Tuan M. Tran, MD, PhD
Associate Professor of Medicine
Associate Professor of Microbiology & Immunology
Associate Professor of Pediatrics
Dr. Tran is a physician-scientist who began studying malaria as a graduate student in the laboratory of Dr. Mary Galinski at Emory University. After completing his Internal Medicine residency at the Johns Hopkins Hospital and a clinical fellowship in Infectious Diseases at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), he trained as a post-doctoral fellow with Dr. Peter Crompton in the Laboratory of Immunogenetics at NIAID, where he studied naturally acquired immunity to falciparum malaria in a prospective cohort study conducted in Mali. He is currently an Assistant Professor of Medicine in the Division of Infectious Diseases within the Department of Medicine at the Indiana University School of Medicine, where he studies both naturally acquired and vaccine-induced immunity to malaria using systems biology approaches. More specifically, Dr. Tran’s lab interrogates the immune system by applying multi-omic technologies to samples obtained from well-defined cohort studies of malaria-exposed individuals. By performing integrative analyses of high dimensional data generated from these multi-omic platforms, his research group aims to elucidate the mechanisms of protective immunity to malaria. Dr. Tran also attends on the Infectious Diseases consult service at the Indianapolis VA Medical Center and holds secondary appointments in the Section of Infectious Diseases & Global Health in the Department of Pediatrics and in the Department of Microbiology and Immunology.
Key Publications
Bhardwaj J, Upadhye A, Gaskin EL, Doumbo S, Kayentao K, Ongoiba A, Traore B, Crompton PD, Tran TM. Neither the African-centric S47 nor P72 variant of TP53 is associated with reduced risk of febrile malaria in a Malian cohort study. J Infect Dis. 2023. Epub 20230324. doi: 10.1093/infdis/jiad066. PubMed PMID: 36961831.
Tashi T, Upadhye A, Kundu P, Wu C, Menant S, Soares RR, Ferreira MU, Longley RJ, Mueller I, Hoang QQ, Tham WH, Rayner JC, Scopel KK, Lima-Junior JC, Tran TM. Longitudinal IgG antibody responses to Plasmodium vivax blood-stage antigens during and after acute vivax malaria in individuals living in the Brazilian Amazon. PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 2022; 16(11):e0010773. Epub 2022/11/24. doi: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0010773. PubMed PMID: 36417454.
Salgado C, Ayodo G, Macklin MD, Gould MP, Nallandhighal S, Odhiambo EO, Obala A, O'Meara WP, John CC, Tran TM. The prevalence and density of asymptomatic Plasmodium falciparum infections among children and adults in three communities of western Kenya. Malar J. 2021;20(1):371. Epub 2021/09/19. doi: 10.1186/s12936-021-03905-w. PubMed PMID: 34535134.
Andrade CM, Fleckenstein H, Thomson-Luque R, Doumbo S, Lima NF, Anderson C, Hibbert J, Hopp CS, Tran TM, Li S, Niangaly M, Cisse H, Doumtabe D, Skinner J, Sturdevant D, Ricklefs S, Virtaneva K, Asghar M, Homann MV, Turner L, Martins J, Allman EL, N'Dri ME, Winkler V, Llinas M, Lavazec C, Martens C, Farnert A, Kayentao K, Ongoiba A, Lavstsen T, Osorio NS, Otto TD, Recker M, Traore B, Crompton PD, Portugal S. Increased circulation time of Plasmodium falciparum underlies persistent asymptomatic infection in the dry season. Nat Med. 2020. Epub 2020/10/28. doi: 10.1038/s41591-020-1084-0. PubMed PMID: 33106664
Obeng-Adjei N, Larremore DB, Turner L, Ongoiba A, Li S, Doumbo S, Yazew TB, Kayentao K, Miller LH, Traore B, Pierce SK, Buckee CO, Lavstsen T, Crompton PD, Tran TM. Longitudinal analysis of naturally acquired PfEMP1 CIDR domain variant antibodies identifies associations with malaria protection. JCI Insight. 2020;5(12). Epub 2020/05/20. doi: 10.1172/jci.insight.137262. PubMed PMID: 32427581; PMCID: PMC7406271.
Tran TM, Guha R, Portugal S, Skinner J, Ongoiba A, Bhardwaj J, Jones M, Moebius J, Venepally P, Doumbo S, DeRiso EA, Li S, Vijayan K, Anzick SL, Hart GT, O'Connell EM, Doumbo OK, Kaushansky A, Alter G, Felgner PL, Lorenzi H, Kayentao K, Traore B, Kirkness EF, Crompton PD. A Molecular Signature in Blood Reveals a Role for p53 in Regulating Malaria-Induced Inflammation. Immunity. 2019;51(4):750-65 e10. Epub 2019/09/08. doi: 10.1016/j.immuni.2019.08.009. PubMed PMID: 31492649.
