his illustration shows the anatomy of the heart and a rupture in the blood vessel that causes bleeding.
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Study validates bleeding from damaged blood vessels within the heart muscle greatly increases risk for major adverse cardiovascular events in heart attacks

For nearly two decades, Rohan Dharmakumar, PhD, of Krannert Cardiovascular Research Center at the Indiana University School of Medicine has been on a mission to understand the cause of chronic heart failure in heart attack patients treated with percutaneous coronary intervention, a minimally invasive surgical procedure to re-establish blood flow following a sudden obstruction of the coronary artery - the vessel supplying blood to the heart muscle - that causes heart attacks. While restorative treatments have saved millions of patients from immediate death after a heart attack, about half of patients develop chronic heart failure within five years. Dharmakumar and his team seek to understand the underlying mechanisms that lead to heart muscle damage and use that knowledge to develop appropriate therapeutics.

Angie Antonopoulos  |  Jul 19, 2024
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June 2024 Newsletter

Read the latest news for June 2024 from the IU/IUH Cardiovascular Institute. 

Cardiovascular Institute
Close-up of gloved hand holding pipet and small tube

IU School of Medicine names 2024 Showalter Scholars

IU School of Medicine names four outstanding scientists as the 2024 Showalter Scholars: Thomas Everett, PhD; Troy Markel, MD; Roman Natoli, MD, PhD; and Yong Zang,

Mark Payne, MD, in his lab

Fighting Friedreich’s ataxia: A pediatric cardiologist’s journey of innovation and collaboration

R. Mark Payne, MD, has pioneered a promising treatment for Friedreich's ataxia, a degenerative nervous system condition with no present cure. Payne's journey with his

Jackie Maupin
Keyur Vora, MD, shown from the chest up wearing a white lab coat with a blue shirt underneath.

IU Krannert investigator earns spot in prestigious ACC Clinical Trials Research Program

Keyur P. Vora, MD, an investigator with the Ischemic Heart Disease Research Program at the Krannert Cardiovascular Research Center at Indiana University School of Medicine,

Angie Antonopoulos
Halimat Olaniyan, MD, sitting at her desk with one of her sickle cell presentations on the computer monitor.

Krannert Cardiovascular Research Center study brings optimism to pathology resident with sickle cell

Halimat Olaniyan, MD, an Indiana University School of Medicine pathology resident who lives with sickle cell disease, is familiar with the pain her disease causes

Angie Antonopoulos
Dr Kovacs headshot with football field background

Kovacs advocates for cardiac emergency preparedness

Sports cardiologist Richard Kovacs leads cardiac screening for the NFL Scouting Combine and advocates for widespread CPR training.

Laura Gates
Courtland Blount, MD, MS

A Hearty Influencer: Cardiovascular Fellow builds following as advocate for diverse patient, student populations

Success and empowerment can only be found where support is plentiful. Courtland Blount, MD, strongly believes that – so much so that he’s set out

Caitlin VanOverberghe
Stephanie Ware Women in Leadership portrait

Bench to Bedside: Ware leads integration of genetics into clinical care

Cardiovascular geneticist Stephanie Ware, MD, PhD, leads a growing department of genetics experts as genomic medicine is more broadly implemented into clinical care at IU

Laura Gates
graphic reads "One IU CV Newsletter"

December 2023 Newsletter

Read the latest news for December 2023 from the IU/IUH Cardiovascular Institute.

Cardiovascular Institute