62472-Mc Clain, Dasia

Dasia Mc Clain, MD

Resident Appointee


Indianapolis, Indiana

College education
Fisk University; Meharry Medical College.

Why did you apply for the Psychiatry Residency in Merrillville?
Part of it is I was just trying to get a little closer to home. I’ve been in Nashville, Tennessee for the past eight years. And I want to start taking on some of those more adult roles in my family because some of our older family members start to age out of the responsibilities and you kind of grow into it—things like helping my mom out, keeping track of my cousins, all those things. The residency in this region where so few psychiatrists work also aligns with my personal life philosophy of serving the underserved. Having access to a population that has a deeper need means the world to me.

What do you like most about the residency so far?
Everyone’s been so nice. And to see how excited everyone is to be here really speaks to the culture. Working with people who enjoy their jobs—I can only imagine how much of a difference that makes in day-to-day practice, especially when you’re learning. I also like the variety. Having access to so many clinics, so many different types of populations. I like the sheer amount of time and care because I know I’m going to learn a lot. It’s also interesting being in place where they’re not using you solely as labor. Here, we’re more than just a body to put immediately into work.

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