Implementing Inclusive Excellence to Advance Health Equity

At IU School of Medicine, we know that our success is deeply connected to how well we value, engage and include the diverse members of our community — learners, faculty, staff, students, alumni, patients and partners alike. Our commitment to inclusive excellence is continuous, comprehensive and embedded in every aspect of our culture and actions.

Inclusive excellence means fostering a campus climate that honors and respects the unique diversity of each individual. It's about creating an environment where everyone feels valued and included.

Diversity includes but is not limited to: race, ethnicity, color, nationality, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, socioeconomic class, religion, disability, age, military status, political ideology, geographic location, intellectual diversity, language/linguistic ability, visa status, economic status, work style and other aspects of human attributes and behaviors.

View Indiana University's diversity statement

A person with dark curly hair is pictured from the back. She's wearing a shirt that reads "Diversity is vital"

Supporting Academic Excellence with Inclusive Practices

Supporting the school’s mission and core values, the Center for Inclusive Excellence applies evidence-based strategies to deliver dynamic programming to the School of Medicine to reduce health care disparities within vulnerable communities. This aligns with the IU School of Medicine's 2030 Strategic Plan and the increasing body of research showing that health care systems that reflect the demographics of the communities they serve achieve better quality and patient outcomes. The Center for Inclusive Excellence is dedicated to fostering a supportive, welcoming and inclusive environment where every member of the IU School of Medicine community feels valued and empowered.

By embedding cultural humility, inclusive practices and representational diversity into our work, we prepare all members of our community to effectively serve a diverse and complex population. This framework enables us to address health disparities, foster innovation and provide patient care that meets the needs of our most vulnerable communities. Through this commitment, we advance academic, clinical and research excellence while contributing to a more patient-centered health care experience.

A Foundational Commitment to Health Equity in Medicine

The Center for Inclusive Excellence's commitment to equity, inclusion and belonging, representational diversity, health equity and cultural humility creates a strong foundation for advancing health outcomes and fostering a more inclusive, effective medical community.

Equity, Inclusion and Belonging

Creating a sense of belonging plays a crucial role in advancing health equity. When individuals are valued and connected it helps to ensure that a wide range of perspectives and experiences inform medical education and practice. By fostering belonging, we will reduce disparities, promote equitable opportunities for success, and ultimately enhance health outcomes across diverse populations, driving progress toward health equity.

Representational Diversity

Representational diversity ensures that the medical workforce mirrors the diverse populations it serves, fostering greater empathy, understanding, and culturally humility. Research consistently shows that when our students, trainees, faculty and staff mirror the demographics of our community, they are better equipped to understand and address the unique health needs and concerns of all patients. 

Health Equity

Health equity is the beating heart of our mission. By infusing it into every aspect of our teaching, learning, and research, we can dismantle the systemic barriers that perpetuate health disparities, empowering underrepresented communities to thrive.  Our research priorities are designed to find solutions to these disparities, ensuring that our work has a real, positive impact on those who need it most.

Cultural Humility

A foundation of respect and empathy is crucial to provide high-quality care. To truly connect with patients, colleagues, and communities, it's essential to acknowledge the limitations of one's own worldview and actively seek to understand diverse perspectives. Practicing cultural humility fosters a more patient-centered and effective health care experience.

Upcoming Events

The Center for Inclusive Excellence hosts a variety of unique events year-round to engage faculty, staff and learners in conversations around diversity, equity and inclusion. 

Mistreatment Reporting

IU School of Medicine strives to provide a positive, inclusive environment that is conducive to teaching and learning. The school embodies the core values of excellence, respect, integrity, diversity and cooperation. Learners, faculty or staff who believe they’ve experienced or witnessed mistreatment are strongly encouraged to report it through the Mistreatment Incident Report form.

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