4902-Zhou, Feng

Feng C. Zhou, PhD

Professor Emeritus of Anatomy & Cell Biology

Professor of Neuroscience, emeritus

(317) 274-7359
Neuroscience Building 300
320 W. 15th Street
Indianapolis, IN 46202
Link to PubMed Pubmed Logo


7/1983-7/1985     Assistant Professor of Anatomy, New York College, Podiatric Medicine

8/1984-7/1987     Adjunct Assistant Professor of Biology, New York University

7/1985-7/1987     Assistant Research-Anatomist, UCLA, School of Medicine

7/1987-6/1991     Assistant Professor of Anatomy and Med. Neurobiology, Indiana Univ. Sch. Med.

7/1991-6/1997     Associate Prof. Anatomy and Med. Neurobiology, Tenured, Indiana Univ. Sch. Med.

7/1997-  Professor of Anatomy/Cell Biology & Medical Neurobiology, Indiana Univ. Sch. Med.

2/2009-   Adjunct Professor of Psychology, Indiana University Purdue University at Indianapolis.

4/2015-    Adjunct Professor of Psychology, Feinberg Sch. of Med., Northwestern University.

9/2016-   Professor emeritus of Anatomy/Cell Biology & Medical Neurobiology, Indiana Univ. Sch. Med


• Associate Editor: Frontiers in genetics : Behavioral and Psychiatric Genetics
2/2016- Present
•Editorial board: Current Neurovascular Research, 1/2003- Present
• Editorial board: Recent Patent Review on CNS Drug Discovery, 4/2005- present
• Editorial board: Frontiers in Epigenomics, 4/2011-present



