6484-Spinola, Stanley

Stanley M. Spinola, MD

Professor of Microbiology & Immunology

Professor of Medicine

Professor of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine

Chair, Department of Microbiology and Immunology 2010-2019

Director Division of Infectious Diseases 1995-2010

David H. Jacobs Professor of Medicine 1999-2010

(317) 274-0506
MS 420
635 Barnhill Dr.
Indianapolis , IN 46202-5120
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Dr. Spinola received a B.A. from Brown University in 1974 (Biology) and a M.D. from Georgetown University in 1978.  He completed a residency in Internal Medicine and Pediatrics at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 1982 and served in the National Health Service Corps from 1982-1984.  He completed a fellowship in Adult and Pediatric Infectious Diseases at the University of North Carolina in 1987, where he trained in Janne Cannon's laboratory and was funded by a NRSA grant.  From 1987 to 1993, Dr. Spinola was at the State University of New York at Buffalo as an Assistant and then Associate Professor in the Department of Medicine. He came to Indiana University in 1993 to join the Division of Infectious Diseases in the Department of Medicine and was named the Division Director in 1995.  In 1999, Dr. Spinola was named the first David H. Jacobs Professor of Infectious Diseases; he served as Chair of the Department of Microbiology and Immunology from 2010-2019 and is currently a Professor of Microbiology and Immunology, Medicine, and Pathology and Laboratory Medicine. He has been NIH funded from 1990 through 2024. He is a member of the American Society for Clinical Investigation and a Fellow in the American Academy of Microbiology and in the Infectious Diseases Society of America.  He served for 2 terms as a Member and Chair of the Microbiology and Infectious Diseases Review Committee, a standing study section of NIAID that reviews training grants and career development awards.  He has served as primary mentor for 7 graduate students, 7 ID fellows, 7 PhD postdoctoral fellows, 20 short term trainees, and 5 faculty members for Developmental Awards, K08 or K22 awards. He was the recipient of the  Indiana University School of Medicine 2017 Basic Science Excellence in Faculty Mentoring Award.



Key Publications

Recent publications (since 2016)

