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Graduate Courses

The Department of Anatomy, Cell Biology and Physiology offers a selection of courses at the Indianapolis campus that are open to all Indiana University graduate students. These include introductory courses in the anatomical sciences as well as specialized courses in advanced topics.

Introductory Courses in Anatomy Fundamentals

5 credits

Prerequisite: Enrollment requires consent of instructor.

This gross anatomy lecture and laboratory course provides an introduction to the concepts, terminology and basic structure of the human body. Dissection of the body uses a regional approach. Emphasis on providing fundamental knowledge of the structure/function of major organ systems, musculoskeletal system, peripheral nervous system and vascular supply to the trunk, head and neck, limbs, and back.

Agosto, Organ

4 credits

A graduate-level course designed to provide fundamental histological knowledge upon which to build a deeper understanding of the human body. The course uses Team-Based Learning (TBL) and optic and virtual microscopy to deliver course content.


3 credits

Graduate-level neuroscience course providing an introduction to terminology, pathways, organization and current research-based concepts of the human nervous system. Emphasis on fundamental knowledge of the structure, neurochemistry and molecular mechanisms of the central and peripheral nervous systems in health and disease.


5 credits

A graduate-level anatomy course for students in the Masters of Physician Assistant Studies (MPAS), Physical Therapy doctoral (DPT), and Occupational Therapy doctoral (OTD) programs in the School of Health and Human Sciences. This course is designed to introduce the principal concepts, basic structure, and function of the human body through a clinical lens. Students will have the opportunity to learn, through dissection and demonstration of human cadaveric specimens, clinical and functional correlates of human anatomy.


5 credits

This graduate course uses a multidisciplinary approach to integrate the basic with the clinical neurosciences in understanding the human nervous system and select neurological disorders. Particular emphasis is placed on deficits of motor function resulting from injury or disease. The functional anatomy of the brain and spinal cord is studied using histologic atlas cross-sections and neuroradiologic images. Working as interdisciplinary teams, doctoral students in the biomedical sciences and rehabilitation sciences explore relevant clinical cases in team-based activities.

Brown, Jones

2 credits

This graduate seminar course surveys the development of the anatomical sciences (gross anatomy, histology, neuroanatomy, and embryology) from antiquity to present. Students will explore the work of the great anatomists and their discoveries. Particular emphasis will be placed on the evolution of anatomy as a discipline and the cultural influences, scientific discoveries, and ethical dilemmas facing its practitioners.


3 credits

Graduate-level course that provides a detailed study of the developing human body from conception to birth. Classical anatomical embryology will be emphasized, including consideration of major congenital malformations. Will be taught as a directed self-study course with case-based learning exercises and assigned readings.


5 credits

Prerequisite: BIOL N261 Human Anatomy or permission of instructor

This course is designed as an intensive learning experience for upper-level, motivated undergraduate students who desire an advanced understanding of human anatomy; especially who intend to pursue a health professional career. Through cadaveric dissection, prosected materials, and digital images, students explore the structure of the human body with an emphasis on functional anatomy and clinical correlations.

Byram, Organ, Yard

9 credits

This course is designed to provide an integrated microscopic-to-macroscopic understanding of the structural organization underlying many of the functions of the human body. Students are exposed to the developmental processes responsible for the unique structural and spatial relationships in the body. On completion, students have a framework of anatomical knowledge on which to build future understanding of disease and treatment.

Enrollment is restricted to medical students and graduate students in the Education Track PhD Program in Anatomy.


5 credits

Prerequisites: Introductory biology (K101, K103), organic chemistry (C341, C342), and physics (P201, P202) or equivalent

Advanced course in human physiology designed for students with no prior exposure to the discipline. Emphasis on basic physiological mechanisms of control with regard to the various body systems.


2 credits

Students will use computer simulations to study and understand fundamental concepts in human physiology. The areas covered include cardiovascular, skeletal, neural, muscular, respiratory, exercise, renal, endocrine, and reproduction.


