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Report a Concern

IU School of Medicine Learner Mistreatment

If you are concerned that you have experienced or witnessed mistreatment, you are strongly encouraged to report it. This enables the school to respond in a rapid and systematic manner. Depending on the nature of the incident and the preference of the learner, the situation may be addressed at a later date to avoid any learner concerns about further disruptions to the learning environment, including retaliation or the possibility that their grade might be affected.

IU School of Medicine Honor Code Concern

If you are concerned that you have experienced or witnessed unprofessional behavior by an individual within the IU School of Medicine community that may constitute an IU policy violation, you are strongly encouraged to report it.

IU Indianapolis Office of Institutional Equity (OIE)

Make a report to the Office of Institutional Equity (OIE) regarding harassment, sexual misconduct, discrimination, or retaliation by a faculty/staff member or visitor.

IU EthicsPoint

Report activities related to financial, research, fraud, information technology, intellectual diversity in the classroom or other policy violations through IU’s EthicsPoint.

IU Research Misconduct

Report activities related to research misconduct, defined as fabrication (making up data or results and recording or reporting them), falsification (manipulating research materials, equipment or processes, or changing or omitting data or results such that the research is not accurately represented), or plagiarism (appropriating another’s ideas, processes, results, or words without giving proper credit).

IU Human Resources Grievance

The grievance procedure at IU is a formal method for presenting and addressing such cases that are unable to be resolved through discussions between the supervisor and employee, with defined steps, timelines and rules. Employees have the right to use the applicable grievance procedure contained within the personnel policies for their position and are encouraged to do so if informal discussions do not resolve the matter.

Behavioral Consultation Team (BCT)

If you want to report concerning behavior of a student, faculty, or staff member, fill out a Concerned Person Report with BCT. If the behavior involves a threat to someone’s health or safety, please contact the police immediately. 

IU School of Medicine Ombuds Office

The Ombuds Office is a place where learners and faculty can discuss concerns, complaints and disputes with an impartial third-party in a safe environment. Contact the Ombuds Office to discuss a dispute or other concerns you may have that may benefit from mediation or input by an impartial third party.

IU Health TrustLine

A confidential reporting hotline that dually employed IU Health physicians and other clinical staff can use to report or seek guidance regarding potential or actual criminal conduct and other compliance issues without fear of retaliation.

You may report a concern through the Honor Code Concern Report Form. The report will be sent directly to a triage team of individuals within IU School of Medicine leadership who will assess the concern and refer it to the appropriate office for follow up. 

If you are still unsure where to report your concern, we suggest starting with the IU School of Medicine Ombuds Office. The ombudsperson will be able to help direct you to the appropriate channel of reporting.  

If you have experienced sexual misconduct, including sexual violence, IU has the information you need if you choose to file a report on your campus at

Responsible Employees are required to share information about incidents of sexual misconduct. Responsible Employees may also be considered Campus Security Authorities (CSAs) for purposes of Clery Act crime reporting.

If you are a Responsible Employee and you receive a complaint of sexual misconduct, it is your duty to report the incident. If you have any doubts about your obligations, contact your campus Deputy Title IX Coordinator.

Responsible Employees include all supervisors, all employees that interact directly with students, and all employees that students might reasonably believe have authority to take action or a duty to report. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • All instructors, including full-time professors, adjuncts, lecturers, AIs, and any others who offer classroom instruction or office hours to students;
  • All advisors;
  • All coaches and other athletic staff that interact directly with students;
  • All student affairs administrators;
  • All residential hall staff;
  • Employees who work in offices that interface with students; and
  • All supervisors and university officials.

Responsible Employees must report incidents of sexual violence to the Title IX Coordinator or a Deputy Title IX Coordinator on their campus as soon as possible. Once a report is made, the university is deemed to be on notice and must take immediate and appropriate steps to investigate or otherwise determine what occurred.

Reporting to Title IX Coordinators does not mean that the individual will be required to bring a formal complaint or file a formal report with police, or participate in any university investigation or procedures. It will ensure that information regarding resources, assistance, reporting options, rights and protections, is provided. It can also help the university in preventing future incidents.

  1. In an emergency or where immediate help is needed, call 911.
  2. Anyone wishing to report an incident of sexual misconduct can do so using the following methods:
    • Reporting directly to campus or local law enforcement if the incident involves sexual violence (call 317-274-7911 or dial 911)
    • Reporting directly to the student judicial conduct office or the appropriate Student Affairs official for the campus (See campus-specific Student Affairs information in IU Discrimination, Harassment, and Sexual Misconduct Policy Additional Contacts section.)
    • Reporting directly to the Deputy Title IX Coordinator for IU Indianapolis (Karloa Stevens, Director and Deputy Title IX Coordinator, 317-274-5528)
    • Reporting directly to the University Title IX Coordinator (Jennifer Kincaid, University Director of Institutional Equity & Title IX Coordinator, 812-855-4889).
  3. All reports of sexual misconduct made to a Responsible Employee that are not initially reported to the Deputy Title IX Coordinator(s) for the respective campus will be shared with the Deputy Title IX Coordinator(s) and with the University Title IX Coordinator in a timely manner. In addition, if a report of sexual misconduct is not made initially to the Indiana University Police Department (IUPD), and the information indicates it may be a crime reportable under the Clery Act, non-identifying information regarding the date, time, location and nature of the crime will be shared with IUPD for purposes of complying with the Clery Act.
  4. If the university and/or Deputy Title IX Coordinator(s) receive a report that indicates law enforcement should be informed and involved due to the potential threat to health and safety of an individual or the university community, they may also share the identifying information needed for appropriate response by IUPD (see Confidential Employees and Privacy sections).

For more information review the IU Discrimination, Harassment, and Sexual Misconduct Policy (UA-03) and the IU Stop Sexual Violence page for relevant federal and state laws and policies.