43414-Dahlem, Andrew

Andrew Dahlem, PhD

Senior Research Professor of Medicine

Co-Director, IU School of Medicine Drug Development Think Tank

(317) 274-2810
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Indianapolis, IN
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Andrew M. Dahlem, D.V.M. (h.c.), Ph.D., serves in a part time capacity as Senior Research Professor of Medicine at the Indiana University School of Medicine, in Indianapolis, Indiana, since November of 2018. Dr. Dahlem is also Chief Development Officer at Gate Neurosciences, a novel biotechnology company focused on new therapies for treatment resistant depression and President of Dr. Dahlem Consulting. Dahlem retired from Eli Lilly and Company in December of 2017 after nearly 28 years of service. At the time of his retirement, Dr. Dahlem had been vice president and chief operating officer for Lilly Research Laboratories (LRL) and LRL Europe for more than 10 years and reported to the President of Lilly Research Laboratories. He previously served as vice president of toxicology, drug disposition, pharmacokinetics, and Lilly Research Laboratories in Europe since January 2003 and was a member of Lilly senior management. Dr. Dahlem received a bachelor of science degree from The Ohio State University in 1982 and a doctor of philosophy degree in toxicology from the College of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 1989. In 2014 he was awarded a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine Degree (honoris causa) from the College of Veterinary Medicine at Purdue University. Dahlem began his career in pharmaceutical research in the metabolism group of Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals and then joined Lilly in 1990 as a senior pharmacologist where he worked on improving the ADME properties of molecules to treat Alzheimer’s Disease and HIV/AIDS. His laboratory led the improvement of molecular absorption properties for HIV protease inhibitors and designed and conducted ADME studies in support of the registration of Nelfinavir (Viracept). He became head of biochemical toxicology in 1992. He was named director of drug disposition and biochemical (investigative) toxicology in 1993. He was promoted to executive director for toxicology and drug disposition in 1998, and he assumed responsibility for LRL in Europe in 1999 and for discovery operations in 2000. In December 2001, he was promoted to Vice President. While at Lilly, Dr. Dahlem had shared accountability for research and development portfolio entry and exit decisions from Candidate Identification through Phase 2. He led groups responsible for clinical trial design and execution optimization across the portfolio, competitive intelligence, due diligence, academic outreach, as well as the core operational support function of Lilly Research Laboratories. He is a strong advocate of decision science methodology to drive portfolio outcomes. Dr. Dahlem has served as adjunct professor of toxicology in the Colleges of Veterinary Medicine at Purdue University, the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and at The Ohio State University. He is a member of The Ohio State University College of Pharmacy Corporate Council and The Ohio State University’s Center for Clinical and Translational Science External Advisory Board. He is also a member of the Indiana University Clinical and Translational Sciences Advisory Council and the Strategic Research Advisory Council at Purdue University. Dr. Dahlem currently serves on the board of directors for Indigo Biosystems and was the Lilly leader who proposed its formation. He has been appointed by the Governor of Indiana to the Indiana State Museum Foundation Board of Directors. He is a past member of the Institute of Medicine Forum on Drug Discovery, Development and Translation and the Translational Research and the Critical Path for Tuberculosis Drug Regimens for the Gates Foundation. Dr. Dahlem also is a member the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry and represents Indiana University’s interests in the society. In addition to his scientific interests, Dr. Dahlem is passionate about driving gender parity in the workforce and was the executive sponsor for the Women in Lilly Discovery and Development support group in Lilly Research Laboratories for more than a decade.

Key Publications

Wagner J, Dahlem AM, Hudson LD, Terry SF, Altman RB, Gilliland CT, DeFeo C, Austin CP. 2018. A Dynamic Map for Learning, Communicating, Navigating and Improving Therapeutic Development. Nature Reviews Drug Discovery. 17(2):150. https://doi.org/10.1038/nrd.2017.217.

Wagner JA, Dahlem AM, Hudson LD, Terry SF, Altman RB, Gilliland CT, DeFeo C, Austin CP. 2017. Application of a Dynamic Map for Learning, Communicating, Navigating, and Improving Therapeutic Development. Clinical and Translational Science. 11(2):1-17. https://doi.org/10.1111/cts.12531.

Dahlem AM, Allerheiligen SRB, Vodicnik MJ. Concomitant Toxicokinetics: Techniques for and Interpretation of Exposure Data Obtained During the Conduct of Toxicology Studies. Toxicol.Pathol. Mar-Apr 1995, 23(2): 170-8.

Stotts RR, Namikoshi M, Haschek WM, Rinehard KL, Carmichael WW, Dahlem AM, Beasley VR. 1993. Structural modifications imparting reduced toxicity in microcystins from microcystis SPP. Toxicom 31(6):783-789.

