60244-Thompson, Harrison

Harrison Thompson, MD

Resident Appointee


Where did you grow up?
Charlottesville, Virginia, and Mobile, Alabama
What is your medical school/undergraduate background?
Medical school: University of Alabama School of Medicine
Undergraduate: Auburn University
Why are you pursuing a career in ENT?
When I went through my third-year clerkships, I found myself loving every ENT rotation. I loved doing everything from clinic work to OR work to small procedures and more! ENT lets you do it all with an added bonus of working with some of the nicest physicians and patients out there!
What intrigued you about IU School of Medicine?
I left my interview day with IU School of Medicine thinking three things: IU cares about and supports their residents; IU sets up their residents for success after residency; and the physicians and residents at IU were some of the nicest people on the interview trail! I was thoroughly impressed and am happy to be a part of a program that exemplifies these qualities.
What do you want to learn most from the faculty and residents in the Department of Otolaryngology?
IU Otolaryngology has faculty that trained and practiced at a variety of institutions and countries. I’m excited to work with such a diverse group of people and to learn from the variety of perspectives and techniques they use when approaching their surgical cases.
What are some of your hobbies?
Backcountry camping, SCUBA and traveling!

Looking for patient care?

To schedule an appointment with a faculty member physician of IU School of Medicine, contact Indiana University Health at 888-484-3258 or use the physician finder by clicking the button below.