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IU School of Medicine prepares future physicians to provide inclusive and affirming care to sexual and gender minority patients.

Educational Programs in LGBTQ+ Health

Indiana University School of Medicine offers education programs to prepare future health care providers and scientists to further advance inclusive and affirming care to sexual and gender minority patients. 
Graduate medical education

Training for Residents


Family Medicine Residency at IU Methodist

IU Methodist Family Medicine Residents accepted into the LGBTQ+ Health Track are committed to the whole-person care of sexual and gender minority patients and are offered experiences in clinics that serve the LGBTQ+ community along with engagement in scholarly and volunteer/advocacy activities promoting the health and wellness of the LGBTQ+ community.

IU Methodist Family Medicine Residency program

Video Series

Logan Guckien, MD, and Kazia Parsons, MD, share their experiences in the IU Methodist Family Medicine Residency LGBTQ+ Health Track.

Psychiatry Residency

Psychiatry residents interested in serving sexual and gender minority patients see patients in the Gender Health Program to address psychiatric symptoms, manage medications, and provide gender-affirming mental health care including letters of support for surgery while also participating in journal club, didactics, and other projects focused on LGBTQ+ patients.

Psychiatry Residency program

Obstetrics and Gynecology Residency

During their family planning rotation, OB-GYN residents have the opportunity to work with a faculty supervisor to see LGBTQ+ patients for gynecological care, gender affirming hysterectomies, family planning, prenatal care, and contraception, learning ways to provide inclusive and affirming care to sexual and gender minority patients.

OB-GYN Residency program

Medical student education

Training for MD Students


Human Sexuality and Health Scholarly Concentration

The Human Sexuality and Health Scholarly Concentration introduces students to a range of issues related to sex, gender and sexuality and how these characteristics intersect with the practice of medicine. Students learn about health disparities in LGBTQ+ populations, the need for competency in practice with LGBTQ+ patients, and current best practices. This concentration is a partnership with the Kinsey Institute and provides students the opportunity to work with faculty researchers on a range of topics related to sex and sexuality.

Human Sexuality and Health Scholarly Concentration

LGBTQ+ Health Clinical Elective - Family Medicine

Fourth year medical students accepted into this elective course will work with providers in many different medical settings serving LGBTQ+ patients, focusing on improving culturally competent communication skills and developing a greater understanding of barriers to care for LGBTQ+ patients. Students will learn HIV/STI prevention best practices, components of gender-affirming care, and how to collect a comprehensive sexual health history.

Elective 93YF740 – Health of Gender and Sexual Minority Patients

Gender Affirmation Surgery Elective

Urology faculty supervises either a 2-week or 4-week elective in which medical students rotate with urology, OB-GYN, and plastic surgery to experience a wide range of gender affirming surgeries. Students also rotate with family medicine providers in the Gender Health Program to gain exposure to all aspects of gender affirming care.

Elective 93UR740/741 – Gender Affirmation Surgery

continuing education

Training for Health Care Professionals


a student at the pride parade is wearing a shirt that says "LGBTMD" and holding a transgender pride flag

LGBTQ+ Health Care Conference

This annual conference is designed for healthcare professionals, learners, researchers, patients, community organizers, and interested community members who seek to understand the unique health considerations and barriers to health care in the LGBTQ+ population.

LGBTQ+ Health Care Conference

LGBTQ+ Health ECHO Project

The IU Indianapolis ECHO Center at the Fairbanks School of Public Health hosts multiple ECHO projects (Extension for Community Health Outcomes), including the LGBTQ+ Health ECHO, to connect local providers with interdisciplinary specialist teams to spread knowledge and amplify local capacity to provide best practice care for complex health needs. The goal of Project ECHO is to enable rural and traditionally underserved populations to receive high-quality care, when they need it, close to home. The LGBTQ+ Health ECHO provides comprehensive and culturally informed training taught by renown clinicians with expertise in LGBTQ+ health care. Learn how to integrate appropriate language and evidence-based guidelines into your practice as you navigate caring for this patient population.

Richard M. Fairbanks School of Public Health ECHO Center

It is our responsibility as a medical school to lead the way in providing high-quality equitable care and listening to the LGBTQ+ community.

Alvaro Tori, MD

Associate Dean for Diversity Affairs