6 credits

Prerequisites: F503 or equivalent

Neurophysiology, physiology of muscular activity, respiration, circulation, gastrointestinal physiology, excretion, metabolism, and endocrinology. Emphasis on physiological mechanisms and control systems.


Advanced and Research-Oriented Courses

2 credits

Enrollment in this course requires consent of instructor.

This course is designed to provide students with structured and supervised educational research experiences as well as critical reviews of individual performance. May be repeated for credit.


Arranged credits

Prerequisite: D502

In-depth consideration of selected topics on the microscopic anatomy of cells, tissues and organs.


Arranged credits

This course provides the advanced research student with a forum for sharing ideas and problems under the supervision of a senior researcher.


1 credit

Required of all graduate students in residence. Presentations of papers by students, staff and invited distinguished visitors.


Arranged credits

Prerequisites: D501, D528, or X620. Consent of instructor required.

Functional, clinical and developmental gross morphology of specific regions of the human body; special topics may vary.


Arranged credits

Prerequisites: D527 or D701

Examination of the anatomy and related physiology and neurochemistry of selected brain areas. Topics include regional structures (in spinal cord, brain stem, diencephalon or telencephalon) or specific neurological systems (sensory, motor or autonomic-visceral). Area of study to be arranged with instructor.


2 credits

Enrollment in this course requires consent of instructor.

This course is designed to provide each student with supervised teaching experiences in gross anatomy, histology and neuroscience as well as critical reviews of all teaching duties. May be repeated for credit.


6 credits

Enrollment requires completion of over 90 credit hours and consent of instructor.

This course provides the advanced research student with a forum for sharing ideas and problems under the supervision of a senior researcher.


3 credits

Prerequisites: F503 or equivalent

This course will provide students and fellows with the opportunity to extend their knowledge of human physiology by investigating the mechanisms of human diseases and understanding how physiological systems interact in order to maintain homeostasis in health and disease.


Arranged credits

Students cover fundamental concepts of cellular and integrative physiology of tissues and organ systems. Basic physiology of the neural, musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, respiratory, renal, endocrine, and gastrointestinal systems is included. At the end of the course, students should have a basic understanding of the physiologic functions of cells, tissues, and organ systems and should understand modern approaches for the measurement and interpretation of physiologic functions.


1 credit

Prerequisites: graduate cellular physiology

Advanced ion transport topics selected from current research on channels, pumps, and exchangers. Topics include transporter biophysical characteristics, long-term regulation, and electrophysiological and optical methods for study.


1 credit

Prerequisites: graduate physiology

Reading and discussion of classical papers in renal physiology. Laboratory experiences will include measurement of renal functions using clearance methods and demonstrations of micro-puncture and in vivo techniques.


Arranged credits

The overall objective of this graduate course in cell biology is to present, in an experimental context, information integrating cell structure with cell function. The focus is on topics in which new information on cell structure has enhanced or reformulated our understanding of cell function.


3 credits

Prerequisite: one semester of introductory biology

An introduction to basic bone biology, including bone morphology, composition and physiology; cell biology of bone cells; measurement techniques; adaptation to the mechanical and metabolic environments; regulatory factors and mineral homeostasis; and growth and development.

Allen, McNulty

3 credits

Prerequisite: graduate physiology

Reading and in-depth discussion of current concepts and controversies in the field. Classes involve student presentations of relevant manuscripts in a journal club format.


1 credit

This course provides students with a functional understanding of experimental design and statistical testing in the biological sciences. Students learn why a thoughtful approach to the design of their experiments and a rigorous, unbiased testing of results are both important to their work and future careers. Students receive an introduction to basic statistical theory with a practical focus on interpreting printouts from a variety of statistical programs (rather than a focus on students carrying out their own calculations). Practical examples of experimental design and statistical testing—both good examples and bad—are worked through for a variety of real situations in biomedical research.