Key Publications

Pub Since 2009

90. Thomas J, Zhou FC, Kane C. Proceedings of the 2008 annual meeting of the Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders Study Group. Alcohol. 2009 Jun;43(4):333-9.
91. Singh RP, Shiue K, Schomberg D, Zhou FC. Cellular Epigenetic Modifications of Neural Stem Cell Differentiation, Cell Transplant. 2009;18(10):1197-211.
92. Liu Y, Balaraman Y, Wang G, Nephew KP, and Zhou FC. Alcohol exposure alters DNA methylation profiles in mouse embryos at early neurulation, Epigenetics, 2009(4)1-12. Cover article.
93. Anthony B, Vinci-Booher S, Wetherill L, Ward R, Goodlett C, Zhou FC. Alcohol Induced Facial Dysmorphology in C57BL/6 Mouse Models of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder, Alcohol, 2010(44)659-71, NIHMS213552, NIHMSID # 167803. 
94. Fang S, Liu Y, Huang J, Vinci-Booher S, Anthony B, and Zhou FC. Surface Feature Analysis using Video Volumes of Mouse Embryos for Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Classification, Proc. International Conference on Digital Image Computing: Techniques and Applications (DICTA), 2011. 
95. Chen Y,  Ozturk N,  Ni L,  Goodlett C, and  Zhou FC. Strain Differences in Developmental Vulnerability to Alcohol Exposure  via Embryo Culture in Mice, Alcoholism: Clin & Exp Res. 2011(7) 1293–1304. DOI: 10.1111/j.1530-0277.2011.01465.x; PMID: 21410487.
96. Zhou FC, Kane CJ. Smith S. Proceedings of the 2009 annual meeting of the Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders Study Group. Alcohol 2012(46)101-105., PMID: 21621368.
97. Zhou FC, Balaraman Y, Liu Y, Teng, M, and Nephew KP. Alcohol alters DNA Methylation Patterns and Inhibits Neural Stem Cell Differentiation. Alcohol Clin Exp Res, 2011(35)735–746. NIHMSID: NIHMS252373. 
98. Zhou, F.C., Zhao. Q., Liu Y, Goodlett, C.R.Liang, T.,McClintick, J.,Edenberg, H. J.,Li, L. Alteration of Gene Expression by Alcohol Exposure At Early Neurulation. BMC Genomics, 2011(12)124-141. PMID: 2133852
99. Zhou FC, Chen Y, and A Love A. Cellular DNA Methylation Program during Neurulation and its Alteration by Alcohol Exposure, Birth Defect, 2011, Birth Defects Res A Clin Mol Teratol. 2011 91(8)703-15. doi: 10.1002/bdra.20820; PMID:21630420.
100. Beversdorf DQ,  Nordgren RE   Bonab A A  , Fischman A J  ,  Weise S B,   Dougherty DD, Felopulos G J  , Zhou FC ,  Bauman ML.  5-HT2 receptor distribution shown by [18F] setoperone PET in high-functioning autistic adults. Neuropsychiatry Clin Neurosci 2012 (24)191-197.
101. Mason S, Anthony B, Lai X, Ringham H,  Wang M, Witzmann FA, You JS,  Zhou FC. Ethanol Exposure Alters Protein Expression in a Mouse Model of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. International J Proteomics. Int J Proteomics 2012: 867141.
102. Zhou, F. C. and R. L. Bell (2012). "Editorial: Pharmacotherapies for the treatment of alcohol abuse and dependence." Recent Pat CNS Drug Discov 7(2): 91-92.
103. Zhou FC. DNA Methylation Program During Development. Frontiers in Biology, 2012 (7) 485-494. ISSN: 1674-7984 (Print) 1674-7992 (Online). DOI: 10.1007/s11515-012-9246-1.
104. Resendiz M, Chen Y, Öztürk NC,  Zhou FC.  Epigenetic Medicine and Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders. Future Medicine: Epigenomics. 2013, Vol. 5, No. 1 , Pages 73-86 (doi: 10.2217/epi.12.80).
105. Wang XF, Deng LX, Liu NK, Gao X, Chen JH, Zhou FC, Xu XM (2013). "Co-transplantation of glial restricted precursor cells and Schwann cells promotes functional recovery after spinal cord injury." Cell Transplant. PMID: 23295060.
106. Chen Y, Öztürk NC,  Zhou FC. "DNA Methylation Program in Developing Hippocampus and its Alteration by Alcohol." PLOS1. 2013. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0060503.
107. Solzak J, Liang Y, Zhou FC, Roper R. Commonality in Down and Fetal Alcohol Syndromes, Birth Defects Research (A): Clinical and Molecular Teratology. (2103), Birth defect Res; A Clin Mol Teratol, 97: 187-9.
108. Shen L, Ai H, Liang Y, Ren X, Anthony CB, Goodlett CR, Ward R, Zhou FC. Effect of Prenatal Alcohol Exposure on Bony Craniofacial Development: A Mouse MicroCT Study, Alcohol, Alcohol 2013;47(5):405-415. doi: 10.1016/j.alcohol.2013.04.005. PMID: 23809873.. 
109. Muralidharan P, Sarmah S., Zhou FC, Marrs J. FASD associated neural defects: complex mechanisms and potential therapeutic targets. Brain Sciences, 3(2013)964-991.
