivery will go to Long Hall.

  • We are no longer ordering perishable items for delivery due to supply and delivery issues. Grocery items are student pick-up and reimbursement only.

  • If ordering tickets, you will need to arrange for pick up/distribution from the supplier.

  • Do not forget to add tax, tips, and delivery fees to all food requests.

  • General guidelines for tipping: 10% for pick-up orders, 15% for delivery, and 20% for full-service meals.

Preparing to Request Funding for an Event

TIME — Check the timeline to ensure you have met funding request notice requirements.

WHO — Participant count confirmed.

  • Provide an attendee list for events with 50+ attendees.
  • Medical Student Education will submit the UERC (University Event Registration Committee) form if the event is for 50+ attendees.

WHAT — All needs identified (food, supplies, tickets, etc.…)

WHEN — Date secured (backup dates are a good idea!)

WHERE — Location/s selected. For venue rental, make sure you ask if ANYTHING requires a signature. You will need a copy of that contract/agreements before asking for funding.

Submitting the Funding Request

Gather documents as applicable for a complete request:

  • Attendee list if the event is 50+ attendees.
  • Contracts or Agreements (Anything requiring a signature)
  • Quote all details from a business (food, activity, cost, etc.) Provide tax-exempt forms to the Supplier when requesting a quote.
  • Screenshot (pdf) of an order with tax, tip, and delivery fees included (online food ordering)
  • Itemized shopping list with active links, w/tax, tip, delivery, and total. (Amazon type orders) Kroger orders are reimbursement only. Submit an item list with a Kroger request.
  • Submit your event on MD Student News to ensure all IU School of Medicine students have the opportunity to attend.

Funding Resources