26913-Humphrey, John

John M. Humphrey, MD

Assistant Professor of Medicine

(317) 274-8115
CL 578
Indianapolis, IN
Link to PubMed Pubmed Logo


Dr. Humphrey is a physician-scientist with board certification in Internal Medicine, Pediatrics, and Adult Infectious Diseases. He is dedicated to improving the delivery of HIV care in resource-constrained settings, with a specific focus on the prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV. From 2016-2019, Dr. Humphrey served as the Pediatric Team Leader for the Academic Model Providing Access to Healthcare (AMPATH) in Kenya. Using implementation science and mixed methods approaches, Dr. Humphrey investigates the social-ecological and structural barriers influencing cascade outcomes for vulnerable populations affected by HIV, including pregnant and breastfeeding women, children and adolescents. Additional areas of focus include HIV drug resistance and the impact of antiretroviral treatment on pregnancy outcomes and infant growth and development. Much of his current research is conducted at AMPATH and in collaboration with the East Africa International Epidemiologic Database to Evaluate AIDS (IeDEA) consortium. His research is supported by an NIH K23 award entitled "Adaptation, execution and evaluation of a differentiated service delivery model for PMTCT" (#1K23HD105495, see: https://reporter.nih.gov/project-details/10252106).

Key Publications

1.     Humphrey JM, Genberg BL, Keter A, Musick B, Apondi A, Gardner A, Hogan JW, Wools-Kaloustian K. Viral suppression among children and their caregivers living with HIV in western Kenya. J Int AIDS Soc. 2019;22(4):e25272.

2.     Humphrey JM, Naanyu V, MacDonald KR, Wools-Kaloustian K, Zimet GD. Stated-Preference Research in HIV: A Scoping Review. PLoS One. 2019;14(10): e0224566. 

3.     Humphrey JM, Mpofu P, Pettit AC, Musick B, Carter EJ, Messou E, Marcy O, Crabtree-Ramirez B, Yotebieng M, Anastos K, Sterling TR, Yiannoutsos C, Diero L, Wools-Kaloustian K. Mortality among people with HIV treated for tuberculosis based on positive, negative, or no bacteriologic test results for tuberculosis: the IeDEA consortium. Open Forum Infect Dis. 2020;1(7):ofaa006.

4.     Humphrey J, Alera M, Kipchumba B, Pfeiffer EJ, Songok J, Mwangi W, Musick B, Yiannoutsos C, Wachira J, Wools-Kaloustian K. A qualitative study of the barriers and enhancers to retention in care for pregnant and postpartum women living with HIV. PLoS Glob Public Health. 2021 Oct 13. 

5.     Romo ML, Patel RC, Edwards JK, Humphrey JM, Musick BS, Bernard C, Maina M, Brazier E, Castelnuovo B, Penner J, Wyka K, Cardoso SW, Ly PS, Kunzekwenyika C, Cortés C, Panczak R, Kelvin EA, Wools-Kaloustian KK, Nash D. Disparities in dolutegravir uptake among females of reproductive age with HIV in low- and middle-income countries following initial concerns about teratogenicity: an observational study. Ann Intern Med. 2022 Jan;175(1):84-94. 

6.     Humphrey J, Songok J, Ofner S, Musick B, Alera M, Kipchumba B, McHenry M, Carlucci J, Park J, Mwangi W, Yiannoutsos C, Bakoyannis G, Wools-Kaloustian K. Retention in care and viral suppression in the PMTCT continuum at a large referral facility in western Kenya. AIDS Behav. 2022 Nov;26(11):3494-3505. 

7.     Edmonds A, Brazier E, Musick BS, Yotebieng M, Humphrey J, Abuogi LL, Adebola Adedimeji A, Keiser O, Msukwa M, Carlucci JG, Maia M, Pinto JA, Leroy V, Davies M, Wools-Kaloustian KK, on behalf of IeDEA. Clinical and programmatic outcomes of HIV-exposed infants enrolled in care at geographically diverse clinics, 1997-2021: a cohort study. PLoS Med. 2022 Sep 15;19(9):e1004089. 

8.     Humphrey JM, Omodi V, Bernard C, Maina M, Thorne J, Mwangi A, Wools-Kaloustian K, Patel RC. Contraception use and HIV outcomes among women initiating dolutegravir-containing antiretroviral therapy in Kenya: A retrospective cohort study: J Int AIDS Soc. 2022 Dec;25(12):e26046.

9.     Humphrey JM, Alera M, Enane LA, Kipchumba B, Goodrich S, Scanlon M, Songok J, Musick B, Diero L, Yiannoutsosv C, Wools-Kaloustian K. Effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on late postpartum women living with HIV in Kenya. PLoS Glob Public Health. 2023 Mar 29;3(3):e0001513. eCollection 2023.

10.  Humphrey J, Nagel E, Carlucci JG, Edmonds A, Kinikar A, Anderson K, Leroy V, Machado D, Yin DE, Luque MT, Amrissani-Folquet M, Mbewe S, Suwanlerk T, Munyaneza A, Patel RC, Musick B, Abuogi L, Wools-Kaloustian K, on behalf of IeDEA. Integration of HIV care into maternal and child health services in the Global IeDEA Consortium. Front Glob Womens Health. 2023 Apr 17;4:1066297.

11.  Humphrey J, Wanjama E, Carlucci JG, Naanyu V, Muli L, Alera M, Were E, McGuire A, Nyandiko WM, Songok J, Wools-Kaloustian K, Zimet G. Preferences of pregnant and postpartum women for differentiated HIV services in Kenya. J Acquir Immun Defic Syndr. 2023 Dec 15;94(5):429-436.

12.  Magerko K, Humphrey J, Songok J, Musick B, Alera M, Kipchumba B, Kosgei W, Mwangi W, Yang Z, Wools-Kaloustian K, McHenry M. Impact of Maternal Viral Suppression on Growth Patterns for HIV Exposed Uninfected Infants in Kenya. Int J MCH AIDS. 2024;6. doi: 10.25259/IJMA_6_2024

13.  Humphrey J, Wanjama E, Carlucci JG, Naanyu V, Muli L, Were E, McGuire A, Nyandiko W, Songok J, Zimet G, Wools-Kaloustian K. Understanding women’s preferences for prevention of mother-to-child HIV transmission (PMTCT) services in Kenya. Int J MCH AIDS. Int J MCH AIDS. 2024 May 17:13:e009.

14.  Humphrey J, Kipchumba B, Alera M, Sang E, Musick B, Muli L, Kipsang J, Songok J, Yiannoutsos C, Wools-Kaloustian K. Outcomes after loss to follow-up for pregnant and postpartum women living with HIV and their children in Kenya: A prospective cohort study. J Acquir Immun Defic Syndr. 2024. DOI: 10.1097/QAI.0000000000003487

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