7079-Wu, Yu-Chien

Yu-Chien Wu, MD, PhD

Professor of Radiology & Imaging Sciences

Director, In-Vivo Imaging Core, Indiana Institute for Biomedical Imaging Sciences (IIBIS)

Director, Roberts Translational Imaging Facility, STARK Neurosciences Research Institute (SNRI)

Director, Advanced Imaging Research Group (SNRI) and Program (IIBIS)

Co-Director, Neuroimaging Core, Indiana Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center (IADRC)

(317) 963-1697
355 West 16th Street,
Goodman Hall, Suite 4100
Indianapolis, IN 46202
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I joined IU School of Medicine as Assistant Professor in the Department of Radiology and Imaging Sciences and became a full professor in 2024.  I received a MD degree and license in Taiwan.  Later, I earned my PhD in Medical Physics at the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 2006.

While I am a Magnetic Resonance Imaging Physicist by training, my research focuses on diffusion physics in biologic system using diffusion MRI. I started to work on diffusion MRI extensively in my graduate education. I continued to advance in this field independently at Dartmouth College (2009-2013) and currently at Indiana University School of Medicine.

Key Publications

  1.  Shahid SS, Wen Q, Risacher SL, Farlow MR, Unverzagt FW, Apostolova LG, Foroud TM, Zetterberg H, Blennow K, Saykin AJ, Wu YC.  Hippocampal-subfield microstructures and their relation to plasma biomarkers in Alzheimer’s disease. Brain. 2022;145(6):2149-2160. 10.1093/brain/awac138.  (IP= 15.26) featured in the editorial commentary
  2. Wu YC, Harezlak J, Mustafi SM, Elsaid NMH, Lin Z, Wen Q, Riggen LD, Koch KM, Nencka AS, Meier TB, Mayer AR, Wang Y, Giza CC, DiFiori JP, Guskiewicz KM, Mihalik JP, LaConte SM, Duma SM, Broglio SP, Saykin AJ, McCrea MA, McAllister TW. Longitudinal White-Matter Abnormalities in Sports-Related Concussion: A Diffusion MRI study. Neurology. 2020;95(7):781-792. (IP=11.8) featured in the editorial commentary
  3. Wu YC, Wen Q, Gill JM, Thukral R, Gao S, Lane KA, Meier TB, Riggen LD, Harezlak J, Giza CC, Goldman J, Guskiewicz KM, Mihalik JP, LaConte SM, Duma SM, Broglio SP, Saykin AJ, McAllister TW, McCrea MA. Longitudinal associations between blood biomarkers and white-matter MRI in sport-related concussion: A study of the NCAA-DoD CARE Consortium.  Neurology 2023
  4. Wen Q, Risacher SL, Xie L, Li J, Harezlak J, Farlow MR, Unverzagt FW, Gao S, Apostolova LG, Saykin AJ, and Wu YC. Tau-Related White-Matter Alterations Along Spatially Selective Pathways. NeuroImage. 2021;226. 
  5. Martinez P, Patel H, You Y, Jury N, Perkins A, Lee-Gosselin A, Taylor X, You Y, Di Prisco GV, Huang X, Dutta S, Wijeratne A, Redding-Ochoa J, Shahid SS, Mosley AL, Wu YC, McKinzie D, Rochet C, Zhang J, Atwood B, Troncoso J, Lasagna-Reeves CA. Bassoon contributes to tau-seed neurotoxicity and propagation.  Nature neuroscience. 2022 Accepted (IP=24.88)
  6. Grecco GG, Shahid S, Atwood BK, Wu YC. Alterations of Brain Microstructures in a Mouse Model of Prenatal Opioid Exposure Detected by Diffusion MRI. Scientific Reports, 2022
  7. Shahid S, Grecco GG, Atwood BK, Wu YC. Perturbed neurochemical and microstructural organization in a mouse model of prenatal opioid exposure: a multi-modal magnetic resonance study. Plos One, 2023 

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