43794-Kim, Il-Man

Il-Man Kim, PhD

Associate Professor of Anatomy, Cell Biology & Physiology

Associate Professor of Wells Center for Pediatric Research

Associate Professor of Krannert Institute of Cardiology

MS 346A
Indianapolis, IN
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Dr. Kim received his PhD at University of Illinois, where he worked on transcriptional regulation of gene expression in development and cancer using genetically engineered mouse models. His postdoctoral training was under the guidance of Dr. Howard Rockman at Duke University, where he was involved in multi-disciplinary research projects related to cardiac disease. Particularly, he collaborated with the laboratory of Dr. Robert Lefkowitz (Nobel Laureate), a leader in the field of G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR)-mediated signaling pathways. Before he joined the faculty at Indiana University School of Medicine on April 2019, he was a tenured associate professor in Medical College of Georgia at Augusta University. He has received multiple awards and honors, such as a finalist for Katz Basic Research Prize at American Heart Association (AHA), a finalist for the Outstanding Early Career Award at AHA, the Young Investigator Award at the Southern Translational Education and Research conference, and a recipient of the Shih-Chun Wang Young Investigator Award from the American Physiological Society. He has been also awarded 6 research grants as PI from NIH and AHA, and seven of his trainees have awarded AHA CDA and fellowships. Currently, his laboratory is studying β-arrestin signaling and noncoding RNAs in cardiac protection. He has served on the grant review committee of AHA and NIH as well as Medical Research Council in UK. He has also served on the editorial board member of multiple cardiovascular journals.  




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