Namikoshi M, Rinehart KL, Sakai R, Stotts RR, Dahlem AM, Beasley VR, Carmichael WW, Evans WR. 1992. Identification of 12 hepatotoxins from a homer lake bloom of the cyanobacteria microcystis aeruginose, microcystis viridis, and microcystis wesenbergii:  nine new microcystins. J Organic Chem 57:866-872.

Beasley VR, Lovell RA, Dahlem AM, Haschek WM, Hooser SB. 1991. Cyclic peptide hepatotoxins from cyanobacteria in:  toxicology of plant and fungal compounds. Keeler RF, Tu AF, editors. Marcel Dekker. 22:459-495.

Hooser SB, Kuhlenschmidt MS, Dahlem AM, Beasley VR, Carmichael WW, Haschek WM. 1991. Uptake and subcellular localization of tritiated dihydro-microcystin-LR in rat liver. Toxicon 29. 6:589-601.

Harada K-I, Matsuura K, Suzuki M, Watanabe MF, Oishi S, Dahlem AM, Beasley VR, Carmichael WW. 1990. Isolation and characterization of the minor components associated with microcystins LR and RR in the cyanobacterium (blue-green algae).  Toxicon 28:55-64.

Meriluoto JAO, Eriksson JE, Harada K-I, Dahlem AM, Sivonen K, Carmichael WW. 1990. Internal surface reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatographic separation of the cyanobacterial peptide toxins microcystin-LA, LR, YR, RR and nodularin. J Chromatography 509:390-395.

Sivonen K, Carmichael WW, Namikoshi M, Rinehart KL, Dahlem AM, Niemela SI. 1990. Isolation and characterization of hepatotoxic microcystin homologs from the filamentous freshwater cyanobacterium Nostoc sp. strain 152. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 56. 9:2650-2657.

Meriluoto JAO, Nygard SE, Dahlem AM, Eriksson JE. 1990. Synthesis, organotropism and hepatocellular uptake of two tritium-labeled epimers of dihydromicrocystin-LR, a cyanobacterial peptide toxin analog. Toxicon 28. 12:1439-1445.

Cook WO, Dahlem AM, Harlin KS, Beasley VR, Hooser SB, Haschek WM, Carmichael WW. 1990. Reversal of cholinesterase inhibition and clinical signs and the postmortum findings in the mice after intraperitoneal administration of anatoxin-a(s).  Paroxon or Pyridostigmine. Vet Hum Toxicol 33(1):1-4.

Dahlem AM, Hassan AS, Swanson SP, Carmichael WW, Beasley VR. 1989. A model system for studying the bioavailability of microcystin-LR, a hepatotoxic peptide from the cyanobacterium Microcystis aeruginosa. Pharmacol Toxicol 64:177-181.

Beasley VR, Dahlem AM, Cook WO, Valentine WM, Lovell RA, Hooser SB, Harada K-I, Suzuki M, Carmichael WW. 1989. Diagnostic and clinically important aspects of cyanobacterial (blue-green algae) toxicoses. J Vet Diagn Invest 1:359-365.

Namikoshi M, Rinehart KL, Dahlem AM, Beasley VR, Carmichael WW. 1989. Total synthesis of ADDA, the unique C20 amino acid of cyanobacterial hepatotoxins. Tetra Let 30:4349- 4352.

Sivonen K, Kononen K, Carmichael WW, Dahlem AM, Rinehart KL, Kiviranta J, Niemela SI. 1989. Occurrence of the hepatotoxic cyanobacterium. Nodularia spumigena in the Baltic Sea and the structure of the toxin. Appl Environ Microbiol 55:1990-1995.

Beasley VR, Cook WO, Dahlem AM, Hooser SB, Lovell RA, Valentine WM. 1989. Algae intoxication in livestock and waterfowl. Veterinary Clinics of North American Food Animal Practice. 5:345-361.

Lovell RA, Schaeffer DJ, Hooser SB, Dahlem AM, Carmichael WW, Beasley VR. 1989. Toxicity of intraperitoneal of microcystin-LR in two strains of male mice. J Environ Pathol Toxicol Oncol 9:221-238.

Cook WO, Dellinger JA, Singh SS, Dahlem AM, Carmichael WW, Beasley VR. 1989. Regional brain cholinesterase activity in rats injected intraperitoneally with anatoxins a(s) or paraoxon. Toxicol Let 49:29-34.

Cook WO, Dahlem AM, Lovell RA, Hooser SB, Beasley VR. 1989. Consistent inhibition of peripheral cholinesterase by neurotoxins from the freshwater cyanobacterium.  Anabaene flos-aquae; studies of ducks, swine, mice and a steer. Environ Toxicol Chem.8:915-922.