Hart GT, Tran TM, Theorell J, Schlums H, Arora G, Rajagopalan S, Sangala ADJ, Welsh KJ, Traore B, Pierce SK, Crompton PD, Bryceson YT, Long EO. Adaptive NK cells in people exposed to Plasmodium falciparum correlate with protection from malaria. J Exp Med. 2019;216(6):1280-90. Epub 2019/04/14. doi: 10.1084/jem.20181681. PubMed PMID: 30979790; PMCID: PMC6547858.
Tran TM, Bijker EM, Haks MC, Ottenhoff THM, Visser L, Schats R, Venepally P, Lorenzi H, Crompton PD, Sauerwein RW. Whole-blood transcriptomic signatures induced during immunization by chloroquine prophylaxis and Plasmodium falciparum sporozoites. Sci Rep. 2019;9(1):8386. Epub 2019/06/12. doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-44924-7. PubMed PMID: 31182757; PMCID: PMC6557840.
Nallandhighal S, Park GS, Ho YY, Opoka RO, John CC, Tran TM. Whole-Blood Transcriptional Signatures Composed of Erythropoietic and NRF2-Regulated Genes Differ Between Cerebral Malaria and Severe Malarial Anemia. J Infect Dis. 2019;219(1):154-64. Epub 2018/07/31. doi: 10.1093/infdis/jiy468. PubMed PMID: 30060095; PMCID: PMC6284545.
Year | Degree | Institution |
2012 | Fellowship | National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, National Institutes of Health |
2010 | Residency | The Johns Hopkins Hospital |
2007 | MD | Emory University |
2005 | PhD | Emory University |
1999 | BS | University of Florida |
Malaria Immunology, Malaria Systems Biology, Malaria Epidemiology
Andrade CM; Fleckenstein H; Thomson-Luque R; Doumbo S; Lima NF; Anderson C; Hibbert J; Hopp CS; Tran TM; Li S; Niangaly M; Cisse H; Doumtabe D; Skinner J; Sturdevant D; Ricklefs S; Virtaneva K; Asghar M; Homann MV; Turner L; Martins J; Allman EL; N'Dri ME; Winkler V; Llinás M; Lavazec C; Martens C; Färnert A; Kayentao K; Ongoiba A; Lavstsen T; Osório NS; Otto TD; Recker M; Traore B; Crompton PD; Portugal S; Nature medicine 2022 Oct
Tashi T; Upadhye A; Kundu P; Wu C; Menant S; Soares RR; Ferreira MU; Longley RJ; Mueller I; Hoang QQ; Tham WH; Rayner JC; Scopel KK; Lima-Junior JC; Tran TM; PLoS neglected tropical diseases 2022 Nov 23
Turnbull LB; Ayodo G; Knight V; John CC; McHenry MS; Tran TM; Malaria journal 2022 Nov 16
Conroy AL; Tran TM; Bond C; Opoka RO; Datta D; Liechty EA; Bangirana P; Namazzi R; Idro R; Cusick S; Ssenkusu JM; John CC; The Journal of infectious diseases 2022 Dec 13
Brothwell JA; Fortney KR; Gao H; Wilson LS; Andrews CF; Tran TM; Hu X; Batteiger TA; Barnes S; Liu Y; Spinola SM; mBio 2022 Dec 1
Salgado C; Ayodo G; Macklin MD; Gould MP; Nallandhighal S; Odhiambo EO; Obala A; O'Meara WP; John CC; Tran TM; Malaria journal 2021 Sep 17
Duffey MM; Ayuku D; Ayodo G; Abuonji E; Nyalumbe M; Giella AK; Hook JN; Tran TM; McHenry MS; Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society : JINS 2021 May 24
Holla P; Tran TM; Nature immunology 2021 May
Andrade CM; Fleckenstein H; Thomson-Luque R; Doumbo S; Lima NF; Anderson C; Hibbert J; Hopp CS; Tran TM; Li S; Niangaly M; Cisse H; Doumtabe D; Skinner J; Sturdevant D; Ricklefs S; Virtaneva K; Asghar M; Homann MV; Turner L; Martins J; Allman EL; N'Dri ME; Winkler V; Llinás M; Lavazec C; Martens C; Färnert A; Kayentao K; Ongoiba A; Lavstsen T; Osório NS; Otto TD; Recker M; Traore B; Crompton PD; Portugal S; Nature medicine 2020 Oct 26
