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The Center for Health Policy and Professionalism Research focuses on performing quick turnaround research on the most vital topics of the day.

Center for Health Policy and Professionalism Research


Over the past decade, health services research has come a long way in its understanding of the organization and financing of health care and in its ability to assess the effectiveness of health services and their impact on patient outcomes. But in today’s health care environment, a need exists to move beyond documenting the existence of problems to finding solutions that will eliminate them. To this end, research must be conducted in a timely manner, with results communicated directly to decision makers. The IU School of Medicine Center for Health Policy and Professionalism Research was developed to address this need.

The main objective of the Center is to perform quick turnaround research on the most vital topics of the day, particularly those related to health care financing, the uninsured, medical education/training, and ethical, professional and legal issues pertaining to physician practice. This research is pertinent to the practice of medicine locally in Indiana as well as nationally. The Center serves as an objective source of information for both policymakers and health care professionals and makes a concerted effort to communicate the results of research directly to these individuals so that findings can have a more immediate impact on health care and policy.

The Center is committed to improving the distribution and dissemination of relevant research to the public. For questions, partnership opportunities and information needs related to the Center for Health Policy and Professionalism Research, email the center.

The Center for Health Policy and Professionalism Research operates within Indiana University School of Medicine and Riley Hospital’s Pediatrics department. Center Director Aaron Carroll, MD, MS.