6177-Weiner, Michael

Michael Weiner, MD, MPH

Professor of Medicine

Director, VA HSR&amp

D Center for Health Information and Communication

Scientist, Health Services Research, Regenstrief Institute, Inc.

Indiana University Center for Health Services and Outcomes Research, Regenstrief Institute
1101 W. 10th St
Indianapolis , IN 46202
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Michael Weiner received his MD from the Duke University School of Medicine and completed residency and fellowship training in General Internal Medicine at The Johns Hopkins University. He received his MPH degree in Health Policy and Management from Johns Hopkins. He joined Regenstrief Institute, Inc. and the faculty of the Indiana University School of Medicine in 1999. From 2010 to 2023 he served as Chief of Health Services Research & Development at the Richard L. Roudebush Veterans Affairs Medical Center in Indianapolis, Indiana.

Dr. Weiner is Professor of Medicine at the Indiana University School of Medicine, Scientist at the Regenstrief Institute's William M. Tierney Center for Health Services Research, and Core Investigator at the VA HSR&D Center for Health Information and Communication.

Dr. Weiner's clinical and health-services research focuses on measuring and improving the quality, coordination, and delivery of health services, especially for older adults. He studies the effects of health information and information technology on behaviors, clinicians' practices, and patients' outcomes. He has conducted studies of specialty referral, patient-physician videoconferencing, and other forms of telecommunication to improve health care. Study methods have included cohort studies, clinical trials, surveys, and focus groups. Current research includes the development, implementation, and study of information systems to promote clinical handoffs, management of medications, patient-centered care, health information exchange, and clinical decision support.

Key Publications

Wang Y, Fan H, Banerjee R, Weaver AM, Weiner M. A national county-level assessment of US nursing facility characteristics associated with long-term exposure to traffic pollution in older adults. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2018 (March); 15(3):487. Available at http://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph15030487>.

Lee JL, Matthias MS, Menachemi N, Frankel R, Weiner M. A critical appraisal of guidelines for electronic communication between patients and clinicians: the need to modernize current recommendations. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 2018 (Apr); 25(4):413-418 (published online, 25 Aug 2017). Available at http://doi.org/10.1093/jamia/ocx089>. PMID: 29025086.

Militello LG, Savoy A, Porter B, Flanagan M, Wu J, Adams J, Rehman S, Abbaszadegan H, Weiner M. Hidden complexities in information flow between primary and specialty care clinics. Cognition, Technology & Work 2018 (May):1-10. Available at https://doi.org/10.1007/s10111-018-0486-y>.

Savoy A, Militello LG, Patel H, Flanagan ME, Russ AL, Daggy JK, Weiner M, Saleem JJ. A cognitive systems engineering design approach to improve the usability of electronic order forms for medical consultation. J Biomed Inform 2018 (30 Jul); 85:138-148. pii: S1532-0464(18)30151-5. Available at https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jbi.2018.07.021>. PMID: 30071316.

Militello LG, Weiner M. Preface to the special issue on "The role of best practices in health care decision making". Journal of Cognitive Engineering and Decision Making 2018 (01 Sep): 12(3):175-177 (published online, 16 Aug 2018). Available at https://doi.org/10.1177/1555343418790084>.

Steffensen EH, Cary C, Jensen JB, Larsson H, Weiner M, Nørgaard M. Preadmission antidepressant use and bladder cancer: a population-based cohort study of stage at diagnosis, time to surgery, and surgical outcomes. BMC Cancer 2018 (Oct); 18:1035. Available at http://doi.org/10.1186/s12885-018-4939-8>. PMID: 30355276.

Savoy A, Patel H, Flanagan ME, Daggy JK, Russ AL, Weiner M. Comparative usability evaluation of consultation order templates in a simulated primary care environment. Applied Ergonomics 2018 (Nov); 73:22-32. Available at https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apergo.2018.05.013>. PMID: 30098639.

Raymaker DM, Kapp S, McDonald KE, Weiner M, Ashkenazy E, Nicolaidis C. Development of the AASPIRE Web accessibility guidelines for autistic Web users. Autism in Adulthood 2019; 1(2). Published online, 06 Feb 2019. Available at https://doi.org/10.1089/aut.2018.0020>.

Schubert CC, Parks R, Coffing JM, Daggy J, Slaven JE, Weiner M. Lessons and outcomes of implementing mobile Acute Care for Elders consultation in a Veterans Affairs medical center. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 2019 (Apr); 67(4):818-824 (published online, December 2018). Available at https://doi.org/10.1111/jgs.15730>. PMID: 30575012.

