9839-Cox, Elaine

Elaine G. Cox, MD

Professor of Clinical Pediatrics

Chief Medical Officer, Riley Children's Health

(317) 944-7260
705 Riley Hospital Drive
RI 3032
Indianapolis, IN 46202
Link to PubMed Pubmed Logo


Elaine Cox, Professor of Clinical Pediatrics, trained at Indiana University School of Medicine and has been faculty in the section of pediatric infectious disease since 1995. Dr. Cox currently serves as the Chief Medical Officer for Riley Children’s Health. Dr. Cox has served as medical director for the outpatient ID clinic at Riley, program director for pediatric HIV/AIDs, antimicrobial stewardship for pediatrics as well as the medical director of infection prevention and the clinical safety officer for Riley. Dr. Cox has been a regular blog contributor for US News posting more than 57 pieces. Dr. Cox has found legislative work to also be a passion working on HIV legislation at the state level and testifying before Congress regarding hospital acquired infections. She resides in Indianapolis with her husband, also a physician, and is mother to 3 children.

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