Harada K-I, Kimura Y, Ogawa L, Suzuki M, Dahlem AM, Beasley VR, Carmichael WW. 1989. A new procedure for the analysis and purification of naturally occurring anatoxin-a from the blue-gree algae. Anabaena flos-aqua. Toxicon 27:1289-1296.

Harada K-I, Suzuki M, Dahlem AM, Beasley VR, Carmichael WW, Rinehart KL. 1988. Improved method for purification of toxic peptides produced by cyanobacteria. Toxicon 26. 5:433-439.

Cook WO, Beasley VR, Dahlem AM, Dellinger JA, Harlin KS, Carmichael WW. 1988. Comparison of effects of anatoxin-a(s) and paraoxon, physostigmine and pyridostigmine on mouse brain cholinesterase activity. Toxicon 26. 8:750-753.

Harada K-I, Matsuura K, Suzuki M, Watanabe MF, Oishi S, Dahlem AM, Beasley VR, Carmichael WW. 1988. Analysis and purification of toxic peptides from cyanobacteria by reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography. J Chrom 448:275-283.

Rinehart KL, Harada K-I, Namikoshi M, Chen C, Harvis CA, Munro MHG, Blunt JW, Mulligan PE, Beasley VR, Dahlem AM, Carmichael WW. 1988. Nodularin, microcystin and the configuration of Adda. J Amer Chem Soc 110:8557-8558.

Swanson SP, Dahlem AM, Rood Jr HD., Cote L-M, Yoshizawa T, Buck WB. 1986. Gas chromatographic analysis of deoxynivalenol and its metabolite DOM-1 in milk. J Assoc Official Analytical Chemists 69. 1:41-43.

Cote L-M, Dahlem AM, Yoshizawa T, Swanson SP, Buck WB. 1986. Excretion of deoxynivalenol and its metabolite DOM-1 in milk, urine and feces of lactating dairy cows. J Dairy Sci 69:2416-2423.

Dahlem AM, Swanson SP, Cote L-M, Yoshizawa T, Buck WB. 1986. Quantitation of deoxynivalenol and its metabolite DOM-1 in bovine urine and feces by gas chromatography with electron capture detection. J Chrom-Biomed Appl 378. 1:226-231.


Wheeler WJ, Huff BE, Ornstein PL, Arnold MB, Eckstein JA, Swanson SP, Dahlem AM.  2006.  The synthesis of tritiated (3S, 4aR, 6R, 8aR) – Decahydro-6-[2-(1H-tetrazol-5-yl)ethyl]-3- isoquinolinecarboxylic acid and its use in disposition studies in laboratory animals.  9th International Symposium on the Synthesis and Use of Isotopically Labeled Compounds, Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom.

Eckstein JA, Swanson SP, Dahlem AM. 1994. Disposition of the novel AMPA antagonist, LY293558, in rats and dogs following intravenous administration. San Diego, CA.  American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists.

Dahlem AM. 1993. Environmental Toxicology. Indianapolis, IN. Indiana Veterinary Research Session

Dahlem AM, Eckstein JA. 1992. Disposition of the novel NMDA Antagonist, LY235959, in rats, dogs, and monkeys. San Antonio, TX.  American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists.

Dahlem AM. 1992. Use of preclinical animal metabolism and distribution studies to evaluate potential drug/drug interactions. Chicago, IL. American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists Midwest Regional Meeting.

Eckstein JA, Schreiner KM, Kasher JS, Wrighton SA, Kaldor SW, Dahlem AM. 1991. Pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics and in vitro metabolism of the HIV protease inhibitor LY289612. Indianapolis, IN.  Lilly Lab Expo.

Dahlem AM. 1990. Toxicology of cyanobacterial cyclic peptides. Lucca, Italy. European Science Foundation and the Commission of the European Communities: European Research Conference on Mechanisms in Toxicity:  Elucidation and Application

Dahlem AM, Beasley VR, Harada K-I, Matsuura K, Suzuki M, Harvis CA, Rinehart KL, Carmichael WW. 1989. The role of (a,ß) unsaturated amino acid in the toxicity of microcystin-LR and nodularin, two hepatotoxins from cyanobacteria. Atlanta, GA.  Society of Toxicology, 28th Annual Meeting.

Dahlem AM. 1989. Structure/toxicity relationships in cyclic peptide hepatotoxins from cyanobacteria. Plymouth, NH. Gordon Summer Research Conference on Mycotoxins and Phycotoxins in Human and Animal Health.

Dahlem AM. 1989. Reversed phase high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) analysis of monocyclic peptide hepatotoxins from cyanobacterial (blue-green algae). Miami Beach, FL. Symposium on the Applications of Capillary Chromatography. 198th National Meeting American Chemical Society.

Beasley VR, Lovell RA, Holmes KR, Schaeffer DJ, Valentine WW, Dahlem AM, Hooser SB, Carmichael WW. 1989. Effects of microcystin-LR (MCLR) on intravenously dosed swine. Atlanta, GA.  Society of Toxicology, 28th Annual Meeting.

