39178-Stratford, Robert

Robert E. Stratford, PhD

Adjunct Clinical Associate Professor of Medicine

(317) 274-2822
R2 480
Indianapolis, IN
Link to PubMed Pubmed Logo


Robert Stratford, Ph.D., is an Adjunct Associate Professor in the Division of Clinical Pharmacology at the Indiana University School of Medicine. He currently serves as Director of Early Development and Translational Sciences at Otsuka Product Development and Commercialization. Prior to joining Ostuka Dr. Stratford held several key positions in academia and industry. Dr. Stratford served as Associate Professor of Medicine and Director of the Disease and Therapeutic Response Modeling and Simulation program at Indiana University, Associate Professor at the Duquesne University School of Pharmacy, and an Assistant Professor in the College of Pharmacy at Xavier University of Louisiana, an Historical Black College and University. Prior to entering the academic world, Dr. Stratford worked for over 23 years at Eli Lilly and Company in both the Product Development and Drug Disposition organizations.    The overarching objective of Dr. Stratford’s research is to employ modeling approaches to describe and predict the disposition of drugs and their effects in humans. To achieve this objective, state-of-the-art modeling approaches are used to create in vitro cell-based models, as well as in vivo PK/PD and physiologically-based PK/PD models. The desire is to describe and integrate the complexities of drug action at the molecular, cell, tissue/organ, and organismal levels, the latter encompassing the individual to patient population continuum.

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