50203-Shay, Elizabeth

Elizabeth Shay

Resident Appointee


Where did you grow up?

I was born and grew up on the island of Jamaica. I also spent four of my younger years in Barbados. I moved to the United States right when I started college.

What is your medical school/undergraduate background?

I attended college at Columbia University. I went to medical school at Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine of Case Western Reserve University.

Why are you pursuing a career in ENT?

Otolaryngology combines my desire to treat people with disorders that compromise communication skills and quality of life with my desire to work with my hands. Having the ability, through surgery, to manipulate anatomy to restore function appeals to me.

What intrigued you about IU School of Medicine?

I enjoyed talking with the faculty and residents on my interview day. I could tell that the residents felt supported. I was also impressed by the research opportunities.

What do you want to learn most from the faculty and residents in the Department of Otolaryngology?

How to be an outstanding surgeon and effective teacher. Also, all of the best restaurants in Indy.

What are some of your hobbies?

I enjoy writing poetry. I like watching NBA basketball. I guess I'll have to be a Pacers fan now!

Looking for patient care?

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