44892-Roh, Hyun Cheol

Hyun Cheol Roh, PhD

Assistant Professor of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

(317) 274-9622
Indiana University School of Medicine
635 Barnhill Dr. Medical Sciences Building Room MS1017A(lab)/MS1021G(office)
Indianapolis, IN 46202-5126
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Dr. Roh received his B.S in Genetic Engineering and M.S. in Biochemistry from Korea University. He completed his Ph.D. in Molecular Cell Biology at Washington University in St. Louis with Dr. Kerry Kornfeld, working on homeostatic mechanisms for zinc metabolism using C. elegans. Dr. Roh received his postdoctoral training at Harvard Medical School & Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center under Dr. Evan Rosen, working on the molecular mechanisms that regulate adipocyte identity in response to physiological stimulations and pathological conditions. He was promoted to Instructor in Medicine at Harvard Medical School in 2018. Dr. Roh joined the faculty of the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology in the fall of 2019.

The Hyun Roh Lab Website

Key Publications

So J, Taleb S, Wann J, Strobel O, Kim K, Roh HC. Chronic cAMP activation induces adipocyte browning through discordant biphasic remodeling of transcriptome and chromatin accessibility. Molecular Metabolism. 2022 Oct 21:101619. doi: 10.1016/j.molmet.2022.101619

Roh HC
, Tsai LT, Shao M, Tenen D, Shen Y, Kumari M, Lyubetskaya A, Jacobs C, Dawes B, Gupta RK, Rosen ED. Warming induces significant reprogramming of beige, but not brown, adipocyte cellular identity. Cell Metabolism. 2018, 27(5):1121-1137

Shen Y*, Roh HC*, Kumari M, Rosen ED. Adipocyte glucocorticoid receptor is important in lipolysis and insulin resistance due to exogenous steroids, but not insulin resistance caused by high fat feeding. Molecular Metabolism. 2017, 6(10):1150-1160
(*co-first authors)

Roh HC, Tsai LT, Lyubetskaya A, Tenen D, Kumari M, Rosen ED. Simultaneous Transcriptional and Epigenomic Profiling from Specific Cell Types within Heterogeneous Tissues In Vivo. Cell Reports. 2017, 24;18(4):1048-1061

For a complete list of publications, visit PubMed

Research Labs

Faculty research at IU School of Medicine is transforming health. Details about the medical research being conducted in faculty labs throughout IU School of Medicine are available in the Research section of this site.