6622-Wen, Qiuting

Qiuting Wen, PhD

Assistant Professor of Radiology & Imaging Sciences

GH 4100

Indianapolis, IN 46202
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Dr. Qiuting Wen (pronounced chiu-ting) obtained her Ph.D. from the UCSF-UC Berkeley Joint Ph.D. Program in Bioengineering, where she conducted research in brain tumor imaging and developed a keen interest in MRI. After graduation, she moved to Indiana University to continue her research as a postdoc with a focus on advanced diffusion MRI. She is the developer of dynamic Diffusion-Weighting Imaging (dynDWI) for measuring the paravascular cerebrospinal fluid (pCSF) dynamics—a key component of the brain's waste clearance function (glymphatic system).

One stream of her research involves applying dynDWI to understand dysfunctional pCSF clearance in aging, Alzheimer's disease, and other neurodegenerative and cerebrovascular diseases. Another focus of her research is developing multimodal imaging analytical frameworks to comprehend the brain's regional vulnerability to tauopathy and its relationship with white-matter degeneration in aging and Alzheimer's disease.

Lab website: https://sites.google.com/view/wenlab/home

Key Publications

  1. Wen Q*, Tong Y, Zhou X, Dzemidzic M, Ho CY, Wu YC. Assessing Pulsatile Waveforms of Paravascular Cerebrospinal Fluid Dynamics within the Glymphatic Pathways using Dynamic Diffusion-weighted Imaging (dDWI). Neuroimage, 2022.
  2. Shahid SS, Wen Q, Risacher SL, Farlow MR, Unverzagt FW, Apostolova LG, Foroud TM, Zetterberg H, Blennow K, Saykin AJ, Wu YC. Hippocampal-subfield microstructures and their relation to plasma biomarkers in Alzheimer's disease. Brain.  2022 Jun 30;145(6):2149-2160. 
  3. Hall Z, Chien B, Risacher SL, Saykin AJ, Wu YC, Wen Q*. Tau deposition and structural connectivity demonstrate differential association patterns with neurocognitive tests. Brain Imaging and Behavior 2021 Sep 17 (Cover article)
  4. Wen Q*, Risacher SL, Xie L, Li J, Harezlak J, Tallman E, Farlow MR, Unverzagt FW, Gao S, Apostolova LG, Saykin AJ, and Wu YC. Tau-related white-matter alterations along spatially selective pathways. Neuroimage. 2021 Feb 1;226:117560.
  5. Wen Q*, Feng L, Zhou K, Wu Y-C. Rapid golden-angle diffusion-weighted propeller MRI for simultaneous assessment of ADC and IVIM. Neuroimage. 2020 Dec;223:117327
  6. Wen Q, Mustafi SM, Harezlak J, Li J, Risacher SL, West JD, Tallman E, Farlow MR, Unverzagt FW, Apostolova LG, Saykin AJ, and Wu YC. White-matter alterations in early-stage Alzheimer’s disease: A tract-specific study. Alzheimers Dement (Amst). 2019 Dec; 11: 576–587
  7. Wen Q, Kodiweera C, Dale BM, Shivraman G, Wu Y-C. Rotating single-shot acquisition (RoSA) with composite reconstruction for fast high-resolution diffusion imaging. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 2018 Jan,79(1):264-275
  8. Wen Q, Kelley D, Banerjee S, Xu D, Lupo JM, Hess C, Nelson SJ. Clinically feasible NODDI characterization of brain tumor using an optimized multiband EPI at 7T. Neuroimage Clin. 2015, 9: 291–299.
  9. Wen Q, Jalilian L, Lupo JM, Molinaro AM., Chang SM, Clarke J, Prados M, Nelson SJ. Comparison of ADC metrics and their association with outcome for patients with newly diagnosed glioblastoma being treated with radiation therapy, temozolomide, erlotinib and bevacizumab, J Neurooncol. 2015 Jan,121(2):331-9.
  10. Wen Q, Jalilian L, Lupo JM, Li Y, Roy R, Molinaro AM, Chang SM, Prados M, Butowski N, Clarke J, Nelson SJ. Association between diffusion and clinical outcome varies with treatment regimen for patients with newly diagnosed glioblastoma. Transl Oncol. 2015 Dec,8(6):446-55.

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