110. Shim JW, Dodge TR, Hammond MA, Wallace JM, Zhou FC, and Yokota H. Physical Weight Loading Induces Expression of Tryptophan Hydroxylase 2 in the Brain Stem. PLOS ONE, 2014, 9, e85095.
111. Wagner JL, Zhou FC, and Goodlett CR.  Effects of one- and three-day binge alcohol exposure in neonatal C57BL/6 mice on spatial learning and memory in adolescence and adulthood, Alcohol. 2014 Mar;48(2):99-111. PMCID PMC3993000. doi: 10.1016/j.alcohol.2013.12.001.
112. Chen Y, Damayanti N, Irudayaraj J, Dunn K, Zhou FC. Diversity of Two Forms of DNA Methylation in the Brain, Frontiers in Genetics, 2014, 5, 46-  , PMCID 3948076, doi: 10.3389/fgene.2014.00046.
113. Lossie, A. C. Muir, W. M. Lo, C. L. Timm, F. Liu, Y. Gray, W. Zhou, F. C. Implications of genomic signatures in the differential vulnerability to fetal alcohol exposure in C57BL/6 and DBA/2 mice. Front Genetics, 5(2014)173-187. PMCID PMC4052096. doi: 10.3389/fgene.2014.00173.
114. Lo C, Zhou FC, Environmental Alterations of Epigenetics Prior to the Birth. In S.C.Pandey, editor: Epigenetics, Vol 115, IRN, UK: Academic Press, 2014, pp. 1-49.
115. Resendiz M, Mason S, Lo C, and Zhou FC. Epigenetic regulation of the neural transcriptome and alcohol interference during development. Front Genetics, 2014, vol 5, p1-15, PMCID PMC4144008. doi: 10.3389/fgene.2014.00285.  
116. Zhou FC, Dissecting FASD Through the Global Transcriptome. 2015 Alcohol Clin Exp Res, 2015. Alcohol Clin Exp Res, 39:408-412. PMCID: PMC4348334. 
117. Mason S, Zhou FC. Editorial: Genetics and epigenetics of fetal alcohol spectrum disorders. Front Genet, 2015; 6: 146. PMCID: PMC4399412.
118. Shim JW, Sandlund J,  Hameed MQ, Blazer-Yost B, Zhou FC,  Klagsbrun M, Madsena JR. Excess HB-EGF, which promotes VEGF signaling, leads to hydrocephalus, Nature Scientific Reports, 2016, 31;6:26794. PMID: 27243144. PMCID PMC4886677. doi: 10.1038/srep26794.
119. Choudhury SR, Cui Y, Narayanan A, Gilley DP, Huda N, Lo CL,  Zhou FC, Yernool D, Irudayaraj J. Optogenetic regulation of site-specific subtelomeric DNA-methylation. 2016,  Oncotarget, v7 50398-50409. PMID: 27391261, PMCID PMC5226589.  DOI: 10.18632/oncotarget.10394.
120. Lo C, Lossie AC, Liang T, Liu Y, Xuei X , Lumeng L, Zhou FC* and. Muir WM*. High resolution genomic scans reveal genetic architecture controlling alcohol preference in bidirectionally selected rat model, * Correspondent author. PLOS Genetics. August 4, 2016. PMCID: PMC4973992. http://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pgen.1006178
121. Zhou FC, Resendiz M, Lo SCL, Chen YY. Cell-wide DNA De-methylation and Re-methylation of Purkinje Neurons in the Developing Cerebellum. PLoS one, 2016. PMID: 27583369. PMCID PMC5008790. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0162063.
122. Choudhury SR, J, Ordaz J, Lo C, Damayanti NP, Zhou FC, and Irudayaraj J. ZnO nanoparticles induced reactive oxygen species triggers genome-wide DNA demethylation through increased TET-methylcytosine dioxygenases 2016, 
123. Lo C, Choudhury SR, Irudayaraj J, Zhou FC. Epigenetic Editing of Ascl1 Gene in Neural Stem Cells by Optogenetics, Scientific Reports, 7:42047, 2017. doi:10.1038/srep42047, PubMed PMID: 28181538, PMCID PMC5299429.
124. Ozturk NC, Resendiz M, Öztürk H, Zhou FC. DNA Methylation Program in Normal and Alcohol-induced Thinning Cortical Development. Alcohol. 2017 May; 60:135-147. doi: 10.1016/j. alcohol. PMCID: 5664948 
125. Lo CL ; Lumeng L, Bell RL. ; Liang T, Lossie AC, Muir WM, Zhou FC. Cis-acting allele specific expression (ASE) differences induced by alcohol and impacted by sex as well as parental genotype of origin. Alcohol Clin Exp Res. 2018,doi: 10.1111/acer.13776, PMID: 29786868
Book/Special  Editorial
1. Editor on Special Issue “Pharmacotherapies for the Treatment of Alcohol Abuse and Dependence: A Summary of Patents Targeting other Neurotransmitter Systems”. Ed. F.C. Zhou, & R. Bell. Recent Patents on CNS Drug Discovery. Bentham Science Publishers. 2012
2. Editor on Special Issue “Stem Cells”,   Ed. F. C. Zhou,  Current Neurovascular Research.  Volume 1, Number 3, July 2004.
