4853-Baker, Lauren

Lauren E. Baker

Assistant Professor of Clinical Medicine

Associate Fellowship Program Director

Gatch Hall
1120 W. Michigan St.
Indianapolis, IN 46202-5111
Link to PubMed Pubmed Logo


Dr. Baker currently serves as an assistant clinical professor and director of diabetes education. She is  mainly a clinician but thoroughly enjoys her teaching role in clinic as well as in the inpatient setting. In her role as director of diabetes education, she helps coordinate programs to improve how we support our patients with diabetes and gets to work closely with our educators.

Her favorite aspect of working at Indiana University is the collaborative nature of the group and all the opportunities to attend conferences.  

Key Publications

Baker, L,  R Juneja, and A Bruno.  “Management of Inpatient Hyperglycemia in Acute Ischemic Stroke.” Current Trends in Neurology. 2011.  13: 616.

Wang, M, L Baker, BM Tsai, KK Meldrum, et al. "Sex differences in the myocardial inflammatory      response to ischemia-reperfusion injury."  American Journal of Physiology: Endocrinology and Metabolism. February 2005.  288 (2): E321-6.

Wang, M, BM Tsai, A Kher, L Baker, et al. "Role of endogenous testosterone in myocardial proinflammatory and proapoptotic signaling after acute ischemia reperfusion." Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol.January 2005. 288 (1): H221-6.

Baker, L, KK Meldrum, M Wang, R Sankula, et al. "The role of estrogen in cardiovascular disease." Journal of Surgical Research.  December 2003. 115: 325-44.

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