5166-Orman, Eric

Eric Orman, MD

Associate Professor of Medicine

Rotary Building, Suite 225
702 Rotary Circle
RO 225
Indianapolis, IN 46202-5175
Link to PubMed Pubmed Logo


Dr. Orman is an experienced hepatologist with a broad clinical research portfolio. He completed his undergraduate studies at the University of Virginia, followed by medical school at Duke University, internal medicine residency at the University of Michigan, and fellowships in gastroenterology and in transplant hepatology at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. He has a Master’s degree in clinical research from the UNC School of Public Health. Dr. Orman’s primary research interests are focused on the care of patients with cirrhosis. He is the recipient of multiple NIH grants aiming to understand early hospital readmissions for patients with cirrhosis and to develop and test interventions to improve care for this population. He is the PI of an NIH-funded multicenter trial testing the effect of a Transitional Liver Clinic on outcomes for patients after hospital discharge. He is also the site PI at Indiana University for the PCORI-funded multicenter PAL-LIVER trial, studying the impact of palliative care for patients with end-stage liver disease. He has a busy clinical practice, providing comprehensive hepatology care for individuals with a wide variety of acute and chronic liver diseases.

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