68208-Fu, Yulong

Yulong Fu, PhD

Assistant Professor of Clinical Pathology & Laboratory Medicine

Director of Molecular Pathology Division

CP 5000
Indianapolis, IN
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Yulong Fu, Ph.D., FACMG is an assistant professor in the Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine at Indiana University, where he also serves as the division director for Molecular Pathology at Indiana University. Prior to joining to Indian University, Dr. Fu was an assistant professor at University of Alabama at Birmingham and served as the director of Medical Genomics Laboratory there. He earned his Ph.D. in Genetics in 2010 from Peking Union Medical College in Beijing, China. Following his doctoral studies, Dr. Fu completed his postdoctoral research at the National Institute of Health. He then pursued a two-year fellowship in Laboratory Genetics and Genomics at the NIH, certified by American Board of Medical Genetics and Genomics.  Dr. Fu has published more than 30 peer-reviewed research articles and has served as a scientist reviewer for the Department of Defense's Neurofibromatosis research program.  

Key Publications

1.    Chen Y*, Fu Y*, Koczkowska M, Callens T, Gomes A, Liu J, Bradley W, Brown B, Shaw B, D'Agostino D, Fu C, Wallis D. (2024) Genotype-Phenotype Correlation in Neurofibromatosis Type 1: Evidence for a Mild Phenotype Associated with Splicing Variants Leading to In-Frame Skipping of NF1 Exon 24 [19a]. Cancers (Basel). Jun 29;16(13):2406. ((*Co-corresponding author).

2.    Cho Y-W*, Fu Y*, Huang CC, Wu X, Ng L, Vella K R, Berg A, Hollenberg A, Liu H, Forrest D. (2023) Thyroid hormone-regulated chromatin landscape and transcriptional sensitivity of the pituitary gland. Commun. Biol. Dec 11;6(1):1253. (*Co-first author).

3.    Huang X*, Fu Y*, Lee H, Zhao Y, Yang W, van de Leemput J, Han Z. (2023) Single-cell profiling of the developing embryonic heart in Drosophila. Development. Aug 15;150(16).(*Co-first author)

4.    Fu Y, Huang X, Zhang P, van de Leemput J, Han Z. (2020) Single-cell RNA sequencing identifies novel cell types in Drosophila blood. J Genet Genomics. 9:S1673-8527(20).

5.    Fu Y, Zhu JY, Richman A, Zhang Y, Xie X, Das JR, Li J, Ray PE, Han Z. (2017). APOL1-G1 in nephrocytes induces hypertrophy and accelerates cell death. J. Am. Soc. Nephrol. 28(4):1106-1116.  (Highlighted by Nat. Rev. Nephrol.)

6.    Fu Y, Zhu JY, Richman A, Zhao Z, Zhang F, Ray PE, Han Z. (2017) A Drosophila model system to assess the function of human monogenic podocyte mutations that cause nephrotic syndrome. Hum. Mol. Genet. 26 (4): 768-780.

7. Fu Y, Zhu JY, Zhang F, Richman A, Zhao Z, Han Z. (2017) Comprehensive functional analysis of Rab GTPases in Drosophila nephrocytes. ‎Cell Tissue Res. 368(3):615-627.

8.    Fu Y, Liu H, Ng L, Wu X, Kim JW, Swaroop A, Forrest D. (2014). Feedback induction of a photoreceptor-specific isoform of retinoid-related orphan nuclear receptor β by the rod differentiation factor NRL transcription factor. J. Biol. Chem. 289 (47), 32469-32480.





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