63884-Da Silva, Lais

Lais Da Silva, PhD

Assistant Research Professor of Medicine

Research II Room 468
Division of Clinical Pharmacology
Indianapolis, IN 46202
Link to PubMed Pubmed Logo


Dr. Lais Da Silva received her B.S. in Chemistry (2011) from Uni-Goias, Brazil, her M.S. in Health Sciences from Federal University of Goias School of Medicine, Brazil, and her Ph.D. in Pharmaceutical Sciences from University of Florida College of Pharmacy. She completed a postdoctoral fellowship at University of Florida Center of Pharmacometrics & Systems Pharmacology under the mentorship of Dr. Rodrigo Cristofoletti. Dr. Da Silva is currently a Research Assistant Professor in the Division of Clinical Pharmacology at the Indiana University School of Medicine. Her research interests include integrating in vitro biorelevant systems information with modeling & simulation for translational and clinical pharmacology. Her research currently focuses on development and application of PBPK and PK/PD modeling & simulation to inform Drug Discovery and Development in oncology, clinical decision-making in women’s health and family planning, as well as dose optimization in underrepresented populations.

Key Publications

Franco, Y.L., Da Silva, L., Charbe, N. et al. Integrating Forward and Reverse Translation in PBPK Modeling to Predict Food Effect on Oral Absorption of Weakly Basic Drugs. Pharm Res 40, 405–418 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11095-023-03478-0

Jiang J, Hakimjavadi H, Bray JK, Perkins C, Gosling A, daSilva L, Bulut G, Ali J, Setiawan VW, Campbell-Thompson M, Chamala S, Schmittgen TD, TRANSCRIPTIONAL PROFILE OF HUMAN PANCREATIC ACINAR DUCTAL METAPLASIA, Gastro Hep Advances (2023), doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gastha.2023.02.003

Cicali B, Da Silva L, Sarayani A, et al. Development of a Translational Exposure-Bracketing Approach to Streamline the Development of Hormonal Contraceptive Drug Products. Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics. 2022 Oct;112(4):909-916. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/cpt.2690

da Silva, L., Jiang, J., Perkins, C. et al. Pharmacological inhibition and reversal of pancreatic acinar ductal metaplasia. Cell Death Discov. 8, 378 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41420-022-01165-4

Franco, Y.L., Da Silva, L. & Cristofoletti, R. Navigating Through Cell-Based In vitro Models Available for Prediction of Intestinal Permeability and Metabolism: Are We Ready for 3D?. AAPS J 24, 2 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1208/s12248-021-00665-y


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