Dahlem AM, Hassan AS, Swanson SP, Carmichael WW, Beasley VR. 1988. A model system for studying the intestinal absorption of microcystin-LR, a hepatotoxic peptide from the cyanobacterium Microcystis aeruginosa. in the rat. Dallas, TX. 27th Annual Meeting Society of Toxicology. Portions also presented at Gordon Research Conference on Mycotoxins and Phycotoxins, Plymouth NH. 1987.

Harada K-I, Kimura Y, Suzuki M, Dahlem AM, Beasley VR, Carmichael WW. 1988. Structural studies on a neurotoxin, anatoxin-a(s) produced by a toxic blue-green algae (I)-Development of an isolation method. Hiroshima, Japan. Annual Meeting Pharmaceutical Society of Japan.

Harada K-I, Matsuura K, Suzuki M, Watanabe MF, Dahlem AM, Beasley VR, Carmichael WW. 1988. Toxic peptides from four different microcystis strains. Kyoto, Japan. 16th International Symposium of the Chemistry of Natural Products.

Lovell RA, Holmes KR, Schaeffer DJ, Valentine WM, Dahlem AM, Carmichael WW, Beasley VR. 1988. Hemodynamics, hepatic and renal perfusion, and selected clinical parameters in swine administered microcystin-LR intravenously. Copper Mountain, CO. FASEB Summer Research Conference on Trichothecene, Blue-green Algal and Marine Toxins:Mechanisms, Detection and Therapy.

Dahlem AM, Beasley VR, Harada K-I., Matsuura K, Suzuki M, Harvis CA, Rinehart KL, Carmichael WW. 1988. The structure/toxicity relationships of unsaturated amino acids in microcystin-LR and modularin, two monocyclic peptide hepatotoxins from cyanobacteria. Copper Mountain, CO FASEB. Summer Research Conference on Trichothecene, Blue-green Algal and Marine Toxins:Mechanisms, Detection and Therapy.

Valentine WM, Behrens JC, Amos RA, Duquette PH, Dahlem AM, Beasley VR. 1988. Effect of configuration on lethality and in vivo effects on the neuromuscular junction of anatoxin-a. Stillwater, OK. International Society of Toxicology-9th World Congress on Animal, Plant, and Microbial Toxins.

Cook WO, Dahlem AM, Hooser SB, Haschek-Hock WM, Harlin KS, Carmichael WW, Beasley VR. 1988. Reversal of cholinesterase inhibition in plasma, red blood cells, and diaphragm; clinical signs and postmortem findings in mice after introperitoneal injection of anatoxin-a(s) and paraoxon, or pyridostigmine. Stillwater, OK. International Society of Toxinology-9th World Congress on Animal, Plant, and Microbial Toxins.

Dahlem AM, Hassan AS, Waite LL, Carmichael WW, Beasley VR. 1988. Evidence for a role of glutathione in the toxicity of microcystin-LR, a toxin from the cyanobacterium Microcystis aeruginosa. Stillwater, OK. International Society of Toxinology-9th World Congress on Animal, Plant, and Microbial Toxins.

Harada K-I, Matsuura K, Kimura Y, Ogawa L, Suzuki M, Watanabe MF, Dahlem AM, Beasley VR, Carmichael WW. 1988. Chemical analysis methods of toxic compounds produced by cyanobacteria. Nagoya, Japan. Eighth Symposium on Analytical Chemistry of Biological Substances.

Dahlem AM, Harada K-I, Harvis CA, Rinehart KL, Munro MHG, Blunt JW, Mulligan PE, Beasley VR. 1987. Structure/toxicity relationships of the dehydroamino acid from a cyclic peptide hepatotoxin produced by blue-green algae. Washington DC. 26th Annual Meeting Society of Toxicology.

Harada K-I, Suzuki M, Oka H, Dahlem AM, Beasley VR, Carmichael WW, Rinehart KL. 1987. Development of isolation and analysis methods for cyclic peptides produced by cyanobacteria. Plymouth NH. Gordon Research Conference on Mycotoxins and Phycotoxins.

Cote L-M, Dahlem AM, Yoshizawa T, Swanson SP, Buck WB. 1986. Excretion of deoxynivalenol and its metabolite, DOM-1 in milk, urine, and feces of lactating dairy cows. Dublin, Ireland. 14th World Congress on Cattle Diseases.

Dahlem AM, Swanson SP, Cote L-M, Yoshizawa T, Buck WB. 1985. Quantitation of deoxynivalenol and its metabolite DOM-1 in bovine milk, urine, and feces. Chicago, IL. Midwest Regional Meeting of the Association of Official Analytical Chemists.



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