68118-Huang, Xiaoqing

Xiaoqing Huang, PhD

Assistant Research Professor of Biostatistics & Health Data Science

HITS, Office 3059

Indianapolis, IN
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I am an Assistant Research Professor of Biostatistics & Health Data Science with a primary research interest in developing statistical methodologies and machine learning models to enhance the understanding of complex biological systems. My doctoral training at Indiana University, my statistical work experiences at the FDA and NIH equipped me with a solid foundation in both theoretical and applied statistics, which I have since applied to various projects in genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, clinical measurements, cancers, real world data and public health.

Key Publications

  1.         Huang X, Jannu A, Song Z, Garfe N, Lasagna-Reeves C, Jonhson T, Huang K, Zhang J. Predicting Alzheimer’s Disease Subtypes and Understanding Their Molecular Characteristics in Living Patients with Transcriptomic Trajectory Profiling. Alzheimer's & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer's Association (accepted).
  2.      Song Z, Huang X, Jannu A, Johnson T, Zhang J, Huang K. Identify Alzheimer’s disease subtypes and markers from multi-omic data of human brain and blood with a subspace merging algorithm. International Conference on Intelligent Biology and  Medicine (ICIBM 2024). (accepted).   
  3.       Martinez P, Patel H, You Y, Jury N, Perkins A, Lee-Gosselin A, Taylor X, You Y, Viana Di Prisco G, Huang X, Dutta S, Wijeratne AB, Redding-Ochoa J, Shahid SS, Codocedo JF, Min S, Landreth GE, Mosley AL, Wu YC, McKinzie DL, Rochet JC, Zhang J, Atwood BK, Troncoso J, Lasagna-Reeves CA. Bassoon contributes to tau-seed propagation and neurotoxicity. Nat Neurosci. 2022 Dec;25(12):1597-1607. PubMed Central PMCID: PMC9708566.
  4.       Martinez P, Patel H, You Y, Garfe N, Perkins A, You Y, Huang X, Dutta S, Wijeratne A, Redding J, Mosley A, Rochet C, Zhang J, Troncoso J, Lasagna-Reeves C. Pathological tau interactors and their role in propagation and neurodegeneration. Alzheimer's & Dementia. 2022.
  5.       Johnson TS, Yu CY, Huang Z, Xu S, Wang T, Dong C, Shao W, Zaid MA, Huang X, Wang Y, Bartlett C, Zhang Y, Walker BA, Liu Y, Huang K, Zhang J. Diagnostic Evidence GAuge of Single cells (DEGAS): a flexible deep transfer learning framework for prioritizing cells in relation to disease. Genome Med. 2022 Feb 1;14(1):11. PubMed Central PMCID: PMC8808996.
  6.       Huang X, Huang K, Johnson T, Radovich M, Zhang J, Ma J, Wang Y. ParsVNN: parsimony visible neural networks for uncovering cancer-specific and drug-sensitive genes and pathways. NAR Genom Bioinform. 2021 Dec;3(4):lqab097. PubMed Central PMCID: PMC8557386.
  7.       Wojtowicz D, Sason I, Huang X, Kim YA, Leiserson MDM, Przytycka TM, Sharan R. Hidden Markov models lead to higher resolution maps of mutation signature activity in cancer. Genome Med. 2019 Jul 26;11(1):49. PubMed Central PMCID: PMC6660659.
  8.       Huang X, Wojtowicz D, Przytycka TM. Detecting presence of mutational signatures in cancer with confidence. Bioinformatics. 2018 Jan 15;34(2):330-337. PubMed Central PMCID: PMC5860213.
  9.       Chai G, Huang X, Ma Y, Mehta S, Radin R, Ready T, Soon J, Wittayanukorn S, Woods C, Zhao Y. Generating Real-World Evidence for Prescription Opioid Use with Geographically Referenced Data Enrichment and Machine Learning. American Statistical Association (ASA) Biopharmaceutical Section. 2019.

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