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Undergraduate programs on the Bloomington campus include anatomy, physiology, medical science of psychoactive drugs, and other related topics

Undergraduate Medical Sciences Education

The Indiana University School of Medicine–Bloomington is involved with the education of thousands of Indiana University undergraduate students each year, offering undergraduate courses in anatomy, physiology, health and disease, the medical science of psychoactive drugs and other related topics.

A minor in Medical Sciences is available to undergraduate students interested in pursuing a career in the life sciences. Students should check with their major advisor to determine if the Medical Sciences minor is an option for them.

Undergraduate students interested in research can arrange to work in the laboratory of an IU School of Medicine faculty member, and undergraduates interested in teaching can apply for a paid undergraduate teaching associate position.

Minor in Medical Sciences

The Medical Sciences minor provides undergraduates interested in a career in life sciences with a solid foundation to pursue future studies. Students considering allied health, exercise science, medicine, dentistry, optometry or nursing careers gain basic knowledge, experience and critical thinking skills by participating in this program.

Students must check with their major advisor to determine if the Medical Sciences minor is an option for them. If so, the recorder in the major school will add the Medical Sciences minor to the student’s electronic record so it can be tracked. Majors in the College of Arts & Sciences may add this minor by logging in to the College of Arts & Sciences secure website. For more information, contact the Student Services Coordinator or the Assistant Director of Undergraduate Education at IU School of Medicine–Bloomington.

Requirements for a Minor in Medical Sciences

Minimum of 19 credits for College of Arts and Sciences students

Minimum of 16 credits for non-College of Arts and Sciences students

Minimum cumulative minor GPA of 2.7 required.

Courses with grades below C- will not count toward the minor.

10 credits (No substitutions allowed)

5 credits — ANAT-A225 Human Anatomy OR ANAT-A215 Basic Human Anatomy OR BIOL-N 216 Human Anatomy (offered at IU Indianapolis)

5 credits — PHSL-P225 Human Physiology OR PHSL-P215 Basic Human Physiology OR BIOL-N 217 Human Physiology (offered at IU Indianapolis)

6 credits for non-College of Arts and Sciences students, 9 credits for College of Arts and Sciences students

2 credits - ANAT-A361 History of Anatomy3,*

4 credits - ANAT-A464 Human Tissue Biology*

4 credits - ANAT-A480 Human Anatomy for Medical Imaging4

4 credits- ANAT- A487/587 Advanced Human Anatomy

3 credits - ANAT-A455 Introduction to Clinical Neuroanatomy2

3 credits - ANAT-A491 Human Embryology4

3 credits - MSCI-M131 Disease and the Human Body
OR MSCI-M216 Medical Science of Psychoactive Drugs
OR MSCI-M100 Current Topics in Biomedical Sciences: Science of Psychoactive Drugs
(College of Arts and Sciences students cannot include MSCI-M131 or MSCI-M216 in this minor.)

3-6 credits - MSCI-M300 Topics in Medical Sciences

2 credits - MSCI-M325 Introduction to Medicine1

3 credits - MSCI-M335 Biopsychosocial Medicine – A Case Study Approach1,*

3 credits - MSCI-M345 Medicine and the Media5,*

3 credits - MSCI-M360 Introduction to Pathophysiology*

4 credits - MSCI-M375 Human Parasitology OR BIOL-M 375 Human Parasitology3

3 credits - MSCI-M401 Basic and Clinical Pharmacology1,*

2 credits - MSCI-M410 Research Methods in Cell and Molecular Biology1

3 credits - MSCI-M440 Health Care in America1

1-3 credits - MSCI-M 450 Undergraduate Research in Biomedical Sciences+

3 credits - MSCI-M465 Medicine and Well-being3

3 credits - MSCI-M480 Molecular Biology of Cancer: Cell Signaling and Fate3

4 credits - MSCI-M485 Physiology of Human Disease

1-3 credits - MSCI-M490 Special Topics in Biomedical Sciences+

3 credits - PHSL-P416 Comparative Animal Physiology1

3 credits PHSL-P454 Environmental Physiology4

1Every Fall only
2Every other Fall only
3Spring only
4Every other Spring only
5Intersession or Spring
* Hybrid or Online course 
+ May be used for a maximum of 3 credits for the minor. MSCI-M450 & M490 are independent research credits or independent readings course typically reserved for those students already working in the lab of a Medical Sciences faculty member.

All courses are offered on the IU Bloomington campus unless otherwise specified.

Undergraduate Medical Sciences Courses

The Medical Sciences program at IU School of Medicine—Bloomington offers numerous undergraduate courses that satisfy selected requirements for specific majors, and which may count for credit for the Medical Sciences minor. These courses are also popular electives for many undergraduates who are not pursuing life science degrees.

two students work together during anatomy lab

Undergraduate Teaching Associate Positions

An undergraduate teaching associate (UTA) in the Medical Sciences Program is a junior or senior undergraduate student with at least 60 credit hours completed and an overall GPA of at least 3.0. UTAs assists faculty, associate instructors and laboratory directors with the teaching mission of the program. UTAs primarily help in teaching laboratories but also assist in other essential roles as specified for each course. In return, UTAs develop communication and leadership skills and insight to how people learn. Participation in this program is reserved for the truly outstanding undergraduate student. A student must have completed the course for which they serve as a UTA. Contact the IU School of Medicine—Bloomington Student Services Coordinator, the ANAT-A215 lab coordinator, or the PSHL-P215 lab coordinator for further information.

Apply to be an undergraduate teaching associate