Obeng-Adjei N; Larremore DB; Turner L; Ongoiba A; Li S; Doumbo S; Yazew TB; Kayentao K; Miller LH; Traore B; Pierce SK; Buckee CO; Lavstsen T; Crompton PD; Tran TM; JCI insight 2020 Jun 18
Tran TM; Guha R; Portugal S; Skinner J; Ongoiba A; Bhardwaj J; Jones M; Moebius J; Venepally P; Doumbo S; DeRiso EA; Li S; Vijayan K; Anzick SL; Hart GT; O'Connell EM; Doumbo OK; Kaushansky A; Alter G; Felgner PL; Lorenzi H; Kayentao K; Traore B; Kirkness EF; Crompton PD; Immunity 2019 Sep 3
Tran TM; Crompton PD; Immunological reviews 2019 Nov 3
Nallandhighal S; Tran TM; The Journal of infectious diseases 2019 Mar 14
Griesenauer B; Tran TM; Fortney KR; Janowicz DM; Johnson P; Gao H; Barnes S; Wilson LS; Liu Y; Spinola SM; mBio 2019 Jun 18
Tran TM; Bijker EM; Haks MC; Ottenhoff THM; Visser L; Schats R; Venepally P; Lorenzi H; Crompton PD; Sauerwein RW; Scientific reports 2019 Jun 10
Hart GT; Tran TM; Theorell J; Schlums H; Arora G; Rajagopalan S; Sangala ADJ; Welsh KJ; Traore B; Pierce SK; Crompton PD; Bryceson YT; Long EO; The Journal of experimental medicine 2019 Apr 12
Ouattara A; Tran TM; Doumbo S; Matthew A; Agrawal S; Niangaly A; Nelson-Owens S; Doumtabé D; Tolo Y; Ongoiba A; Takala-Harrison S; Traoré B; Silva JC; Crompton PD; Doumbo OK; Plowe CV; The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene 2018 May 24
Clemente TM; Mulye M; Justis AV; Nallandhighal S; Tran TM; Gilk SD; Infection and immunity 2018 Jul 30
Nallandhighal S; Park GS; Ho YY; Opoka RO; John CC; Tran TM; The Journal of infectious diseases 2018 Jul 28
Bustamante LY; Powell GT; Lin YC; Macklin MD; Cross N; Kemp A; Cawkill P; Sanderson T; Crosnier C; Muller-Sienerth N; Doumbo OK; Traore B; Crompton PD; Cicuta P; Tran TM; Wright GJ; Rayner JC; Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2017 Oct 23
Liu EW; Skinner J; Tran TM; Kumar K; Narum DL; Jain A; Ongoiba A; Traore B; Felgner PL; Crompton PD; The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene 2017 Oct 23
Portugal S; Tran TM; Ongoiba A; Bathily A; Li S; Doumbo S; Skinner J; Doumtabe D; Kone Y; Sangala J; Jain A; Davies DH; Hung C; Liang L; Ricklefs S; Homann MV; Felgner PL; Porcella SF; Färnert A; Doumbo OK; Kayentao K; Greenwood BM; Traore B; Crompton PD; Clinical infectious diseases : an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America 2017 Mar 1
Pieper K; Tan J; Piccoli L; Foglierini M; Barbieri S; Chen Y; Silacci-Fregni C; Wolf T; Jarrossay D; Anderle M; Abdi A; Ndungu FM; Doumbo OK; Traore B; Tran TM; Jongo S; Zenklusen I; Crompton PD; Daubenberger C; Bull PC; Sallusto F; Lanzavecchia A; Nature 2017 Aug 23
Tran TM; Jones MB; Ongoiba A; Bijker EM; Schats R; Venepally P; Skinner J; Doumbo S; Quinten E; Visser LG; Whalen E; Presnell S; O'Connell EM; Kayentao K; Doumbo OK; Chaussabel D; Lorenzi H; Nutman TB; Ottenhoff TH; Haks MC; Traore B; Kirkness EF; Sauerwein RW; Crompton PD; Scientific reports 2016 Aug 10
Gordon EB; Hart GT; Tran TM; Waisberg M; Akkaya M; Kim AS; Hamilton SE; Pena M; Yazew T; Qi CF; Lee CF; Lo YC; Miller LH; Powell JD; Pierce SK; Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2015 Oct 5
Obeng-Adjei N; Portugal S; Tran TM; Yazew TB; Skinner J; Li S; Jain A; Felgner PL; Doumbo OK; Kayentao K; Ongoiba A; Traore B; Crompton PD; Cell reports 2015 Oct 1
Tran TM; Portugal S; Draper SJ; Crompton PD; Current tropical medicine reports 2015 Mar