Clark DO, Keith N, Weiner M, Xu H. Outcomes of an RCT of video-conference vs. in-person or in-clinic nutrition and exercise in midlife adults with obesity. Obesity Science & Practice 2019 (Apr); 5(2):111-119 (published online, 10 Dec 2018). Available at https://doi.org/10.1002/osp4.318>. PMID: 31019728. PMCID: PMC6469332.

Nicolaidis C, Raymaker D, Kapp SK, Baggs A, Ashkenazy E, McDonald K, Weiner M, Maslak J, Hunter R, Joyce A. The AASPIRE practice-based guidelines for the inclusion of autistic adults in research as co-researchers and study participants. Autism 2019 (Apr):1362361319830523 (published online, 03 Apr 2019). Available at https://doi.org/10.1177/1362361319830523>. PMID: 30939892. PMCID: PMC6776684.

Mattocks K, Cunningham K, Elwy AR, Finley EP, Greenstone C, Mengeling MA, Pizer SD, Vanneman ME, Weiner M, Bastian LA. Recommendations for the evaluation of cross-system care coordination from the VA SOTA Working Group on VA/non-VA care. J Gen Intern Med 2019 (May); Available at https://doi.org/10.1007/s11606-019-04972-1>. PMID: 31098968. PMCID: PMC6542862.

Elkhadragy N, Ifeachor AP, DiIulio JB, Arthur KJ, Militello LG, Weiner M, Glassman PA, Zillich AJ, Russ AL. Medication decision-making for patients with renal insufficiency in inpatient and outpatient care at a U.S. Veterans Affairs Medical Center: a qualitative, cognitive task analysis. BMJ Open 2019 (May 24); 9(5):e027439. Available at https://doi.org/10.1136/bmjopen-2018-027439>. PMID: 31129589. Best Paper Award for 2019, chosen among the faculty of the Purdue University Department of Pharmacy Practice.

Savoy A, Militello L, Weiner M, DiIulio J, Herout J, Midboe A, Abbaszadegan H. Cognitive requirements for primary care providers during the referral process: information needed from and interactions with an electronic health record system. Int J Med Inf 2019; 129:88-94 (published online, 31 May 2019). Available at https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijmedinf.2019.05.027>.

Russ AL, Militello LG, Glassman PA, Arthur KJ, Zillich AJ, Weiner M. Adapting cognitive task analysis to investigate clinical decision-making and patient safety incidents. Journal of Patient Safety 2019 (Sep); 15(3):191-197 (published online, May 2017). Available at https://doi.org/10.1097/PTS.0000000000000324>. PMID: 28471774.

Li X, Yu S, Zhang Z, Radican L, Cummins J, Engel SS, Iglay K, Duke J, Baker J, Brodovicz KG, Naik RG, Leventhal J, Chatterjee AK, Rajpathak S, Weiner M. Predictive modeling of hypoglycemia for clinical decision support in evaluating outpatients with diabetes mellitus. Curr Med Res Opin 2019 (Nov); 35(11):1885-1891 (published online, 25 Jun 2019). Available at https://doi.org/10.1080/03007995.2019.1636016>. PMID: 31234649.

Weiner M. Forced inefficiencies of the electronic health record [editorial]. J Gen Intern Med 2019 (Nov); 34(11):2299-2301 (published online, 26 Aug 2019). Available at http://doi.org/10.1007/s11606-019-05281-3>. PMID: 31452040.

Weiner M, Cummins J, Raji A, Ofner S, Iglay K, Teal E, Li X, Engel SS, Knapp K, Rajpathak S, Baker J, Chatterjee AK, Radican L. A randomized study on the usefulness of an electronic outpatient hypoglycemia risk calculator for clinicians of patients with diabetes in a safety-net institution. Curr Med Res Opin 2020; 36:583-593 (published online, 06 Feb 2020). Available at https://doi.org/10.1080/03007995.2020.1717451>. PMID: 31951747.

Lee J, Williams CE, Baird S, Matthias MS, Weiner M. Too many don'ts and not enough do's? A survey of hospitals about their portal instructions for patients. J Gen Intern Med 2020 (Apr); 35:1029-1034 (published online, 12 Nov 2019). Available at https://doi.org/10.1007/s11606-019-05528-z>. PMID: 31720967.

Kara A, Flanagan M, Gruber R, Lane K, Bo N, Kroenke K, Weiner M. A time motion study evaluating the impact of geographic cohorting of hospitalists. J Hosp Med 2020 (Jun); 15(6):338-344 (published online, 20 Nov 2019). Available at https://doi.org/10.12788/jhm.3339>.

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