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Students in the Master of Science in Medical Science program are eligible to apply for a scholarship to assist them in the cost of attending IU School of Medicine. First year students are eligible for up to $20,000 to help cover costs in summer, fall, and spring. Students in the second year are eligible for funding up to $10,000 to cover the final fall and spring terms.


To be considered for this award, you must be from a Health Resources & Services Administration (HRSA) designated medically underserved area (by county). Preference is given to Indiana residents.

Awards will be available for up to 15 incoming students and up to 15 students in the second year.

Search for medically underserved areas

Use HRSA's map tool to find medically underserved areas

Funding for scholarships was made available via the Indiana Primary Care Advancement in Clinical Training (INPACT) grant the IU School of Medicine received from Health Resources & Services Administration (HRSA).

White Coat with IU School of Medicine logo

$15.4 million grant to help eliminate health disparities in Indiana

A new $15.4 million grant will help Indiana University School of Medicine recruit and educate medical students to better care for underserved populations, in hopes of improving health care across Indiana.