Gordon EB; Hart GT; Tran TM; Waisberg M; Akkaya M; Skinner J; Zinöcker S; Pena M; Yazew T; Qi CF; Miller LH; Pierce SK; mBio 2015 Jun 2
Arama C; Skinner J; Doumtabe D; Portugal S; Tran TM; Jain A; Traore B; Doumbo OK; Davies DH; Troye-Blomberg M; Dolo A; Felgner PL; Crompton PD; Open forum infectious diseases 2015 Aug 26
Yooseph S; Kirkness EF; Tran TM; Harkins DM; Jones MB; Torralba MG; O'Connell E; Nutman TB; Doumbo S; Doumbo OK; Traore B; Crompton PD; Nelson KE; BMC genomics 2015 Aug 22
Banga S; Coursen JD; Portugal S; Tran TM; Hancox L; Ongoiba A; Traore B; Doumbo OK; Huang CY; Harty JT; Crompton PD; PloS one 2015 Apr 28
Doumbo S; Tran TM; Sangala J; Li S; Doumtabe D; Kone Y; Traoré A; Bathily A; Sogoba N; Coulibaly ME; Huang CY; Ongoiba A; Kayentao K; Diallo M; Dramane Z; Nutman TB; Crompton PD; Doumbo O; Traore B; PLoS neglected tropical diseases 2014 Sep 11
Tran TM; Aghili A; Li S; Ongoiba A; Kayentao K; Doumbo S; Traore B; Crompton PD; Malaria journal 2014 Oct 4
Yilmaz B; Portugal S; Tran TM; Gozzelino R; Ramos S; Gomes J; Regalado A; Cowan PJ; d'Apice AJ; Chong AS; Doumbo OK; Traore B; Crompton PD; Silveira H; Soares MP; Cell 2014 Dec 4
Tran TM; Ongoiba A; Coursen J; Crosnier C; Diouf A; Huang CY; Li S; Doumbo S; Doumtabe D; Kone Y; Bathily A; Dia S; Niangaly M; Dara C; Sangala J; Miller LH; Doumbo OK; Kayentao K; Long CA; Miura K; Wright GJ; Traore B; Crompton PD; The Journal of infectious diseases 2013 Oct 16
Tran TM; Li S; Doumbo S; Doumtabe D; Huang CY; Dia S; Bathily A; Sangala J; Kone Y; Traore A; Niangaly M; Dara C; Kayentao K; Ongoiba A; Doumbo OK; Traore B; Crompton PD; Clinical infectious diseases : an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America 2013 Mar 13
Tran TM; Samal B; Kirkness E; Crompton PD; Trends in parasitology 2012 May 15
Semenya AA; Tran TM; Meyer EV; Barnwell JW; Galinski MR; Malaria journal 2012 Jul 6
Lima-Junior JC; Jiang J; Rodrigues-da-Silva RN; Banic DM; Tran TM; Ribeiro RY; Meyer VS; De-Simone SG; Santos F; Moreno A; Barnwell JW; Galinski MR; Oliveira-Ferreira J; Vaccine 2011 Jan 6
Lima-Junior JC; Banic DM; Tran TM; Meyer VS; De-Simone SG; Santos F; Porto LC; Marques MT; Moreno A; Barnwell JW; Galinski MR; Oliveira-Ferreira J; Vaccine 2010 Feb 26
Lima-Junior JC; Tran TM; Meyer EV; Singh B; De-Simone SG; Santos F; Daniel-Ribeiro CT; Moreno A; Barnwell JW; Galinski MR; Oliveira-Ferreira J; Vaccine 2008 Dec 2
Tran TM; Browning J; Dell ML; Malaria journal 2006 Aug 23
Rayner JC; Tran TM; Corredor V; Huber CS; Barnwell JW; Galinski MR; The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene 2005 Jun
Tran TM; Oliveira-Ferreira J; Moreno A; Santos F; Yazdani SS; Chitnis CE; Altman JD; Meyer EV; Barnwell JW; Galinski MR; The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene 2005 Aug
Tran TM; Moreno A; Yazdani SS; Chitnis CE; Barnwell JW; Galinski MR; Cytometry. Part A : the journal of the International Society for Analytical Cytology 2005
Verlander JW; Tran TM; Zhang L; Kaplan MR; Hebert SC; The Journal of clinical investigation 1998 Apr 15
Malaria, Tropical Medicine, International Health
Desc: Watanabe Translational Scholar Award
Scope: State
Date: 2020-08-08
Desc: Young Investigator Award
Scope: State
Date: 2018-07-01
Desc: Clinical Scientist Development Award
Scope: National
Date: 2018-07-01
Desc: Career Development Award (K08)
Scope: National
Date: 2017-02-01