6477-Haneline, Laura

Laura S. Haneline, MD

Edwin L. Gresham Professor of Pediatrics

Professor of Microbiology & Immunology

Adjunct Professor of Anatomy, Cell Biology & Physiology

Professor of Medicine

Division Chief, Neonatology

699 Riley Hospital Drive
RR 208
Indianapolis , IN 46202
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Dr. Haneline received a B.S. from Ball State University where she graduated Summa Cum Laude. She received an M.D. from Indiana University School of Medicine followed by Pediatric Residency and Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine Fellowship at the Indiana University School of Medicine.  She is the Edwin L. Gresham Professor of Pediatrics and serves as the Division Chief of Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine.  Dr. Haneline is an established physician-investigator in the Herman B Wells Center for Pediatric Research and conducts basic/translational research.  She has had continuous NIH funding since 1999. She was elected into the American Society for Clinical Investigation and the American Pediatric Society. She has served on 2 NIH study sections (Pregnancy and Neonatology and Molecular and Cellular Hematology) and serves in a variety of roles at national scientific meetings. She has published over 50 scientific manuscripts.  Dr. Haneline is a stem cell biologist whose research focuses on how adverse intrauterine environments impair the function of fetal stem and progenitor cells thereby enhancing risk for hematopoietic, pulmonary, and vascular diseases during childhood.

Key Publications

  1. Ingram DA, Lien IZ, Mead LE, Estes M, Prater DN, Derr-Yellin E, DiMeglio LA, Haneline LS.  In vitro hyperglycemia or a diabetic intrauterine environment reduces neonatal endothelial colony-forming cell numbers and function.  Diabetes. 2008 Mar;57(3):724-731. 
  2. Case J, Ingram DA, Haneline LS.  Oxidative Stress Impairs Endothelial Progenitor Cell Function.  Antioxid Redox Signal.  2008 Nov;10(11):1895-1907.  PMCID: PMC2575029
  3. Acosta JC, Haas D, Saha C, DiMeglio LA, Ingram DA, Haneline LS.  Gestational diabetes alters maternal and neonatal circulating endothelial progenitor cell subsets.  Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2011 Mar; 204(3):254.e8-254.e15.
  4. Chang DV, Tiller CJ, Kisling J, Case J, Mund JA, Haneline LS, Ingram DA, Tepper RS. Membrane and Capillary Components of Lung Diffusion and Pro-Angiogenic Cells In Infants. Eur Respir J. 2014,Feb;43(2):497-504.
  5. Blue EK, DiGiuseppe R, Derr-Yellin E, Acosta JC, Mund JA, Case J, Haneline LS. Gestational Diabetes Induces Alterations in the Function of Neonatal Endothelial Colony Forming Cells. Pediatr Res. 2014, Feb;75(2):266-72. 
  6. Assaf S, Chang D, Tiller C, Kisling J, Case J, Mund J, Slaven J, Zhang Sheng Y, Ahlfeld S, Poindexter B, Haneline LS, Ingram D, Tepper R.  Lung Parenchymal Development in Premature Infants without Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia.  Pediatric Pulm. 2014 Dec 2. doi: 10.1002/ppul.23134. [Epub ahead of print]
  7. Blue EK, Ballman K, Boyle F, Oh E, Kono T, Thurmond DC, Evans-Molina C, Haneline LS.  Fetal Hyperglycemia and a High Fat Diet Contribute to Aberrant Glucose Tolerance and Hematopoiesis in Adult Rats. Pediatr Res. 2015 Feb; 77(2):316-25.
  8. Blue EK, Sheehan BM, Nuss ZV, Boyle FA, Hocutt CM, McClintick JN, Haneline LS.  Epigenetic regulation of PLAC8 contributes to altered function of endothelial colony forming cells exposed to intrauterine gestational diabetes mellitus. Diabetes. 2015 Jul;64(7):2664-75.  PMCID:  PMC4477353
  9. Gohn CR, Blue EK, Sheehan BM, Varberg KM, Haneline LS. Mesenchyme Homeobox 2 Enhances Migration of Endothelial Colony Forming Cells Exposed to Intrauterine Diabetes Mellitus. J Cell Physiol. 2017 Jul;232(7):1885-1892. Epub 2017 Feb 16.
  10. Varberg KM, Winfree S, Chu C, Tu W, Blue EK, Gohn CR, Dunn KW, Haneline LS.  Kinetic analyses of vasculogenesis inform mechanistic studies. Am J Physiol Cell Physiol. 2017 Apr 1;312(4):C446-C458. Epub 2017 Jan 18.
  11. Varberg KM, Winfree S, Chu C, Dunn KW, Haneline LS.  Kinetic Analysis of Vasculogenesis Quantifies Dynamics of Vasculogenesis and Angiogenesis In Vitro. J Vis Exp. 2017 in press.


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