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Resident Life

The Family Medicine Residency at Ball Memorial Hospital provides residents with a close knit community, supportive culture, and welcoming environment. When they're not attending lectures, seeing patients, and learning procedures, our residents enjoy spending time together in a variety of activities:

  • Pick-up basketball at local churches and schools
  • Annual volleyball party (hosted by Dr. Shue and his wife)
  • Ultimate frisbee and disc golf at McCullough Park
  • Bicycling, running or walking on the Cardinal Greenway Trail, Indiana's longest rail trail
  • Mountain biking or hiking on nearby trails
  • Kayaking or swimming at Prairie Creek Reservoir
  • June resident and clinic staff picnic
  • Annual residency and family canoe trip on the White River
  • Annual chili cook-off/Halloween party
  • Board game nights
residents laugh together in a work room

Living in Muncie

Muncie offers all the benefits of a small college town with a large reputable teaching hospital, including cultural and historical attractions and outdoor activities. The area is within about an hour’s drive to bigger-city amenities in Indianapolis. Housing is affordable, and nearby schools are excellent.

Explore life in Muncie

Community Outreach

Residents spend time giving back to the community through volunteer and outreach events:

  • Creating a grief and loss support group
  • Tobacco and drug abstinence programming
  • Puberty and development education for youth
  • Health fairs and free screening events
  • Careers in healthcare programs for youth
  • Creating a pregnancy support group
  • Presentations at schools, churches, and community centers
  • Service on community boards and service organizations
  • Bridge to healthcare access for LGBTQ+ individuals

Residents participate in community service during their residency, spending at least five hours in PGY1, ten hours in PGY2, and 15 hours in PGY3.

Resident Wellness

At Ball Memorial Family Medicine Residency, we recognize that building and maintaining wellness is essential to becoming a well-rounded and successful family physician.

We pride ourselves on our resident-led and faculty-supported wellness initiatives and encourage our residents to innovate in creating wellness opportunities for themselves and their peers. We participate in a GME-wide wellness committee and sponsor our own resident-led wellness team.

Mental Health Services

The IU School of Medicine Department of Mental Health Services provides mental health and personal counseling services to all IU School of Medicine residents.


Physician coaching

The Family Medicine Residency program at IU Health Ball Memorial Hospital offers coaching to help residents explore their passions, strengths, and future career paths.

Personalized Wellness Assessments
We care about your wellness from day one! Each incoming resident completes an assessment to help identify each resident’s wellness needs as well as strengths.

Wellness Team
A resident led committee that collaborates with our residency council and education team. The wellness team identifies and creates opportunities for wellness-building and coordinates wellness activities and programming such as our noon conference series.

Physician Coaching
Residents can meet individually with Dr. Bunch for physician coaching to discuss personal or career goals. Through this process residents can work toward goals and personal development free of charge.

Our program recognizes the importance of celebrating diversity, as well as the positive impact of diversity on wellness, and is actively seeking out opportunities to improve and sustain inclusiveness. Learn more about diversity at IU School of Medicine.

Strengths Based Approach
This year we are incorporating the Strengths Based Approach into our residency program! Residents learn their top 5 strengths and are given opportunities to learn more about developing their talents into strengths as well as appreciating the strengths of others.

Wellness noon conferences
Residents and Directors volunteer to share their favorite wellness practices with their peers at least once per block. Past topics have included gratitude journaling, gardening, board games, music therapy, and clay creations. Residents love the opportunity to de-stress and socialize during a busy day and to incorporate what they’ve learned into their busy days.

Narrative Medicine noon conferences
This wellness noon conference topic was so popular that we have made it a regular feature in our didactics schedule! Residents respond to prompts about their experiences then share and process what they’ve written.

Project SOS
Residents can reach out to faculty and staff Project SOS leaders for a listening ear as well as resources if they are struggling or have a concern they need to talk through.

Social Activities
Each year a resident is elected to the social chair position to plan, coordinate, or promote activities for residents, faculty, and staff. We have had outings to Top Golf, pumpkin patches, movies, and more! There are also yearly chili competitions, Friendsgiving parties, and other events hosted by individual residents and faculty. Since COVID has struck we have found innovative ways to socialize while staying safe and socially distanced thanks to the creativity of our social chair.

Resident Appreciation Day
Each year residents have a GME-wide day to connect and enjoy time off with their peers. Last year’s event included a 5K fun run, a movie room, Nintendo Switch tournament, tailgating games and a catered meal!

Open Door Policy
Residents are invited and encouraged to reach out to directors to discuss medicine, life, and any concerns and ideas they have. This policy has been the source of some of our favorite wellness activities!

Pulse Checks
Our directors make a point of checking in monthly with residents to provide updates and hear suggestions during protected noon hour meetings.

Annual Retreats
Each year, resident classes participate in themed retreats. PGY1s focus on team building, PGY2s reflect on their values and aspirations as FM physicians, and PGY3s typically take off time together.

Mini-Stress Surveys
Residents periodically complete this survey to assess the collective well-being within the residency and create a forum for suggestions.

Additional Wellness Perks

  • Clinic Res Lounge: our clinic lounge includes comfy furniture, free snacks, drinks, and coffee, and stress relief opportunities such as an interactive wellness bulletin board for letting off steam.
  • Hospital Res lounge: our residents recently requested an FMRP dedicated workspace at the hospital and our wish was granted! Besides our great new workstations with fetal monitoring access, we also have a brand-new library of essential medical reading, reclining couches, a Keurig, fridge and microwave, and a Roku TV with Netflix, Amazon Prime, and Disney+ access!
  • Free Gym Membership: free 24/7 access to the state-of-the-art hospital gym, including yoga, Pilates and cycling classes.