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Center for Diabetes and Metabolic Diseases Research

Research at the Center for Diabetes and Metabolic Diseases (CDMD) is highly collaborative and focuses on four major themes that represent the breadth and depth of basic, translational and clinical research.

In support of this work, four research cores provide enhanced expertise and access to state-of-the-art methodologies, which promote high-impact scientific discoveries.

Research Themes

Cellular and Molecular Metabolism

There are 25 investigators in the Cellular and Molecular Metabolism theme who study a broad cross-section of metabolic regulation that remains a fundamental challenge in biology and a significant issue in disorders of glucose and lipid metabolism.

Complications of Diabetes and Obesity

The 32 investigators in this group focus on delineating central mechanisms underlying the complications of obesity and diabetes–such as retinal complications, wound healing, skeletal changes, and chronic kidney disease.

Amelia Linnemann

Islet Function and Survival

There are 28 investigators in the Islet Function and Survival theme, who form a highly interactive group of basic and translational investigators that focuses on the role of the pancreatic islet in Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes.

Nutrition and Physiology of Diabetes and Obesity

The Nutrition and Physiology of Obesity theme is comprised of 25 investigators who focus on ingestive behavior, energy balance, obesity and weight loss, primarily in human subjects but also using rodent and other animal models in basic and translational studies.

Research Cores

Four research cores serve as a vital resource for rich, collaborative partnerships and state-of-the-art methodologies.

Diabetes Clinical Trials

Investigators conduct clinical trials focused on the prevention and treatment of Type 1 diabetes, Type 2 diabetes and obesity.