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Regenerative medicine is the process of creating living, functional tissues to repair or replace tissue or organ function loss.

Regenerative Medicine and Engineering

Regenerative medicine is the process of creating living, functional tissues to repair or replace tissue or organ function loss. It involves the injection of stem or progenitor cells, the induction of generation by biologically active molecules, and transplantation of in vitro-grown organs and tissues.

The Indiana Center for Regenerative Medicine and Engineering focuses on developing novel technologies to regenerate cells and tissues affected by age, disease, damage or congenital effects, ultimately leading to wound care and healing for patients in Indiana and beyond.

Tissue Nanotransfection

Investigators have developed a non-invasive, nanochip device that uses tissue nanotransfection technology to reprogram one type of tissue into another with a simple touch and electric spark that is harmless to the body.


Indiana University School of Medicine has created an interdisciplinary Regenerative Medicine and Technologies Graduate Program that is primarily focused on developing a skilled workforce to shape the future of regenerative medicine. This program emphasizes training scholars in regenerative medicine-based innovations, regulatory science, and supply chain management.


The Indiana Center for Regenerative Medicine and Engineering works with the IU Health Comprehensive Wound Center to treat complicated and non-healing wounds, using the most current, advanced wound dressings and leading-edge wound-care technologies to provide the best possible outcome.