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The IU School of Medicine Indianapolis Psychiatry Residency follows a four-year progression that includes training through both academic and clinical settings. All residents participate in robust clinical rotations and didactic lectures; our fourth-year residents tailor their curriculum through an array of elective offerings spanning the wide variety of clinical, research and other academic opportunities in the department and the larger IU School of Medicine, itself the largest allopathic medical school in the United States. For those interested in a career in academic medicine, residents also can participate in the education and research tracks with project time built into later training years. 

Throughout training, all residents receive a protected weekly academic half-day to attend Grand Rounds, business meetings, journal club and didactics. The Department of Psychiatry Grand Rounds presenters (psychiatrists, neuroscientists, IU School of Medicine research and clinical faculty as well as other disciplines) are expert scientists and clinicians from all over the world. 

The weekly Resident Business Meeting (with lunch provided!) is led by our chief resident and provides an opportunity for residents, as a group, to discuss their progress through our program, ask and address questions or concerns as they relate to rotations, call schedule, and other topics. Monthly guest speakers include the chair of the Department of Psychiatry as well as the program and associate program directors. 

Our resident and faculty led journal club covers a variety of topics — for example, forensic psychiatry, research, neuroscience, quality improvement and academic medicine. Didactics follows Journal Club and, depending on the topic, are grouped by training year. Didactics cover the breadth of psychiatry with a curriculum designed and continuously refined — with resident input — to meet the needs of trainees as they move toward board certification and independent practice.

Residents are also strongly encouraged to attend the weekly Addiction Psychiatry Symposium, the Consultation-Liaison Fellowship Didactics, and other opportunities as occur. Research track residents participate in the weekly Institute of Psychiatric Research Seminars while education track residents contribute to medical student and other departmental educational initiatives.

PGY1 psychiatry residents are introduced to the basics in diagnosis and pharmacological treatments through didactic courses and hands-on clinical experience. First-year residents rotate at four clinical locations, including Eskenazi Health Hospital (inpatient psychiatry, internal medicine, emergency medicine, neurology), Richard L. Roudebush VA Medical Center (inpatient psychiatry, internal medicine, neurology), Riley Hospital for Children (child inpatient psychiatry), and IU Health Methodist Hospital (inpatient psychiatry).

PGY2 residents continue their training through case-based didactic courses and hands-on clinical experience by rotating in two six-month blocks. One block consists of splitting time each week between two subspecialties; geriatric psychiatry and addiction psychiatry. Also included is one day per week in an emergency psychiatry setting. The second block consists of blocks of sub-specialties: consultation-liaison, child and adolescent psychiatry and rural psychiatry rotations.

Similar to the PGY1 and PGY2 residency year curriculum, PGY3 psychiatry residents continue their training through case-based didactic courses and clinical rotations. In the third year, residents spend their time working in outpatient psychopharmacology at Eskenazi Health, Richard L. Roudebush VA Medical Center, Riley Hospital for Children and IU Health Neuroscience Center. Also at the IU Health Neuroscience Center, PGY3 residents spend one half-day per week working in the psychodynamic psychotherapy clinic. During this year, residents may select one elective clinic that lasts throughout the year.

The fourth and final year of psychiatry residency training consists of all selectives, allowing residents to follow their own interests. Rotations may be done on a monthly basis, similar to that of the PGY2 year, or on a half-day basis through multiple sites similar to the PGY3 year. PGY4 residents create their own experience to perfect the skills and techniques they determine to be the most beneficial for them upon graduation.


Internal Medicine,
Medical Center
Medicine, Eskenazi
Neurology, VA
Medical Center and
Goodman Hall
Acute Inpatient
Eskenazi Hospital
Acute Inpatient
VA Medical Center
Acute Inpatient
Child and
Inpatient, Riley
Hospital for
3 blocks 1 block 2 months 3 blocks 2 blocks 1 block 1 block
PGY1 Didactics and CBT Didactics weekly


Block A: 6 months

Addiction Psychiatry, Outpatient Geriatric Psychiatry, Outpatient Forensic Psychiatry Emergency Psychiatry
1.5 days/week 1 day/week 1 day/week 1 day/week
PGY2 Didactics and CBT Didactics/Supervision weekly

Block B: 6 months

Child and Adolescent
Psychiatry at Riley Hospital
for Children, Inpatient
Child and Adolescent
Psychiatry Consult-Liaison
at Riley Hospital for
Adult Consultation-Liaison
Psychiatry at VA Medical
Adult Consultation-Liaison,
Psychiatry at University
Rural Psychiatry/Geriatric
Psychiatry at Franciscan
Health Hospital
1 month 1 month 2 months 1 month 1 month
PGY2 Didactics, CBT Didactics/Supervision weekly, Addiction Psychiatry half-day clinic weekly


Outpatient psychopharmacology (12
Psychodynamic Psychotherapy
clinics (12 months)
Didactics *Elective (12 months)
4 days/week* ½ day per week ½ day per week *Up to 1 day per week


Electives (12 months)
Psychodynamic Psychotherapy (12 months)
Quality Improvement/Patient Safety (12 months)