47997-Lopez-Yglesias, Americo

Americo H. Lopez-Yglesias, PhD

Assistant Professor of Microbiology & Immunology

(812) 237-3420
Indiana University School of Medicine - Terre Haute
620 Chestnut Street, HH135
Terre Haute, IN 47809
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Key Publications

1. ILC1s maintain IRF8+ dendritic cells via IFN-g during acute intracellular infection. López-Yglesias AH, Burger E, Camanzo E, Martin A, Araujo AM, and Yarovinsky F. bioRxiv, January, 2020

2. T-bet-independent Th1 response induces intestinal immunopathology during Toxoplasma gondii infection. López-Yglesias AH, Burger ES, Araujo A, Martin A, and Yarovinsky, F. Mucosal Immunology, 3 January 2018; doi:10.1038/mi.2017.102

3. Flagellin induces antibody responses through a TLR5- and inflammasome-independent pathway. López-Yglesias AH, Zhao X, Quarles EK, Lai MA, VandenBos T, Strong RK, and Smith KD. Flagellin induces antibody responses through a TLR5- and inflammasome-independent pathway. J. Immunology. 2014. Jan 17. 192: 0022-1767

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