Adverse Weather
In severe weather, IU School of Medicine's Indianapolis campus provides adverse weather procedures for faculty, medical students and residents.

Emergency Mobilization
In case of a local emergency that requires mobilization of medical personnel, Indianapolis-based faculty, residents and students are urged to consult the school's formal emergency mobilization procedures.

Universal Precautions
Universal precautions procedures are in place to protect students and patients from unnecessary health risks.
Emergency Preparedness Resources
AEDs are placed in buildings on the IU School of Medicine Indianapolis campus (at Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis) to treat ventricular fibrillation, the most common cause of sudden cardiac arrest. Know the signs. Know where to find an AED in campus buildings. Learn more about AEDs.
Business continuity planning (BCP) is the practice of establishing how a service or business unit will function when normal operating procedures are not possible. All Indiana University departments on all campuses are required to develop Business Continuity Plan(s). Natural disasters and weather events cannot be controlled, but thorough planning can minimize the disruption to operations. Continuity plans that prioritize critical and unique functions, activities or services lower risks for the department or office. A well-detailed plan maps the way from disruption to resumption and back to normal operations.
- For continuing education and CME opportunities through the IU School of Medicine, visit the CME resource page.
- Public Health 101 & Bioterrorism Preparedness 101, two free online courses designed for front-line public health workers who have no previous formal education or training in public health. Offered through the Mid-America Public Health Training Center. For details or to register, visit the Illinois Public Health Preparedness Center.
- Search the Public Health Foundation for information on over 40 distance learning courses for public health professionals on bioterrorism and emergency preparedness. Click on “Search” to search by the subject “Bioterrorism/Emergency Preparedness” or by keyword (e.g., smallpox).
- US Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases Education and Training.
- Association for Infection Control Practitioners
- Disaster Preparedness & Humanitarian Opportunities site, developed and maintained by the AAFP
- The Center for Infectious Disease Research & Policy (CIDRAP) is based at the University of Minnesota; the site provides good bioterrorism information and is updated daily
- CDC Emergency Preparedness & Response
- Indiana Department of Homeland Security
- Indiana State Department of Health
- Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
- University of Pittsburg Medical Center: Center for Biosecurity
- Marion County Health Department
- US Dept of Health and Human Services Pandemic Flu Website
- “Biological Threats and Terrorism: Assessing the Science and Response Capabilities.” The Forum on Emerging Infections (from the Institute of Medicine) has released a book-length summary of this workshop in which experts identify, clarify and discuss the next steps to prepare and strengthen bioterrorism response capabilities. The Forum on Microbial Threats website publishes related material.
- Disasters and Emergency Preparedness (MEDLINEplus)
- Bioterrorism and Biodefense (MEDLINEplus)
- Investigation of Bioterrorism-Related Inhalational Anthrax
- Adverse Events Associated with Anthrax Prophylaxis Among Postal Employees
- Additional information
Bioterrorism related research funding opportunities from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID).