The Psychiatry Residency program in Indianapolis offers a Child Psychiatry fast-track option. The department’s integrated relationship with the Department of Pediatrics and Riley Children's Health, one of the nation's leading pediatric hospitals, provides an ideal setting for residents pursuing a career in child and adolescent psychiatry. Through the fast-track option, residents will complete adult psychiatry training with enhanced pediatric exposure in three years, and then transition to our Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Fellowship training for the remaining two years of training.
Fast-track residents enjoy the significant advantage of avoiding an additional application cycle for the Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Fellowship and greater opportunities for longitudinal patient relationships, research projects and faculty mentoring throughout their five years of training.
The program's NRMP code is 1187400C3. Applicants should apply to the Indianapolis Psychiatry Residency Program and use the unique NRMP code when submitting your rank order list.