4814-Green, Mark

Mark A. Green, PhD

Professor of Radiology & Imaging Sciences

(317) 278-9844
R2 E124
Indianapolis, IN
Link to PubMed Pubmed Logo


Professor Green serves as the Director of Radiopharmaceutical Sciences for the Indiana Institute for Biomedical Imaging Sciences (IIBIS) in the Department of Radiology and Imaging Sciences. 

To support basic and clinical research investigations employing positron emission tomography (PET), the Radiology's PET Radiochemistry Core Facility operates an 11-MeV cyclotron for the routine production of short-lived PET radiopharmaceuticals. Associated research infrastructure includes 19 Comecer hot cells; multiple automated radiochemical synthesis systems for preparation of oxygen-15, nitrogen-13, carbon-11, and fluorine-18 radiopharmaceuticals; and a pneumatic tube system for rapid radiopharmaceutical transport to our multiple PET camera sites.  

Professor Green’s research focus is the design, synthesis, evaluation, and validation of new radiopharmaceutical agents. The practice of nuclear medicine is based on imaging the internal distribution and pharmacokinetics of such radioactive drugs, drugs that selectively and specifically probe clinically relevant aspects of regional tissue function (normal vs. pathophysiology). Radiochemically, his research is primarily exploring applications for short-lived metallic radionuclides (e.g., copper-62, copper-64, gallium-68); nuclides selected for investigation because they offer unique and/or attractive nuclear and chemical properties. Current research interests include: development of tracers for the study of regional tissue perfusion (cerebral, myocardial, renal, and tumor blood flow); strategies for selective radiotracer targeting to neoplastic tissue; and general biomedical applications of radiotracer methods.



Key Publications


Imaging Regional Perfusion, Including Tumor Perfusion, with Whole-Body Positron Emission Tomography:

Whole-body PET/CT evaluation of tumor perfusion using generator-based 62Cu-ethylglyoxal bis(thiosemicarbazonato)copper(II): validation by direct comparison to 15O-water in metastatic renal cell carcinoma.

Fletcher JW, Logan TF, Eitel JA, Mathias CJ, Ng Y, Lacy JL, Hutchins GD, Green MA.

J Nucl Med. 2015 Jan;56(1):56-62. doi: 10.2967/jnumed.114.148106. Epub 2014 Dec 18.

PMID: 25525184



Prostate Cancer Imaging with Positron Emission Tomography and PSMA-Targeted Radiopharmaceuticals:

Estimation of radiation dosimetry for 68Ga-HBED-CC (PSMA-11) in patients with suspected recurrence of prostate cancer.

Green MA, Eitel JA, Fletcher JW, Mathias CJ, Tann MA, Gardner T, Koch MO, Territo W, Polson H, Hutchins GD.

Nucl Med Biol. 2017 Mar;46:32-35. doi: 10.1016/j.nucmedbio.2016.11.002. Epub 2016 Nov 4.

PMID: 28012435

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