3. ”Genetics and Epigenetic of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome” in Frontiers of Genetics, Ed. FC Zhou & S Mason, Front Genetetics: Epigenomics and Epigenetics. 2015. http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/1941/genetics-and-epigenetics-of-fetal-alcohol-spectrum-disorders#comments
Book Chapters
1. Azmitia, E.C., and Zhou, F.C. (1986): Induced homotypic collateral sprouting of hippocampal serotonergic fibers. In : Processes of Recovery from Neuronal Trauma, Gilad, G.M., Gorio A., Kieutzberg G.W. (eds), Elsevier, Netherlands, Exp. Brain Res, Suppl. 13, pp 129-141.
2. Zhou, F.C., Auerbach, S., and Azmitia, E.C., (1987): Stimulation of transplanted 5-HT neuronal maturation in the hippocampus by 5,7-DHT lesion in fornix-fimbria, and A. Bjorklund, Annals of New York Academy of Science, New York. 495,138-152.
3. Auerbach, S., Zhou, F.C., Jacobs, B.L., Azmitia, E.C., (1987): Serotonin metabolism in raphe neurons  transplanted into rat hippocampus. In: Cell and Tissue Transplantation Into Adult Brain. Ed. E. Azmitia, and A. Bjorklund, Annals of New York Academy of Science, New York. 495,687-689.
4. Zhou, F.C., and Azmitia, E.C. (1988): Laminin directs and facilitates migration fibers growth of transplanted serotonergic and norepinephrinergic neurons in adult  brain. In: Transplantation into the Mammalian CNS, Eds. Gash., D., Sledek, J., Elsevier publishing, Amsterdam, Netherlands, Progress in Brain Research,  78,413-426.
5. Zhou, F.C. (1990) The connectivities of striatal transplant and the laminin guiding. Illrd International symposium on Neural Transplantation , Ed. Dunnett, S. and Richards, S.-J. Elsevier publishing, Amsterdam, Netherlands, Progress in Brain Res. V.82, 441-458.
6. 6. Azmitia, E.C.,Frankfurt, M., Davila, M, Whitker-Azmitia, P. and Zhou, F.C. (1990) in Plasticity of fetal and adult CNS serotonergic neurons: Role of growth-regulatory factors. In: The Neuropharmacology of Serotonin, Ed. P. Whitaker and J. Polluka,  New York Academy of Science, 600:343-365.
7. Zhou, F. C. (1991) Neuronal transplantation in Mental Disease. Proceedings In 7th International conference on Advanced Science and Technology. PI 13-121. Argonne National Laboratory, Chicago, IL.
8. Zhou, F.C. and Azmitia, E.C. (1991) A Neurotrophic factor--SNTF-- for serotonergic neurons, In Serotonin: Molecular Biology, Receptors and Functional Effects. Ed. J. R. Fozard, P.R. Saxena.  pp50 69, Birkhauser Verlag Publishing, Basel, Switzerland.
9. Zhou, F. C. and Tam, R. Y. (1993) Error in quantitation of nerve fibers in the brain using assisted image analysis. Proceedings in Computational Neuroscience Symp. 1992, CNS, Ed. M. Penna et al. P.151-156.
10. Zhou, F.C. and R. P. Singh (2003) Regulation of neural stem cells in the adult mammalian brain, In Neuronal and Vascular Plasticity:  Elucidating Basic Cellular Mechanisms for Future Therapeutic Discovery. Chap 9. P219-256.  Kluwer Academic Publishers. New York.  Ed. Kennith Maise,  March, 2003. Book Cover Featuring.
11. Zhou F.C. Special Issue on Stem Cells: An Introduction from the Guest Editor. Current Neurovascular Research,  July 2004,  vol. 1,  iss. 3, 195-196.
12. Zhou FC, West JR, Blake CA. General discussion at the fetal alcohol syndrome symposium. Exp Biol Med (Maywood). 2005 Jun;230(6):407-12.
13. Singh RP, Shen L,  Zhou FC. The Stereology and 3D Volume Analyses in Nervous Tissue, in Animal Models of Acute Neurologica. Springer. 2012. ISBN 978-1-61779-575-6.
14. Bell RL. Franklin KM, Hauser SR, Zhou FC,  Introduction to the Special Issue “Pharmacotherapies for the Treatment of Alcohol Abuse and Dependence” and a Summary of Patents Targeting other Neurotransmitter Systems. Recent Pat CNS Drug Discov 2012(7) 93-112
15. Lo C, and Zhou FC.  Environmental Alterations of Epigenetics Prior to the Birth, in “Epigenetics”, International Rev Neurobiology, Ed. S. Pandey. Elsevier Publishing 2014.
16. Resendiz M, Mason S, Lo C, Badin J, Chiu YJ, and Zhou FC. Alcohol Metabolism and Epigenetic Methylation and Acetylation. In. Molecular Aspects of Alcohol and Nutrition. Ed, Patel VB, Academic press.  P287-304, 2015
17. Zhou FC, Resendiz M and Lo C-L, Environmental Influence of Epigenomics (Chapter 31, P477-494) in Handbook of Epigenomics: The New Molecular and Medical Genetics. Edit. T.O. Tollefsbol. 2nd Ed. Elsevier Academic Press. 2017. ISBN:978-0-12-805388-1.


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