5006-Friedman, Allon

Allon N. Friedman, MD

Professor of Medicine

DaVita Metro Pointe Dialysis Medical Director

University Hospital, Suite 6100
550 University Blvd
UH 6100
Indianapolis, IN 46202-5250
Link to PubMed Pubmed Logo


Dr. Friedman is a Professor of Medicine at Indiana University School of Medicine and medical director of an affiliated hemodialysis unit. Dr. Friedman trained at Tufts University and the US Department of Agriculture-Human Nutrition Research Center in Boston prior to joining Indiana University.  Dr. Friedman has published dozens of articles, editorials, and book chapters on topics related to the overlap between nutrition and kidney disease and has received grant funding from the NIH, National Kidney Foundation, and other institutions. He is on the editorial board of the Journal of Renal Nutrition and Frontiers in Nephrology and has played a leadership role at the American Society of Nephrology, the National Kidney Foundation, and the American Association of Kidney Patients. He is currently a council member of the International Society of Renal Nutrition and Metabolism and helped developed the most recent Kidney Disease Outcomes Quality Initiative (KDOQI) Clinical Practice Guidelines for Nutrition in CKD. His main research efforts today involve the overlap between nutrition and kidney disease with a particular focus on obesity.

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