  1. Gangaiah D, Marinov GK, Roberts SA, Robson J, Spinola SM. Draft whole-genome sequence of the Haemophilus ducreyi strain AUSPNG1 isolated from a cutaneous ulcer of a child from Papua New Guinea. Genome Announc. 2016 Feb 4;4(1). pii: e01661-15. doi: 10.1128/genomeA.01661-15. PMCID: PMC4742684
  2. Gangaiah D, Zhang X, Baker B, Fortney KR, Holley C, Munson, RS, Jr., Liu Y, Spinola SM. Haemophilus ducreyi seeks alternative carbon sources and adapts to nutrient stress and anaerobiosis during experimental infection of human volunteers. Infect. Immun. 2016; 84: 1514-1525. PMCID: PMC4862733
  3. Singer M, Li W, Morré SA, Ouburg S, Spinola, SM. Host polymorphisms in TLR9 and IL10 are associated with the outcomes of experimental Haemophilus ducreyi infection in human volunteers.  J. Infect. Dis. 2016; 214: 489-95. PMCID: PMC4936646
  4. Gangaiah D, Spinola SM. Haemophilus ducreyi cutaneous ulcer strains diverged from both class I and class II genital ulcer strains: implications for epidemiological studies. PLoS Negl. Trop. Dis. 2016 Dec 27;10(12):e0005259. doi: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0005259.  PMCID: PMC5222509
  5. Houinei W, Godornes C, Kapa A, Mooring EQ, González-Beiras C, Knauf S, Watup R, Paru R, Advent P, Bieb S, Sanz S, Spinola SM, Lukehart SA, Mitjà O. Haemophilus ducreyi DNA is detectable on the skin of asymptomatic children, flies and fomites in villages of Papua New Guinea. PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 2017 May 10;11(5):e0004958. doi: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0004958. PMCID: PMC5425006
  6.  Gangaiah D, Raterman EL, Wu H, Fortney KR, Gao H, Liu Y, Jerse AE, Spinola SM. Both MisR (CpxR) and MisS (CpxA) Are Required for Neisseria gonorrhoeae Infection in a Murine Model of Lower Genital Tract Infection. Infection and immunity. 2017;85(9). doi: 10.1128/IAI.00307-17. PubMed PMID: 28652307.
  7. Dbeibo L, van Rensburg J, Smith S, Fortney KR, Gangaiah D, Gao H, Marzoa J, Liu Y, Mobley H, Spinola SM. Evaluation of CpxRA as a therapeutic target for uropathogenic Escherichia coli  Infection and Immunity. 2018; 86(3). pii: e00798-17. PMCID: PMC5820967
  8. Grant JC, * González-Beiras C, Amick KM, Fortney KR, Gangaiah D, Humphreys TL, Mitjà O, Abecasis A, Spinola SM. Multiple class I and class II Haemophilus ducreyi strains cause cutaneous ulcers in children on an endemic island. Clin. Infect. Dis. 2018 67:1768-1774. doi: 10.1093/cid/ciy343. PMCID:PMC6233678
  9.  Leduc I, Fortney KR, Janowicz DM, Zwickl B, Ellinger S, Katz BP, Lin H, Dong Q, Spinola SM. A class I Haemophilus ducreyi strain containing a class II hgbA allele is partially attenuated in humans: implications for HgbA vaccine efficacy trials. Infection and Immunity. 2019;  2019 Jun 20;87(7). pii: e00112-19. doi: 10.1128/IAI.00112-19. Print 2019 Jul. PMID: 31036601
  10.  Li Y,* Gardner JJ,* Fortney KR,  Leus IV, Bonifay V, Zgurskaya HI, Pletnev AA,  Zhang S, Zhang Z-Y, Gribble GW; Spinola SM, Duerfeldt AS. First-generation structure-activity relationship studies of 2,3,4,9-tetrahydro-1H-carbazol-1-amines as CpxA phosphatase inhibitors. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters 2019; Jul 15;29(14):1836-1841. doi: 10.1016/j.bmcl.2019.05.003. Epub 2019 May 6; PMID: 3110499
  11. Griesenauer B, Tran TM, Fortney KR, Janowicz DM, Johnson P, Gao H, Barnes S, Wilson L, Liu YL, Spinola SM. Determination of an interaction network between an extracellular bacterial pathogen and the human host. MBio. 2019 Jun 18;10(3). pii: e01193-19. doi: 10.1128/mBio.01193-19. PMID:31213562; PMCID: PMC658186
  12. Spinola SM, Zimet GD, Ott MA, and Katz BP. Human Challenge Studies are Unlikely to Accelerate Coronavirus Vaccine Licensure due to Ethical and Practical issues J. Infect. Dis. 2020 Nov 1; 222(9): 1572–1574. doi: 10.1093/infdis/jiaa457
  13. Spinola SM, Broderick C, Zimet GD, Ott MA. Human Challenge Studies with Wild Type SARS-CoV-2 Violate Longstanding Codes of Human Subjects Research. Open Forum Infectious Diseases 2020; 2020 Dec 28;8(1):ofaa615. doi: 10.1093/ofid/ofaa615PMID: 33506070; PMCID: PMC7798584
  14. Griesenauer B, González-Beiras C, Fortney KR, Lin H, Gao X, Godornes C, Nelson DE, Katz BP, Lukehart SA, Mitjà O, Dong Q, Spinola SM. Streptococcus pyogenes is Associated with Idiopathic Cutaneous Ulcers in Children on a Yaws-Endemic Island. MBio. 2021 Jan 12;12(1):e03162-20. doi: 10.1128/mBio.03162-20.PMID: 33436440
  15.  Brothwell JA, Griesenauer B, Chen L, Spinola SM. Interactions of the skin pathogen Haemophilus ducreyi with the human host. Frontiers in Immunology 03 February 2021 doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2020.615402

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