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At IU School of Medicine Medical Scientist Training Program (MSTP), we believe in more than just a program—we believe in opening doors to a world of unique opportunities. Our graduates stand as living proof of this belief, seamlessly bridging the realms of patient care and research. 

MSTP pipeline programs: A gateway to opportunity

MSTP students gather for a photo outside the anatomy lab.

At IU School of Medicine Medical Scientist Training Program (MSTP), we believe in more than just a program—we believe in opening doors to a world of unique opportunities. Our graduates stand as living proof of this belief, seamlessly bridging the realms of patient care and research.

We're not just passive participants; we actively engage with pipeline and STEM mentoring programs. Our mission? To inspire high school and college students to stay the course in STEM education and consider the MD-PhD pathway—an avenue leading to many career pathways.

Over the past year, we've made significant strides in recruitment and name recognition. From graduate fairs to high school and college visits, we've been spreading the word about STEM medical careers throughout Indianapolis and beyond. Our aim is simple: to ensure that students know the physician-scientist pathway early on, particularly those who may be the first in their families to attend college.

Our commitment extends beyond the confines of our campus. Through our Growth through Guidance mentoring program at Arsenal Tech High School, we're helping students unlock their potential. Our current MSTP students engage in meaningful discussions with Arsenal Tech students, shedding light on healthcare career options, the intricacies of biomedical research, and the journey to medical school. And this is just the beginning; we're already planning to expand our resources and activities for the upcoming year.

But our outreach doesn't stop there. Recognizing the value of mentorship for pre-medical college students, we've launched the IUPUI Growth through Guidance program in partnership with the IUPUI School of Science. This initiative pairs IUPUI students with MSTP student mentors, providing guidance on everything from exam preparation to personal statement writing. Through hands-on experiences and shadowing opportunities, we're equipping students with the tools they need to succeed.

The results speak for themselves. Our inaugural year was a resounding success, with first-generation college students particularly benefiting from the support and guidance offered by our mentors. As we look ahead, we're excited to continue nurturing the next generation of physician-scientists, ensuring they're equipped to make a meaningful impact in the world of medicine and beyond.

And to shine a spotlight on our most recent pipeline program: we're thrilled to announce the arrival of our MSTP Undergraduate Summer Research Program students for the upcoming summer! Over the past three years, applications to this esteemed program have skyrocketed fourfold, showcasing its growing popularity. This year, competition was particularly fierce, reflecting the high caliber of applicants. We’re welcoming six students from Cornell, IU, University of Iowa, Purdue, and Ohio State.

The program aims to provide aspiring MSTP students with a unique opportunity to immerse themselves in our MSTP community during the summer. Participants will engage in cutting-edge research, shadow experienced clinicians, and connect with current students and esteemed MSTP faculty. The program will culminate in an August final research presentation, where participants will showcase their work to mentors, family, and friends. 

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Lori Hart

Lori Hart is the Admissions and Outreach Counselor for the Medical Scientist Training Program (MSTP). 
The views expressed in this content represent the perspective and opinions of the author and may or may not represent the position of Indiana University School of Medicine.